condition mean min max Egg cell 108.78129 10.1024 260.138 Ovule 438.75403846153847 187.361 790.712 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 718.207 673.351 755.784 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 703.363 669.518 749.467 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 613.3956666666667 565.242 657.503 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 265.6166666666667 252.872 277.066 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 621.3926666666666 565.017 710.968 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 11.970966666666666 11.3418 12.4968 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 8.430766666666667 5.94063 10.7923 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 8.194684 4.96775 18.6246 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 6.897456666666667 1.1771 18.2452 Sperm 160.257 129.03 207.015 Pollen tube (Col-0) 18.719866666666668 13.115 25.9684 Flower (receptacles) 609.75675 532.865 712.417 Flower (floral buds) 1136.49 1136.49 1136.49 Flower (sepals) 533.2145 442.534 617.219 Flower (petals) 399.33050000000003 396.017 402.644 Flower (stamen filaments) 1000.7015000000001 959.003 1042.4 Flower (anthers) 340.7663333333333 135.417 696.033 Flower (carpels) 638.3241428571429 182.356 1038.62 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 361.59950000000003 361.494 361.705 Pedicel 1191.33 1127.52 1255.14 Axis of the inflorescence 1623.38 1530.91 1715.85 Silique 714.917 428.793 926.818 Silique (senescent) 832.7705 827.88 837.661 Pods of siliques 629.329875 395.841 844.126 Pods of siliques (senescent) 573.71 526.527 620.893 Embryo 907.002 907.002 907.002 Endosperm 500.7826 226.247 1605.68 Seed 817.5047500000001 764.173 963.372 Seed (young) 1269.368 1002.93 1562.13 Seed (germinating) 2242.8616666666667 1332.97 3118.92 Seedling 530.352 148.852 865.296 Seedling (etiolated) 604.687 459.922 866.87 Meristem 919.9008 571.338 1320.35 Stem (internode) 2240.135 2135.65 2344.62 Stem (internode, senescent) 860.0015000000001 850.138 869.865 Stems 855.7167058823529 258.84 2471.66 Leaf (rosette) 659.0570714285714 200.905 1049.09 Epidermis cells 3.0656499999999998 2.8115 3.3198 Mature guard cells 12.3172 10.5848 14.0496 Root (differentiation zone) 755.003 755.003 755.003 Root (elongation zone) 507.862 330.85 684.874 Root (meristematic zone) 936.109 936.109 936.109 Root (apex) 1362.2150000000001 1225.04 1499.39 Root (stele) 158.093 158.093 158.093 Root (QC cells) 17.496002558333334 0.0 144.641 Root (tip) 664.272 627.147 728.31