condition mean min max Egg cell 34.806490000000004 12.3811 61.1799 Ovule 35.66231153846154 27.904 45.2098 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 24.137266666666665 21.9711 25.9242 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 28.9168 22.0692 35.3085 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 22.450033333333334 19.3421 24.8653 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 27.564866666666667 23.8083 32.316 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 26.6445 22.44 29.1917 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 18.826933333333333 13.4257 21.9756 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 11.137923333333333 6.64336 18.5764 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 3.403182 2.68793 4.74787 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 4.50052 2.46083 6.58542 Sperm 9.433606666666666 7.59798 11.7831 Pollen tube (Col-0) 4.63865 3.61585 5.92608 Flower (receptacles) 45.88975 42.2779 49.3881 Flower (floral buds) 42.3511 42.3511 42.3511 Flower (sepals) 47.296225 31.3551 61.9102 Flower (petals) 44.96875 43.5511 46.3864 Flower (stamen filaments) 19.318350000000002 18.9263 19.7104 Flower (anthers) 25.3515 6.10265 61.6819 Flower (carpels) 38.04000714285714 31.2311 46.4436 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 67.8218 58.0527 77.5909 Pedicel 28.0055 27.7525 28.2585 Axis of the inflorescence 25.54035 24.5065 26.5742 Silique 46.670366666666666 36.0115 62.6863 Silique (senescent) 13.5139 12.8807 14.1471 Pods of siliques 51.1197625 33.6907 69.9401 Pods of siliques (senescent) 122.995 117.453 128.537 Embryo 26.9999 26.9999 26.9999 Endosperm 64.08874 35.9187 148.26 Seed 5.6465925 5.39304 5.91346 Seed (young) 45.84459 31.5925 56.3331 Seed (germinating) 35.040083333333335 16.3113 54.7654 Seedling 44.2271 33.0507 51.882 Seedling (etiolated) 73.92896666666667 50.709 85.8381 Meristem 29.051726666666667 14.9079 38.9213 Stem (internode) 37.4285 36.7456 38.1114 Stem (internode, senescent) 84.53675 81.6523 87.4212 Stems 43.97237205882353 24.0486 64.3436 Leaf (rosette) 42.85924285714286 22.5119 64.9691 Epidermis cells 6.532315 5.27408 7.79055 Mature guard cells 9.18317 7.20114 11.1652 Root (differentiation zone) 156.558 156.558 156.558 Root (elongation zone) 69.63745 57.9803 81.2946 Root (meristematic zone) 44.6719 44.6719 44.6719 Root (apex) 78.9022 76.1983 81.6061 Root (stele) 9.4302 9.4302 9.4302 Root (QC cells) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Root (tip) 41.096466666666664 38.1122 43.7006