condition mean min max Egg cell 18.5815808 0.0 44.9064 Ovule 38.07353846153846 27.9597 48.1194 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 25.08963333333333 23.3568 26.2395 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 32.04566666666667 31.2495 33.0362 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 34.9693 32.3493 37.4075 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 41.4579 33.6601 47.5723 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 44.9305 37.703 52.1941 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 10.36958 8.04774 11.7103 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 7.105413333333334 4.48858 10.8572 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.9529699999999999 1.15556 3.95439 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 2.7591166666666664 1.71177 4.62656 Sperm 8.343253333333333 6.79612 10.7954 Pollen tube (Col-0) 7.489933333333333 5.83167 9.67731 Flower (receptacles) 23.090975 22.0328 24.7108 Flower (floral buds) 28.528 28.528 28.528 Flower (sepals) 48.405375 39.228 59.1226 Flower (petals) 32.6721 31.1744 34.1698 Flower (stamen filaments) 30.554000000000002 29.6809 31.4271 Flower (anthers) 13.925883333333333 2.86051 35.9218 Flower (carpels) 41.11435 32.4187 53.579 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 27.57895 26.9572 28.2007 Pedicel 45.2779 44.3285 46.2273 Axis of the inflorescence 35.48335 34.2343 36.7324 Silique 27.38431111111111 22.8232 32.2072 Silique (senescent) 5.469835 4.40053 6.53914 Pods of siliques 34.26615 30.0405 40.0513 Pods of siliques (senescent) 15.6038 15.3992 15.8084 Embryo 38.2286 38.2286 38.2286 Endosperm 14.064979000000001 3.89917 38.3701 Seed 4.1961875 3.05842 5.37191 Seed (young) 27.10891 21.5055 32.0786 Seed (germinating) 33.317483333333335 18.9691 46.5505 Seedling 31.74802 26.2022 37.5166 Seedling (etiolated) 28.049599999999998 24.5401 35.9724 Meristem 27.633323333333333 18.206 42.1327 Stem (internode) 32.77565 32.7114 32.8399 Stem (internode, senescent) 19.00175 18.1798 19.8237 Stems 29.777306323529412 7.75926 49.6303 Leaf (rosette) 40.46225714285714 20.853 50.6263 Epidermis cells 3.3564499999999997 2.1938 4.5191 Mature guard cells 2.13623 1.46168 2.81078 Root (differentiation zone) 11.0161 11.0161 11.0161 Root (elongation zone) 13.6576 13.0149 14.3003 Root (meristematic zone) 16.9837 16.9837 16.9837 Root (apex) 11.28825 11.2259 11.3506 Root (stele) 0.175707 0.175707 0.175707 Root (QC cells) 6.69265005 0.0 63.205 Root (tip) 10.825663333333333 9.56039 11.8091