Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sacu_v1.1_s0021.g008307 sphingolipid fatty acid 2-hydroxylase & original description: CDS=309-947 ATFAH1, FAH1 0.9949398655942118 20 Sacu_v1.1_s0102.g019871 PLATZ-type transcription factor & original description: CDS=1-1125 0.9944691196637228 19 Sacu_v1.1_s0016.g006953 cinnamoyl-CoA reductase *(CCR) & original description: CDS=157-1071 CCR1, IRX4, ATCCR1 0.9939899501793281 22 Sacu_v1.1_s0022.g008629 not classified & original description: CDS=306-533 0.9931102646233567 27 Sacu_v1.1_s0302.g027201 not classified & original description: CDS=1-231 0.9931009656812669 36 Sacu_v1.1_s0019.g007963 not classified & original description: CDS=243-617 AtMYB83, MYB83 0.9930788204551995 31 Sacu_v1.1_s0184.g024990 TDL precursor polypeptide & original description: CDS=132-776 0.9929615755304096 17 Sacu_v1.1_s0252.g026772 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen & original description: CDS=257-1351 0.9923766731744802 35 Sacu_v1.1_s0302.g027200 not classified & original description: CDS=1-954 0.9912900188458988 51 Sacu_v1.1_s0047.g013464 not classified & original description: CDS=1-480 0.9911055512300792 30 Sacu_v1.1_s0080.g017944 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(STUBL2) & original description: CDS=22-1686 0.9910973361314533 11 Sacu_v1.1_s0118.g021184 not classified & original description: CDS=1-327 HVA22F 0.990956247277276 58 Sacu_v1.1_s0120.g021379 not classified & original description: CDS=1-252 0.990735565824205 56 Sacu_v1.1_s0102.g019848 not classified & original description: CDS=1-279 0.9907022678915907 39 Sacu_v1.1_s0014.g006046 component *(IES2) of INO80 chromatin remodeling complex & original description: CDS=1-1377 0.9906685112416191 24 Sacu_v1.1_s0068.g016459 not classified & original description: CDS=157-603 0.9905569635784437 38 Sacu_v1.1_s0075.g017385 EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase & original description: CDS=619-1599 ATACA2, ACA2 0.9905387749090317 47 Sacu_v1.1_s0011.g005070 not classified & original description: CDS=1-309 0.990488302926203 44 Sacu_v1.1_s0051.g013963 not classified & original description: CDS=1-459 0.9903705127434047 35 Sacu_v1.1_s0098.g019469 not classified & original description: CDS=1-738 0.9903084600619493 52 Sacu_v1.1_s0189.g025199 not classified & original description: CDS=1-561 0.9899398941826697 43 Sacu_v1.1_s0001.g000367 sugar efflux transporter *(SWEET) & original description: CDS=21-731 AtSWEET17, SWEET17 0.9899345979327417 78 Sacu_v1.1_s0066.g016132 pectin methylesterase & original description: CDS=1-684 0.989702494789587 80 Sacu_v1.1_s0023.g008836 not classified & original description: CDS=333-593 0.9891327820516947 42 Sacu_v1.1_s0044.g013041 organic cation transporter *(OCT) & original description: CDS=1-1485 AtOCT4, 4-Oct 0.9890503441846187 61 Sacu_v1.1_s0066.g016110 not classified & original description: CDS=647-1090 NIP4;1, NLM4 0.9890115624234789 45 Sacu_v1.1_s0011.g005228 not classified & original description: CDS=793-1299 PR-5, PR5 0.9889592683775871 75 Sacu_v1.1_s0001.g000418 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: CDS=223-1290 AtAUR1, AUR1 0.9883616960690564 28 Sacu_v1.1_s0149.g023258 not classified & original description: CDS=835-1170 0.9877981937446011 49 Sacu_v1.1_s0043.g012900 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: CDS=209-2263 FEI1 0.9877630035778825 45 Sacu_v1.1_s0030.g010355 not classified & original description: CDS=126-797 0.9874977784265683 87 Sacu_v1.1_s0001.g000584 not classified & original description: CDS=76-996 TUB2 0.9873813162292153 73 Sacu_v1.1_s0036.g011753 not classified & original description: CDS=1-264 0.987363808557064 34 Sacu_v1.1_s0189.g025175 not classified & original description: CDS=19-531 0.98724091931367 51 Sacu_v1.1_s0059.g015058 not classified & original description: CDS=69-863 0.9871861753995865 50 Sacu_v1.1_s0054.g014290 not classified & original description: CDS=1-711 0.9860802230426482 51 Sacu_v1.1_s0188.g025142 not classified & original description: CDS=17-544 0.9859629192319925 100 Sacu_v1.1_s0024.g009198 monosaccharide transporter *(AZT) & original description: CDS=277-2430 TMT2 0.9859576652459888 65 Sacu_v1.1_s0114.g020901 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group & original description: CDS=233-1282 SMT1, CPH 0.985826170124569 76 Sacu_v1.1_s0002.g000801 DNA chromomethylase *(CMT) & original description: CDS=1-1581 CMT3 0.985670317834413 66 Sacu_v1.1_s0036.g011573 not classified & original description: CDS=403-834 0.9852175124268544 92 Sacu_v1.1_s0037.g011897 not classified & original description: CDS=1-360 0.9851577461069174 96 Sacu_v1.1_s0020.g008005 not classified & original description: CDS=3-746 0.9849609631670908 74 Sacu_v1.1_s0223.g026276 Kinesin-14-type motor protein & original description: CDS=347-2353 0.9849603565723406 56 Sacu_v1.1_s0068.g016476 not classified & original description: CDS=120-470 0.983870994080718 51 Sacu_v1.1_s0185.g025011 Kinesin-7-type motor protein & original description: CDS=354-3425 HIK, ATNACK1, NACK1 0.9829914736511809 79 Sacu_v1.1_s0254.g026802 solute transporter *(MTCC) & original description: CDS=79-1176 PHT3;1 0.9816610107949278 81 Sacu_v1.1_s0068.g016386 not classified & original description: CDS=1-2142 APUM8, PUM8 0.9815931514774863 77 Sacu_v1.1_s0020.g008236 not classified & original description: CDS=1-219 0.9814574174956248 75 Sacu_v1.1_s1312.g027987 not classified & original description: CDS=1-2460 0.9812632930831817 89 Sacu_v1.1_s0005.g002542 not classified & original description: CDS=1-1497 0.9800832143703662 100 Sacu_v1.1_s0015.g006691 not classified & original description: CDS=1-303 0.9800832030409522 100 Sacu_v1.1_s0177.g024659 not classified & original description: CDS=1-642 0.9800831115352088 100 Sacu_v1.1_s0045.g013229 not classified & original description: CDS=45-536 0.9800830971606568 100 Sacu_v1.1_s0054.g014275 not classified & original description: CDS=1-264 0.9800830764646252 100 Sacu_v1.1_s0008.g003982 not classified & original description: CDS=1-1839 0.980083076359118 100 Sacu_v1.1_s0018.g007469 not classified & original description: CDS=1-447 0.9800830326866571 100