Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Tin_g30111 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acTing on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen & original description: none CYP71B20 0.970070930771479 2 Tin_g20806 assembly factor (eIF1A) of eIF1 & original description: none 0.949348328585838 9 Tin_g17269 not classified & original description: none 0.9482146060488439 9 Tin_g22116 not classified & original description: none 0.944458775202921 30 Tin_g40327 not classified & original description: none 0.9405386186775044 41 Tin_g06805 RING-H2-class ATL-subclass E3 ubiquiTin ligase & original description: none 0.9405021575876792 12 Tin_g28272 not classified & original description: none 0.9383837842574797 16 Tin_g22020 EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group & original description: none NAS2, ATNAS2 0.9312498064580738 42 Tin_g19597 component *(eS31) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none 0.9287405768833047 12 Tin_g40981 not classified & original description: none 0.9279949808060733 58 Tin_g43654 not classified & original description: none 0.9271124053619414 14 Tin_g16583 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acTing on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen & original description: none 0.9232002634367292 89 Tin_g20014 not classified & original description: none 0.9206783175932534 30 Tin_g27478 not classified & original description: none 0.9170327615404031 33 Tin_g18378 not classified & original description: none 0.9123146320303901 24 Tin_g46499 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acTing on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen & original description: none CYP71A26 0.9012379704502288 93 Tin_g32600 not classified & original description: none 0.9010991083776781 51 Tin_g03395 not classified & original description: none 0.8987932448278035 48 Tin_g46149 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none BAM2 0.897652933832771 47 Tin_g23649 not classified & original description: none 0.8956089522894867 58 Tin_g02906 component *(SF3B1) of splicing factor 3B complex & original description: none 0.8941425060451955 54 Tin_g23726 not classified & original description: none 0.8912669364646626 70 Tin_g24556 not classified & original description: none 0.8902537643642979 98 Tin_g28252 transcriptional co-repressor *(TPL/TPR) & original description: none TPL, WSIP1 0.8887208979064736 86 Tin_g07266 not classified & original description: none MRB1, ATMRB1 0.8870989291931164 98