condition mean min max Egg cell 79.07745 16.895 161.315 Ovule 74.10788076923077 53.5607 89.7719 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 121.21733333333334 115.694 130.645 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 107.07166666666667 103.943 109.221 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 113.26133333333333 108.868 118.231 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 52.75096666666667 49.3562 58.1884 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 101.33313333333334 91.5454 108.656 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.8346750000000001 0.720805 0.943126 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.8708446666666667 0.318102 1.49839 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.8784706 0.399011 2.31049 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.8022542 0.0 2.32661 Sperm 0.25726899999999997 0.14585 0.403732 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.37692800000000004 0.0 0.845848 Flower (receptacles) 42.3406125 37.9438 47.9698 Flower (floral buds) 37.9427 37.9427 37.9427 Flower (sepals) 24.0863 17.6432 32.9784 Flower (petals) 24.39325 21.7553 27.0312 Flower (stamen filaments) 27.36855 24.155 30.5821 Flower (anthers) 13.662580166666666 0.880291 40.7425 Flower (carpels) 73.95434285714286 57.2734 100.808 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 45.92175 44.4517 47.3918 Pedicel 41.77695 39.9589 43.595 Axis of the inflorescence 74.41725 67.6858 81.1487 Silique 24.091166666666666 19.8621 29.6779 Silique (senescent) 22.0163 20.4083 23.6243 Pods of siliques 14.0277125 11.1411 17.3481 Pods of siliques (senescent) 5.742535 5.04741 6.43766 Embryo 89.0208 89.0208 89.0208 Endosperm 31.234769999999997 16.4699 37.0265 Seed 23.8914 23.3496 24.861 Seed (young) 51.10742 40.8672 57.8157 Seed (germinating) 58.312016666666665 23.2866 106.919 Seedling 23.69486 17.709 32.0094 Seedling (etiolated) 18.26545 13.5709 24.4641 Meristem 68.52339666666667 42.7727 94.2388 Stem (internode) 19.8813 19.803 19.9596 Stem (internode, senescent) 35.697500000000005 35.5058 35.8892 Stems 48.6409925 2.98124 101.084 Leaf (rosette) 12.576127142857143 5.81075 36.9813 Epidermis cells 8.86904 7.64818 10.0899 Mature guard cells 12.253745 1.35769 23.1498 Root (differentiation zone) 13.5296 13.5296 13.5296 Root (elongation zone) 44.12350000000001 21.1929 67.0541 Root (meristematic zone) 173.81 173.81 173.81 Root (apex) 69.0314 65.3811 72.6817 Root (stele) 4.45374 4.45374 4.45374 Root (QC cells) 34.36902883333333 0.0 234.449 Root (tip) 123.797 121.047 129.1