Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Tin_g09273 histone *(H2B) & original description: none 0.9883737141628686 61 Tin_g08123 not classified & original description: none 0.9878775319343259 89 Tin_g08470 not classified & original description: none 0.9875833674609271 71 Tin_g46219 LRR-domain extensin & original description: none LRX2 0.9874332888941134 43 Tin_g12884 not classified & original description: none 0.9859812773818963 99 Tin_g01130 prospindle assembly factor *(TPX2) & original description: none TPX2 0.9858994732089308 90 Tin_g07306 Kinesin-14-type motor protein & original description: none ATK1, KATAP, KATA 0.9857475619972648 18 Tin_g32831 not classified & original description: none 0.9853453931515839 21 Tin_g13704 not classified & original description: none 0.9849677322902628 82 Tin_g04312 LIM-type transcription factor & original description: none 0.9842736554786619 24 Tin_g11425 Kinesin-7-type motor protein & original description: none 0.9831171195531175 37 Tin_g31694 Kinesin-14-type motor protein & original description: none 0.9830989679457489 96 Tin_g08681 Kinesin-12-type motor protein & original description: none 0.9826049362431415 99 Tin_g13319 PRC2-VRN-interacTing factor (VIN3/VEL) of PRC2 histone methylation complex & original description: none VEL1, VIL2 0.9818493635736583 56 Tin_g04051 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase & original description: none IRX14 0.9814130786057907 65 Tin_g25553 alpha-class expansin & original description: none ATEXPA10, AT-EXP10, ATEXP10, EXPA10, EXP10, ATHEXP ALPHA 1.1 0.9811369286942038 67 Tin_g05483 regulatory protein *(NEAP) of nuclear shape determination & original description: none 0.9805117749464427 80 Tin_g14371 epoxide hydrolase *(EH) & original description: none 0.9802848401740889 87