condition mean min max Egg cell 0.5759802500000001 0.0 3.41753 Ovule 4.353752692307692 1.03987 9.68512 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 0.29127316666666664 0.0457825 0.472344 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 0.5817653333333334 0.447118 0.757818 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 0.977023 0.665563 1.52217 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 0.7953790000000001 0.263928 1.45134 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 0.895865 0.648139 1.14341 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 1.4475033333333334 1.17429 1.93108 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.8106006666666665 0.853072 2.50493 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.3855108 0.233406 0.552691 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.997722 0.466748 1.78268 Sperm 7.633953333333333 6.91049 8.40059 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.2195033333333334 0.63055 2.00912 Flower (receptacles) 2.43800125 1.80729 3.22168 Flower (floral buds) 11.0585 11.0585 11.0585 Flower (sepals) 1.6516190000000002 0.831466 2.87407 Flower (petals) 17.25825 15.6729 18.8436 Flower (stamen filaments) 4.15124 3.26933 5.03315 Flower (anthers) 5.124276666666667 1.51977 10.2179 Flower (carpels) 1.9899412142857142 0.681713 7.48646 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 5.433145 4.75959 6.1067 Pedicel 2.869885 2.60765 3.13212 Axis of the inflorescence 3.58739 2.90575 4.26903 Silique 2.448731111111111 1.42592 4.95778 Silique (senescent) 16.40705 16.231 16.5831 Pods of siliques 2.90305625 2.50767 4.31751 Pods of siliques (senescent) 21.152 20.4364 21.8676 Embryo 1.32049 1.32049 1.32049 Endosperm 1.8756621 0.294381 2.83198 Seed 21.720825 16.8912 29.6487 Seed (young) 1.329973 0.49517 1.7802 Seed (germinating) 23.990683333333333 14.1488 30.9654 Seedling 18.8085 12.6357 32.085 Seedling (etiolated) 5.508276666666667 4.24144 7.43392 Meristem 2.4536242366666667 0.0202616 5.38407 Stem (internode) 6.1987950000000005 6.19285 6.20474 Stem (internode, senescent) 3.207595 2.80045 3.61474 Stems 4.619502867647059 0.527688 14.5502 Leaf (rosette) 3.5266732142857142 0.285057 22.7848 Epidermis cells 6.68354 5.57356 7.79352 Mature guard cells 12.34768 6.18226 18.5131 Root (differentiation zone) 45.7705 45.7705 45.7705 Root (elongation zone) 28.78 21.0819 36.4781 Root (meristematic zone) 12.728 12.728 12.728 Root (apex) 0.1581114 0.0934628 0.22276 Root (stele) 2.32993 2.32993 2.32993 Root (QC cells) 22.905615286666666 0.0 107.378 Root (tip) 9.824193333333334 7.31228 11.5456