condition mean min max Egg cell 73.76659000000001 29.1778 120.681 Ovule 55.30349230769231 45.6234 76.2128 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 64.9417 62.1268 68.6599 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 52.97473333333333 48.8885 56.2585 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 40.15936666666667 31.0263 45.1116 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 12.421143333333333 8.68323 14.4006 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 47.61873333333333 35.4676 54.4931 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 1.3935426666666668 0.803019 2.46835 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.7607953333333334 0.341092 1.22571 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.6101411999999999 0.157374 1.47294 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.6741377666666667 0.0742703 1.67339 Sperm 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.44369733333333333 0.180829 0.906082 Flower (receptacles) 44.487275 42.4484 47.1148 Flower (floral buds) 54.5616 54.5616 54.5616 Flower (sepals) 24.774625 21.3539 29.4282 Flower (petals) 20.9897 20.3928 21.5866 Flower (stamen filaments) 15.25265 15.2029 15.3024 Flower (anthers) 12.310546666666667 2.16256 31.5261 Flower (carpels) 64.6503 44.6722 95.1879 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 28.656799999999997 26.368 30.9456 Pedicel 36.11365 34.969 37.2583 Axis of the inflorescence 51.87335 48.3886 55.3581 Silique 24.6781 19.8356 28.4365 Silique (senescent) 18.042949999999998 15.7182 20.3677 Pods of siliques 21.66895 17.9367 24.8676 Pods of siliques (senescent) 19.9619 19.785 20.1388 Embryo 64.2419 64.2419 64.2419 Endosperm 40.026740000000004 19.4583 54.7264 Seed 16.38455 15.7522 18.1408 Seed (young) 43.285830000000004 32.6617 65.2398 Seed (germinating) 42.11813333333333 23.3425 58.8243 Seedling 32.0951 16.2746 57.4868 Seedling (etiolated) 32.9808 26.191 56.0002 Meristem 49.694336666666665 23.6888 81.3976 Stem (internode) 27.13485 25.9491 28.3206 Stem (internode, senescent) 78.8963 74.8778 82.9148 Stems 44.183168823529414 8.0833 73.3613 Leaf (rosette) 68.12875714285714 38.6836 86.465 Epidermis cells 51.729600000000005 33.8076 69.6516 Mature guard cells 22.90495 11.7915 34.0184 Root (differentiation zone) 14.065 14.065 14.065 Root (elongation zone) 23.1705 12.6715 33.6695 Root (meristematic zone) 114.083 114.083 114.083 Root (apex) 40.990849999999995 40.9768 41.0049 Root (stele) 0.888373 0.888373 0.888373 Root (QC cells) 60.32693285 0.0189202 192.721 Root (tip) 58.15063333333333 48.6217 64.2044