condition mean min max Egg cell 788.2775 28.483 1604.78 Ovule 550.8621538461539 393.604 693.533 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 1767.4066666666668 1664.41 1832.21 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 1361.47 1328.2 1381.58 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 1287.8 1071.96 1429.87 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 548.686 509.062 619.198 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 1253.54 1070.43 1433.31 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 35.94186666666667 27.9867 40.4187 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 25.613133333333334 14.6475 37.0765 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 15.938824 2.64834 43.7094 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 18.149416666666667 5.90519 42.5127 Sperm 330.8043333333333 296.858 382.554 Pollen tube (Col-0) 27.256966666666667 17.6881 34.4388 Flower (receptacles) 485.969125 465.867 503.586 Flower (floral buds) 275.708 275.708 275.708 Flower (sepals) 216.087 150.356 294.606 Flower (petals) 198.83100000000002 186.139 211.523 Flower (stamen filaments) 275.574 247.678 303.47 Flower (anthers) 139.88505 12.0102 417.621 Flower (carpels) 536.9209285714286 423.113 658.439 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 327.0195 319.148 334.891 Pedicel 438.527 436.9 440.154 Axis of the inflorescence 550.912 549.341 552.483 Silique 292.882 268.621 321.283 Silique (senescent) 70.0353 68.8167 71.2539 Pods of siliques 182.093 156.012 202.788 Pods of siliques (senescent) 140.7 138.62 142.78 Embryo 1025.22 1025.22 1025.22 Endosperm 166.05259999999998 104.039 392.767 Seed 44.7697 21.3051 68.7751 Seed (young) 541.3916 423.652 621.834 Seed (germinating) 638.8035 244.687 1227.14 Seedling 316.88100000000003 242.125 404.54 Seedling (etiolated) 332.07733333333334 299.88 378.67 Meristem 624.7287666666666 472.875 946.677 Stem (internode) 338.34299999999996 325.748 350.938 Stem (internode, senescent) 316.96299999999997 310.113 323.813 Stems 487.72486764705883 122.277 1124.42 Leaf (rosette) 145.41557142857144 101.134 346.033 Epidermis cells 123.33775 59.7865 186.889 Mature guard cells 23.0054 19.1851 26.8257 Root (differentiation zone) 177.931 177.931 177.931 Root (elongation zone) 541.295 288.066 794.524 Root (meristematic zone) 1517.4 1517.4 1517.4 Root (apex) 606.117 551.439 660.795 Root (stele) 345.413 345.413 345.413 Root (QC cells) 302.65151883333334 0.090366 1002.88 Root (tip) 1105.04 1034.62 1179.27