condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	33.136553	2.42966	138.011
Ovule	21.967496153846152	10.8323	27.2963
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	19.083366666666667	17.1669	22.7856
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	20.3036	17.1899	21.9932
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	16.81983333333333	13.9299	18.7881
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	7.7638	5.7433	10.6964
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	18.998933333333333	17.0174	21.9685
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	1.5347966666666666	1.03921	1.90617
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	2.1208066666666667	1.4619	2.51068
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.8069244	0.551861	1.24189
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.403153	0.926019	2.03093
Sperm	1.1422466666666666	0.79723	1.46944
Pollen tube (Col-0)	10.233666666666666	8.41255	13.5355
Flower (receptacles)	20.279075	19.0201	21.7567
Flower (floral buds)	9.47783	9.47783	9.47783
Flower (sepals)	15.279325	14.4708	16.5701
Flower (petals)	27.402250000000002	27.1085	27.696
Flower (stamen filaments)	26.2545	25.0394	27.4696
Flower (anthers)	10.467928333333333	4.84399	22.0195
Flower (carpels)	22.782492857142856	18.004	28.1766
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	16.33165	15.6276	17.0357
Pedicel	19.919249999999998	19.0807	20.7578
Axis of the inflorescence	21.7653	20.4606	23.07
Silique	11.635297777777778	8.82163	14.2394
Silique (senescent)	9.258275	8.03925	10.4773
Pods of siliques	11.39976375	8.44043	14.3464
Pods of siliques (senescent)	23.3416	21.9149	24.7683
Embryo	29.7326	29.7326	29.7326
Endosperm	14.81317	11.4958	26.5311
Seed	6.7647125	6.20083	7.31991
Seed (young)	15.201929999999999	11.966	21.1281
Seed (germinating)	22.031366666666667	17.6197	31.0468
Seedling	16.067676	7.37278	33.6079
Seedling (etiolated)	29.54195	25.9011	32.3366
Meristem	21.351497333333334	9.93332	30.1721
Stem (internode)	22.039	22.005	22.073
Stem (internode, senescent)	36.5887	35.5945	37.5829
Stems	18.780484411764707	8.81864	27.7047
Leaf (rosette)	28.662421428571427	10.7756	41.1135
Epidermis cells	14.6556	12.8342	16.477
Mature guard cells	34.613600000000005	30.4994	38.7278
Root (differentiation zone)	29.8502	29.8502	29.8502
Root (elongation zone)	20.321350000000002	16.6277	24.015
Root (meristematic zone)	17.7345	17.7345	17.7345
Root (apex)	16.0418	14.4641	17.6195
Root (stele)	4.12289	4.12289	4.12289
Root (QC cells)	20.943686508333332	0.0188158	97.9084
Root (tip)	9.157296666666667	6.71209	10.4078