condition mean min max Egg cell 72.123518 0.0 492.136 Ovule 411.45688461538464 200.816 734.375 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 56.01456666666667 49.3502 59.6681 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 33.82986666666667 27.6996 44.2586 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 74.06313333333334 68.9295 81.8383 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 33.869033333333334 27.9862 42.7712 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 39.88556666666666 20.1299 64.5654 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 5.769316666666667 5.39118 6.20116 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.6248933333333333 1.40103 1.739 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.7287956 0.164169 4.22941 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.0881903333333334 0.63695 1.73044 Sperm 10.808335 8.32022 14.1863 Pollen tube (Col-0) 24.116266666666668 15.73 34.4311 Flower (receptacles) 153.645875 131.332 171.373 Flower (floral buds) 84.6685 84.6685 84.6685 Flower (sepals) 52.8022 19.7263 86.6911 Flower (petals) 50.24615 49.2046 51.2877 Flower (stamen filaments) 88.93305000000001 86.8228 91.0433 Flower (anthers) 82.28360666666666 3.01064 299.02 Flower (carpels) 412.12142857142857 181.718 740.807 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 40.05515 38.8482 41.2621 Pedicel 140.6335 131.823 149.444 Axis of the inflorescence 230.428 221.018 239.838 Silique 122.06232222222222 87.4468 168.245 Silique (senescent) 51.1723 43.7039 58.6407 Pods of siliques 51.554575 44.6717 59.1885 Pods of siliques (senescent) 24.5716 21.7003 27.4429 Embryo 547.762 547.762 547.762 Endosperm 28.013969 4.10327 167.846 Seed 57.9545 16.7677 101.414 Seed (young) 527.8947 451.036 611.961 Seed (germinating) 146.51076666666665 41.7829 241.901 Seedling 79.50428 26.8869 112.508 Seedling (etiolated) 62.52336666666667 36.9257 73.7855 Meristem 598.691 356.374 801.862 Stem (internode) 57.448499999999996 53.3844 61.5126 Stem (internode, senescent) 5.206125 3.91855 6.4937 Stems 135.60421676470588 8.23302 364.465 Leaf (rosette) 14.912576428571429 4.31822 54.1014 Epidermis cells 20.429850000000002 20.0765 20.7832 Mature guard cells 12.920075 7.04425 18.7959 Root (differentiation zone) 41.8995 41.8995 41.8995 Root (elongation zone) 200.531 155.625 245.437 Root (meristematic zone) 291.499 291.499 291.499 Root (apex) 145.28 139.81 150.75 Root (stele) 188.527 188.527 188.527 Root (QC cells) 0.098017725 0.0 0.795022 Root (tip) 206.99466666666666 187.924 237.984