condition mean min max Egg cell 11.096565 1.37248 45.2821 Ovule 28.5999 16.3068 43.0876 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 7.50769 7.24185 7.70649 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 6.186196666666667 4.8249 7.32052 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 6.94841 6.04414 7.88496 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 2.53857 1.25317 3.63891 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 4.269396666666666 2.70249 5.88301 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.2668763333333333 0.049817 0.50714 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.13331133333333334 0.0 0.287806 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.10915378 0.0 0.381012 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.23811033333333334 0.0 0.421351 Sperm 0.5168913333333334 0.256672 0.896623 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.486128 0.178715 0.757914 Flower (receptacles) 14.5275125 13.1394 16.4288 Flower (floral buds) 13.2935 13.2935 13.2935 Flower (sepals) 8.015295 5.55585 11.0974 Flower (petals) 8.623475 8.45684 8.79011 Flower (stamen filaments) 8.569410000000001 8.04626 9.09256 Flower (anthers) 5.4234963333333335 0.545576 15.1204 Flower (carpels) 17.713921428571428 13.8054 22.166 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 11.55395 10.0697 13.0382 Pedicel 10.958400000000001 10.6837 11.2331 Axis of the inflorescence 15.78295 14.5038 17.0621 Silique 10.768676666666666 8.79279 15.1287 Silique (senescent) 6.272205 5.82206 6.72235 Pods of siliques 9.06586375 7.69505 9.76867 Pods of siliques (senescent) 5.21766 4.95038 5.48494 Embryo 9.50914 9.50914 9.50914 Endosperm 7.590007 4.28553 16.0829 Seed 12.690515 5.632 18.0684 Seed (young) 18.86422 10.9235 24.8287 Seed (germinating) 7.008436666666666 5.98494 7.93299 Seedling 6.389134 3.79997 9.90555 Seedling (etiolated) 6.05921 4.90244 7.72538 Meristem 11.267759 6.42522 15.7543 Stem (internode) 5.570575 5.15697 5.98418 Stem (internode, senescent) 5.478435 4.43586 6.52101 Stems 8.315502764705883 0.946338 17.0555 Leaf (rosette) 4.844753571428571 3.6741 8.15189 Epidermis cells 5.36233 3.32171 7.40295 Mature guard cells 0.680235 0.0 1.36047 Root (differentiation zone) 6.03079 6.03079 6.03079 Root (elongation zone) 7.62134 6.2098 9.03288 Root (meristematic zone) 14.4315 14.4315 14.4315 Root (apex) 6.138400000000001 6.09142 6.18538 Root (stele) 47.829 47.829 47.829 Root (QC cells) 18.1088704975 0.0 154.364 Root (tip) 9.71429 8.84427 10.2055