condition mean min max Egg cell 60.49973 10.4019 151.453 Ovule 56.88911153846154 44.4653 74.1331 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 133.423 126.077 141.986 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 121.73666666666666 114.894 127.208 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 97.41333333333334 81.62 114.174 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 70.1032 66.0931 77.8622 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 112.26293333333334 86.5108 129.433 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 28.514166666666668 22.8149 32.7648 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 20.9714 13.9769 31.1869 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 5.2753559999999995 3.53578 8.90275 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 9.315636666666666 6.64783 12.7989 Sperm 63.329566666666665 55.5784 70.3415 Pollen tube (Col-0) 18.129933333333334 15.626 20.1485 Flower (receptacles) 51.0703875 45.9888 54.9382 Flower (floral buds) 18.7319 18.7319 18.7319 Flower (sepals) 31.4443 30.1992 32.7055 Flower (petals) 46.6458 46.5084 46.7832 Flower (stamen filaments) 49.947649999999996 49.2217 50.6736 Flower (anthers) 26.4451 13.0609 50.3035 Flower (carpels) 58.414992857142856 47.8423 67.99 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 51.76025 49.1857 54.3348 Pedicel 37.64985 34.8709 40.4288 Axis of the inflorescence 55.3578 53.0432 57.6724 Silique 36.19091111111111 29.7234 45.0703 Silique (senescent) 11.7606 11.5519 11.9693 Pods of siliques 30.7317375 25.6658 36.3554 Pods of siliques (senescent) 46.78805 46.4766 47.0995 Embryo 74.3548 74.3548 74.3548 Endosperm 22.9975 13.4433 66.6742 Seed 7.3545675 6.43765 8.33348 Seed (young) 51.18528 45.1579 59.3189 Seed (germinating) 47.360733333333336 39.9351 52.7487 Seedling 22.35108 13.4057 37.5525 Seedling (etiolated) 38.616283333333335 33.8251 54.8349 Meristem 64.35508333333334 43.1859 87.7561 Stem (internode) 40.838449999999995 40.1067 41.5702 Stem (internode, senescent) 41.4721 40.9633 41.9809 Stems 42.481341176470586 13.5407 71.8065 Leaf (rosette) 41.35867857142857 27.2165 56.0857 Epidermis cells 2.8705 2.43272 3.30828 Mature guard cells 13.14705 12.1115 14.1826 Root (differentiation zone) 51.1346 51.1346 51.1346 Root (elongation zone) 71.7232 61.1941 82.2523 Root (meristematic zone) 85.4722 85.4722 85.4722 Root (apex) 67.01214999999999 64.6518 69.3725 Root (stele) 131.343 131.343 131.343 Root (QC cells) 68.021305 0.0 400.802 Root (tip) 64.33723333333333 57.3316 68.182