Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Ore_g23399 mTERF-type transcription factor & original description: none 0.9543835131322828 2 Ore_g01292 not classified & original description: none 0.9518053876581323 6 Ore_g10004 lytic vacuole protein sorting receptor *(VSR) & original description: none VSR2;2, ATVSR3, BP80-2;2, VSR3 0.9488093214654867 12 Ore_g45115 not classified & original description: none 0.9447515543709335 5 Ore_g05183 component *(STT3) of oligosaccharyl transferase (OST) complex & original description: none STT3B 0.9434017951361268 9 Ore_g29500 mechanosensitive ion channel *(MSL) & original description: none 0.9409130217672377 37 Ore_g29438 not classified & original description: none 0.9408045684048543 7 Ore_g43770 component *(eL19) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome & original description: none 0.9382590156487355 34 Ore_g03314 serine decarboxylase & original description: none emb1075 0.9374586716873397 88 Ore_g29964 membrane-anchored lectin chaperone *(CNX) & original description: none 0.93731112178519 40 Ore_g03308 lyso-phosphatidylethanolamine acyltransferase *(LPEAT) & original description: none 0.9347543071619464 12 Ore_g15039 primexine deposition factor *(NPU) & original description: none 0.9336452441984223 14 Ore_g37482 EC_3.2 glycosylase & original description: none 0.9308604010041577 50 Ore_g05804 subunit beta of E1 subcomplex of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex & original description: none MAB1 0.9299841719737925 88 Ore_g06578 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none ETR, ETR1, EIN1, AtETR1 0.9290008120233403 49 Ore_g18573 not classified & original description: none 0.928485044588439 68 Ore_g33669 component *(uS4) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none 0.9277043666647896 29 Ore_g06033 component *(uL10) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome & original description: none 0.9267749104664124 70 Ore_g03359 cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel *(CNGC) & original description: none CNGC15, ATCNGC15 0.9232919630048305 57 Ore_g40992 chaperone *(Hsp60) & original description: none HSP60, HSP60-3B 0.9231380424394081 82 Ore_g04324 regulatory component *(ALIS) of phospholipid flippase complex & original description: none ALIS1 0.9193465942785675 41 Ore_g40991 chaperone *(Hsp60) & original description: none HSP60, HSP60-3B 0.918028140376575 33 Ore_g29860 subunit alpha of co-translational insertion system Sec61 subcomplex & original description: none 0.9175493931887821 87 Ore_g23729 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen & original description: none 0.9149756607501051 76 Ore_g03710 not classified & original description: none 0.9146872030583398 87 Ore_g45208 RNA polymerase-II nuclear import factor *(GPN1) & original description: none QQT2 0.9138165351571226 88 Ore_g34071 TUB-type transcription factor & original description: none AtTLP3, TLP3 0.9097810611888689 49 Ore_g15446 not classified & original description: none 0.9095079288141947 52 Ore_g06376 component *(TFB4) of TFIIh basal transcription factor complex & original description: none 0.9072068802459786 53 Ore_g08924 not classified & original description: none 0.9068903768422092 55 Ore_g10414 R-type VAMP7-group component of SNARE longin membrane fusion complex & original description: none VAMP714, ATVAMP714 0.899204004987751 75 Ore_g23117 not classified & original description: none 0.8980742489625948 79 Ore_g13216 not classified & original description: none 0.897366375017586 83 Ore_g44834 not classified & original description: none 0.8940000630708548 97