condition mean min max Egg cell 163.46832 76.3729 304.755 Ovule 164.04192307692307 118.544 203.343 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 215.63333333333333 209.573 226.044 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 209.15266666666668 205.711 211.409 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 225.77866666666665 219.153 234.59 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 210.45533333333333 204.944 217.824 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 228.69433333333333 210.709 253.501 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 77.4098 64.1784 87.3115 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 66.43506666666667 56.6275 75.0257 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 22.645300000000002 17.8408 28.9917 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 44.18253333333333 37.1233 53.7609 Sperm 53.07998333333333 42.3492 69.9838 Pollen tube (Col-0) 17.550533333333334 13.7116 21.7243 Flower (receptacles) 231.211875 210.172 247.456 Flower (floral buds) 440.963 440.963 440.963 Flower (sepals) 259.31225 216.62 304.308 Flower (petals) 404.887 404.599 405.175 Flower (stamen filaments) 487.3915 483.91 490.873 Flower (anthers) 98.24405 73.9321 139.74 Flower (carpels) 187.76735714285715 127.54 242.786 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 263.0 257.119 268.881 Pedicel 197.1615 191.105 203.218 Axis of the inflorescence 214.13 201.47 226.79 Silique 248.5741111111111 218.057 324.906 Silique (senescent) 62.54845 58.6457 66.4512 Pods of siliques 255.74325 239.008 274.549 Pods of siliques (senescent) 502.427 491.615 513.239 Embryo 119.399 119.399 119.399 Endosperm 586.2509 176.324 765.696 Seed 33.571725 25.6101 38.9385 Seed (young) 157.9456 128.045 179.502 Seed (germinating) 285.22433333333333 201.569 335.896 Seedling 234.8154 173.037 286.582 Seedling (etiolated) 443.674 340.73 520.515 Meristem 141.25863333333334 111.75 168.286 Stem (internode) 340.9175 336.276 345.559 Stem (internode, senescent) 252.9645 229.149 276.78 Stems 296.2487205882353 139.142 577.025 Leaf (rosette) 254.53907142857145 225.75 303.766 Epidermis cells 153.0115 112.907 193.116 Mature guard cells 231.6775 151.471 311.884 Root (differentiation zone) 636.6 636.6 636.6 Root (elongation zone) 728.257 673.252 783.262 Root (meristematic zone) 213.628 213.628 213.628 Root (apex) 421.5 405.466 437.534 Root (stele) 1221.04 1221.04 1221.04 Root (QC cells) 191.13034675 0.368448 699.998 Root (tip) 398.722 388.656 409.742