condition mean min max Egg cell 14.345436 0.0 33.7554 Ovule 25.785861153846152 8.19173 36.8483 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 63.812666666666665 57.0818 68.6937 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 44.433566666666664 34.241 51.1935 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 37.3152 24.948 45.3132 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 8.527243333333333 7.82019 8.99431 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 40.55833333333334 32.0769 46.8359 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 2.84878 2.44103 3.46742 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.6194763333333335 0.459529 2.29992 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.0829624 0.864614 1.79098 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.1017606666666666 0.463152 1.84055 Sperm 33.54895 28.5422 40.2303 Pollen tube (Col-0) 21.2927 13.995 29.1616 Flower (receptacles) 13.845825 11.2438 16.159 Flower (floral buds) 16.1892 16.1892 16.1892 Flower (sepals) 30.420299999999997 26.5624 34.0213 Flower (petals) 20.2374 18.4682 22.0066 Flower (stamen filaments) 10.214504999999999 8.37721 12.0518 Flower (anthers) 21.186596666666667 7.00829 46.0546 Flower (carpels) 32.57973 9.34512 50.9987 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 1.964535 1.46121 2.46786 Pedicel 12.92935 12.1482 13.7105 Axis of the inflorescence 15.13155 14.7179 15.5452 Silique 17.24348 8.17481 25.7598 Silique (senescent) 9.670415 8.79063 10.5502 Pods of siliques 7.36621875 4.43289 10.8224 Pods of siliques (senescent) 13.01125 12.3998 13.6227 Embryo 23.5228 23.5228 23.5228 Endosperm 85.041693 7.51583 113.463 Seed 8.34994 5.7487 10.7163 Seed (young) 52.98888 36.3893 65.9358 Seed (germinating) 19.264613333333333 5.71883 27.5116 Seedling 16.18636 11.0684 19.6591 Seedling (etiolated) 21.748883333333332 17.422 25.3587 Meristem 14.396927333333332 1.83597 28.1379 Stem (internode) 10.17709 9.42488 10.9293 Stem (internode, senescent) 11.6269 10.3475 12.9063 Stems 8.622345294117647 1.86957 24.468 Leaf (rosette) 22.047159999999998 3.91235 37.0941 Epidermis cells 7.870085 1.63837 14.1018 Mature guard cells 1.2941465 0.373583 2.21471 Root (differentiation zone) 20.7818 20.7818 20.7818 Root (elongation zone) 13.12495 11.9888 14.2611 Root (meristematic zone) 5.35017 5.35017 5.35017 Root (apex) 10.365784999999999 8.80797 11.9236 Root (stele) 8.20871 8.20871 8.20871 Root (QC cells) 0.6496174166666667 0.0 7.65404 Root (tip) 4.10375 3.78635 4.31305