condition mean min max Egg cell 0.6862484999999999 0.0 4.60697 Ovule 1.2345096538461537 0.513225 1.89511 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 3.2438700000000003 2.33592 4.38469 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 2.829147 0.961031 4.10069 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 2.086463333333333 1.28429 3.06669 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 0.5439783333333333 0.132646 1.09774 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 2.3302899999999998 1.54469 3.12876 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.0112841 0.0 0.0338523 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.0267217 0.0 0.0670613 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.013008133333333333 0.0 0.0390244 Sperm 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flower (receptacles) 1.183797125 0.931502 1.68029 Flower (floral buds) 1.55076 1.55076 1.55076 Flower (sepals) 1.34930225 0.885359 1.85806 Flower (petals) 0.507477 0.407058 0.607896 Flower (stamen filaments) 0.6993130000000001 0.55903 0.839596 Flower (anthers) 0.26658543333333334 0.0 0.818234 Flower (carpels) 1.2483000714285715 0.702362 1.67408 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 1.037925 1.00699 1.06886 Pedicel 2.336035 2.28618 2.38589 Axis of the inflorescence 2.42108 2.27767 2.56449 Silique 0.42396388888888886 0.172744 0.70324 Silique (senescent) 0.424825 0.424638 0.425012 Pods of siliques 0.477915 0.243209 0.688118 Pods of siliques (senescent) 0.3061015 0.292654 0.319549 Embryo 1.35382 1.35382 1.35382 Endosperm 0.4798641 0.197355 1.27013 Seed 0.2586355 0.208091 0.313867 Seed (young) 1.1579887 0.709822 1.60213 Seed (germinating) 1.3430331666666666 0.523158 2.71143 Seedling 0.619205 0.418472 0.950872 Seedling (etiolated) 0.5300218333333333 0.307965 0.711491 Meristem 1.7200627666666666 0.691961 3.36309 Stem (internode) 0.9943815 0.729973 1.25879 Stem (internode, senescent) 1.322 1.04898 1.59502 Stems 0.785297169117647 0.0325612 1.85412 Leaf (rosette) 0.3705528857142857 0.0925084 1.64729 Epidermis cells 0.1117772 0.0307004 0.192854 Mature guard cells 0.0 0.0 0.0 Root (differentiation zone) 0.134053 0.134053 0.134053 Root (elongation zone) 0.30918265 0.0855573 0.532808 Root (meristematic zone) 1.45423 1.45423 1.45423 Root (apex) 0.8130759999999999 0.687448 0.938704 Root (stele) 0.0721269 0.0721269 0.0721269 Root (QC cells) 0.034543083333333335 0.0 0.414517 Root (tip) 0.8676083333333333 0.696874 1.00157