condition mean min max Egg cell 66.00032999999999 11.8947 177.146 Ovule 30.32579576923077 7.48638 75.7871 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 8.106483333333333 6.31478 9.47029 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 1.8033433333333333 1.13662 2.14158 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 5.353326666666667 3.93139 7.27285 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 8.379343333333333 7.57517 9.5192 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 1.3509963333333332 0.972679 1.68193 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 15.150599999999999 13.6953 17.6622 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 5.431746666666666 4.29108 6.57184 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 3.6512379999999998 1.9168 5.688 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 6.208306666666667 3.90335 7.44554 Sperm 31.60895 26.907 36.2836 Pollen tube (Col-0) 19.91283333333333 16.4089 24.3976 Flower (receptacles) 537.5070000000001 503.633 578.576 Flower (floral buds) 116.62 116.62 116.62 Flower (sepals) 482.605 390.926 571.722 Flower (petals) 372.5245 366.163 378.886 Flower (stamen filaments) 131.7635 104.014 159.513 Flower (anthers) 163.11073333333334 34.8526 400.406 Flower (carpels) 145.01657142857144 49.7581 291.454 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 56.0861 53.2494 58.9228 Pedicel 110.45085 88.9427 131.959 Axis of the inflorescence 112.8235 104.828 120.819 Silique 227.42903333333334 46.449 368.118 Silique (senescent) 152.334 141.442 163.226 Pods of siliques 313.1472125 69.4767 479.401 Pods of siliques (senescent) 519.284 518.076 520.492 Embryo 30.2428 30.2428 30.2428 Endosperm 46.32362 19.3297 154.262 Seed 53.40685 47.6363 63.1344 Seed (young) 14.945428 6.56364 28.5488 Seed (germinating) 38.302816666666665 16.9329 91.5569 Seedling 91.40892 13.8798 285.657 Seedling (etiolated) 130.60853333333333 63.816 433.173 Meristem 4.2824729 0.096207 12.498 Stem (internode) 275.6225 249.101 302.144 Stem (internode, senescent) 2044.8049999999998 1893.26 2196.35 Stems 56.71911764705882 4.70076 270.481 Leaf (rosette) 1012.029885 3.46089 1872.82 Epidermis cells 1006.751 984.382 1029.12 Mature guard cells 25.06015 24.3786 25.7417 Root (differentiation zone) 100.708 100.708 100.708 Root (elongation zone) 50.497749999999996 40.8986 60.0969 Root (meristematic zone) 9.91488 9.91488 9.91488 Root (apex) 40.486850000000004 38.949 42.0247 Root (stele) 151.453 151.453 151.453 Root (QC cells) 1617.4788125 2.40715 4516.79 Root (tip) 12.738186666666667 9.14676 16.0443