condition mean min max Egg cell 72.22871 8.8181 141.876 Ovule 74.31702307692308 40.646 100.932 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 56.73296666666667 52.738 63.7149 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 67.3072 58.3569 73.8908 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 55.4103 44.1956 63.8005 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 40.50853333333333 35.0926 44.9114 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 59.50313333333334 46.7129 66.3019 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 8.74186 6.69739 10.0365 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 7.70904 4.95091 11.0008 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 2.913458 1.85568 3.57809 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 3.4391866666666666 1.35156 6.10892 Sperm 3.085025 2.60608 3.70215 Pollen tube (Col-0) 3.1620166666666667 2.76183 3.54426 Flower (receptacles) 46.19235 42.2449 50.6718 Flower (floral buds) 50.491 50.491 50.491 Flower (sepals) 27.926275 25.6866 30.4668 Flower (petals) 38.512299999999996 36.6557 40.3689 Flower (stamen filaments) 28.0959 26.6452 29.5466 Flower (anthers) 17.002435 7.39042 34.5813 Flower (carpels) 74.36073571428571 34.5846 119.84 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 44.590199999999996 40.3636 48.8168 Pedicel 32.6219 31.6192 33.6246 Axis of the inflorescence 64.8199 62.3629 67.2769 Silique 35.59831111111111 29.0966 48.0721 Silique (senescent) 22.2762 22.1098 22.4426 Pods of siliques 31.51655 27.2851 39.9563 Pods of siliques (senescent) 59.16745 58.7094 59.6255 Embryo 59.679 59.679 59.679 Endosperm 42.20492 36.4478 57.6368 Seed 20.29805 17.844 24.0082 Seed (young) 44.48138 31.5817 58.5911 Seed (germinating) 42.0993 38.5216 49.8394 Seedling 22.69232 12.3305 34.6356 Seedling (etiolated) 46.61248333333334 31.8656 102.037 Meristem 45.858983333333335 20.0878 74.5275 Stem (internode) 45.1797 43.6691 46.6903 Stem (internode, senescent) 62.68715 62.0431 63.3312 Stems 44.57262764705882 3.87493 94.0314 Leaf (rosette) 59.06745 13.2926 108.441 Epidermis cells 35.12135 20.6028 49.6399 Mature guard cells 36.81065 17.1401 56.4812 Root (differentiation zone) 35.8014 35.8014 35.8014 Root (elongation zone) 63.00345 48.5674 77.4395 Root (meristematic zone) 82.9834 82.9834 82.9834 Root (apex) 61.28705 58.5626 64.0115 Root (stele) 51.1816 51.1816 51.1816 Root (QC cells) 112.81881101666667 0.076319 411.536 Root (tip) 58.460233333333335 53.8053 62.519