condition mean min max Egg cell 4.5338650000000005 0.0 20.0483 Ovule 5.693683846153846 3.42797 8.70517 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 6.405513333333333 5.19887 7.02443 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 5.10095 3.9464 5.8586 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 8.099223333333333 6.81154 9.67128 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 7.963713333333334 5.73808 9.67119 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 5.66245 4.3579 7.62756 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 8.675336666666666 8.12248 9.10475 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 9.217336666666666 8.24209 10.4887 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 8.091902000000001 6.93455 9.05955 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 9.08181 7.64637 10.0554 Sperm 0.06512346666666667 0.0330217 0.11714 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.7677066666666668 1.35131 2.14805 Flower (receptacles) 5.42539375 4.0477 6.65528 Flower (floral buds) 5.56821 5.56821 5.56821 Flower (sepals) 6.1635525 4.14366 7.98435 Flower (petals) 6.922355 6.3323 7.51241 Flower (stamen filaments) 4.416435 4.2057 4.62717 Flower (anthers) 6.271108333333333 3.94599 7.67204 Flower (carpels) 5.096715714285715 3.37615 6.7356 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 4.95655 4.13887 5.77423 Pedicel 3.397055 3.39162 3.40249 Axis of the inflorescence 3.625045 3.48685 3.76324 Silique 4.409967777777778 3.00135 5.55515 Silique (senescent) 2.159585 1.80909 2.51008 Pods of siliques 5.59215125 3.38497 6.70303 Pods of siliques (senescent) 9.541715 9.4673 9.61613 Embryo 1.83441 1.83441 1.83441 Endosperm 2.9373014 0.597214 4.62721 Seed 0.9360710000000001 0.551161 1.31119 Seed (young) 3.632398 1.38107 5.2257 Seed (germinating) 5.589196666666667 5.09966 6.33948 Seedling 3.331686 1.84657 4.83139 Seedling (etiolated) 4.990846666666666 3.76373 7.03977 Meristem 3.0346716 0.250277 6.89062 Stem (internode) 4.04842 3.96626 4.13058 Stem (internode, senescent) 10.900549999999999 10.6361 11.165 Stems 4.8977675 2.26767 7.62709 Leaf (rosette) 6.128581428571429 1.58279 8.38933 Epidermis cells 0.527058 0.173224 0.880892 Mature guard cells 18.0027915 0.541683 35.4639 Root (differentiation zone) 17.0943 17.0943 17.0943 Root (elongation zone) 10.811119999999999 9.12444 12.4978 Root (meristematic zone) 3.33845 3.33845 3.33845 Root (apex) 4.37594 4.22654 4.52534 Root (stele) 8.81768 8.81768 8.81768 Root (QC cells) 2.606153375 0.0 30.928 Root (tip) 2.8581266666666667 2.62137 2.97668