condition mean min max Egg cell 28.376664 7.18517 116.884 Ovule 32.04101923076923 18.2625 55.3891 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 29.6199 29.3143 30.2189 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 25.668133333333333 23.3417 27.7942 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 35.386466666666664 31.7485 40.2763 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 38.9141 30.2503 48.1033 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 32.575433333333336 22.8757 37.5309 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 50.64103333333333 43.606 56.9279 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 47.38353333333333 22.2392 65.4447 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 31.54338 26.0792 35.0315 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 33.9841 30.1033 40.1917 Sperm 317.70433333333335 281.744 352.129 Pollen tube (Col-0) 20.015033333333335 18.9168 21.1442 Flower (receptacles) 30.4031125 27.1956 33.8255 Flower (floral buds) 22.5968 22.5968 22.5968 Flower (sepals) 24.27375 13.7838 37.3696 Flower (petals) 30.4342 29.9894 30.879 Flower (stamen filaments) 21.1918 20.2462 22.1374 Flower (anthers) 32.18836666666667 15.5069 50.7612 Flower (carpels) 32.65049285714286 18.3544 62.9151 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 20.1375 16.9777 23.2973 Pedicel 14.27465 14.1429 14.4064 Axis of the inflorescence 12.361 12.3318 12.3902 Silique 14.860833333333334 10.0809 20.9371 Silique (senescent) 16.50745 14.7005 18.3144 Pods of siliques 18.7047125 14.7105 23.1118 Pods of siliques (senescent) 35.71965 32.8895 38.5498 Embryo 14.6399 14.6399 14.6399 Endosperm 35.95901 19.6182 45.9727 Seed 19.80365 12.0804 27.8163 Seed (young) 17.087042 8.64302 25.6206 Seed (germinating) 14.498278333333333 9.36917 19.5518 Seedling 15.362874 6.24477 21.4218 Seedling (etiolated) 21.44311666666667 16.2534 38.9142 Meristem 11.359271 1.88484 20.3222 Stem (internode) 21.773200000000003 21.3866 22.1598 Stem (internode, senescent) 34.32985 30.5706 38.0891 Stems 20.70968161764706 7.81474 34.7292 Leaf (rosette) 51.659412857142854 7.56263 67.3092 Epidermis cells 3.09296 0.79711 5.38881 Mature guard cells 3.3241175 0.105115 6.54312 Root (differentiation zone) 41.535 41.535 41.535 Root (elongation zone) 28.83115 23.008 34.6543 Root (meristematic zone) 19.6193 19.6193 19.6193 Root (apex) 11.841629999999999 9.45366 14.2296 Root (stele) 33.0223 33.0223 33.0223 Root (QC cells) 59.388749975 0.0391682 236.576 Root (tip) 9.263016666666667 8.66597 10.1427