condition mean min max Egg cell 33.60319901 0.0319701 133.1 Ovule 21.16115 11.2778 41.8754 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 24.402733333333334 22.4458 27.3937 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 119.69983333333333 64.9565 154.75 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 21.742766666666668 20.4909 22.5792 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 15.775826666666667 9.82018 19.4561 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 126.93346666666666 99.3384 152.815 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 3.8995566666666663 2.92758 5.07837 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 7.368836666666667 5.86782 8.80897 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 3.37494 1.86466 4.86222 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 6.657263333333334 4.34057 10.2268 Sperm 8.158405 5.77042 12.6241 Pollen tube (Col-0) 24.09151 6.11613 46.2275 Flower (receptacles) 15.8884375 14.3692 17.0265 Flower (floral buds) 37.3886 37.3886 37.3886 Flower (sepals) 11.4141925 8.90386 14.6946 Flower (petals) 23.53705 21.1388 25.9353 Flower (stamen filaments) 17.73 16.5276 18.9324 Flower (anthers) 16.30568 9.89538 25.6554 Flower (carpels) 19.907577857142858 7.89849 34.82 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 32.608 29.4937 35.7223 Pedicel 7.930909999999999 7.13737 8.72445 Axis of the inflorescence 8.929205 8.41919 9.43922 Silique 7.899092222222222 6.02024 12.986 Silique (senescent) 9.01925 8.50005 9.53845 Pods of siliques 6.40131625 3.01419 10.7209 Pods of siliques (senescent) 15.30125 14.8803 15.7222 Embryo 126.006 126.006 126.006 Endosperm 6.361184 1.10951 12.3388 Seed 6.5425675 4.56736 8.22191 Seed (young) 34.65299 20.8484 47.834 Seed (germinating) 38.05733333333333 20.9703 61.6147 Seedling 66.164038 5.77659 233.094 Seedling (etiolated) 20.632195 9.25017 30.5042 Meristem 6.152532333333333 1.07804 17.4403 Stem (internode) 8.560319999999999 6.94344 10.1772 Stem (internode, senescent) 5.8700849999999996 4.74826 6.99191 Stems 44.55828855882353 0.126755 263.756 Leaf (rosette) 7.815417857142857 3.91584 18.8751 Epidermis cells 11.74095 11.4245 12.0574 Mature guard cells 47.4063 39.1492 55.6634 Root (differentiation zone) 5.76139 5.76139 5.76139 Root (elongation zone) 6.9342950000000005 6.32005 7.54854 Root (meristematic zone) 0.672528 0.672528 0.672528 Root (apex) 33.97255 30.6381 37.307 Root (stele) 77.4974 77.4974 77.4974 Root (QC cells) 242.29926083333334 0.652152 726.274 Root (tip) 3.566593333333333 2.21072 4.39446