Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Len_g02669 subunit delta of peripheral CF1 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex & original description: none ATPD 0.9963260344310582 1 Len_g08101 not classified & original description: none 0.9950473209247858 2 Len_g21232 subunit b_ of membrane CF0 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex & original description: none 0.994999548936061 5 Len_g35740 photosynthetic acclimation MPH2 acclimation factor & original description: none 0.9946900689381287 4 Len_g17260 component *(LHCa2) of LHC-I complex & original description: none LHCA2 0.9942349310164188 5 Len_g15281 EC_1.4 oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH2 group of donor & original description: none AtGLDP2, GLDP2 0.9940444619526624 6 Len_g13099 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(MET1) & original description: none ZKT 0.9935272570712356 7 Len_g11447 regulatory factor *(RIQ) of thylakoid grana stacking & original description: none 0.9931210943711579 8 Len_g10218 component *(bL12c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none RPL12-C 0.993013221621547 9 Len_g13543 endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none CSP41A 0.9929941682429697 10 Len_g13161 abscisic acid perception modulator *(ABAR) & original description: none CCH1, GUN5, CHLH, CCH, ABAR 0.9924167564767377 11 Len_g10893 not classified & original description: none 0.9921767466061818 12 Len_g00379 component *(uL3c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9919872385981158 13 Len_g00435 component *(NdhN) of NDH subcomplex A & original description: none 0.9919680662855056 14 Len_g19624 EC_1.11 oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as acceptor & original description: none APX6 0.9919269293412418 15 Len_g03236 endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B 0.9914529234735306 16 Len_g14887 chaperone component *(ClpC) of chloroplast Clp-type protease complex & original description: none HSP93-V, DCA1, ATHSP93-V, CLPC, CLPC1 0.9911814986539941 17 Len_g00689 NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase *(NTRC) & original description: none NTRC 0.9911454852303727 18 Len_g16129 not classified & original description: none 0.9910878356789242 19 Len_g20683 component *(uS17c) of small plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9910490984711747 20 Len_g07374 thioredoxin *(TRX-M) & original description: none ATHM2 0.9909173864661799 21 Len_g22369 EC_1.2 oxidoreductase acting on aldehyde or oxo group of donor & original description: none GAPA-2 0.9907734109255155 22 Len_g07272 not classified & original description: none 0.9907040270334652 23 Len_g15716 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none ADG1, APS1 0.9906763135095678 24 Len_g22333 translation elongation factor *(EF-Tu) & original description: none ATRAB8D, ATRABE1B, RABE1b 0.9905236749224031 25 Len_g04690 not classified & original description: none 0.9905185780112223 26 Len_g47851 translation ribosome recycling factor *(RRF) & original description: none AtcpRRF, HFP108, cpRRF, RRF 0.9904996354376492 27 Len_g13555 not classified & original description: none 0.9904493963198184 28 Len_g31505 not classified & original description: none 0.9904027433177018 29 Len_g30006 EC_5.3 intramolecular oxidoreductase & original description: none 0.9902021524126097 30 Len_g01005 component *(uL13c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none emb1473 0.9899937560319314 31 Len_g15030 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none STN8 0.9899318379391993 32 Len_g13257 component *(uL4c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none RPL4 0.9897658690690476 33 Len_g09525 EC_1.18 oxidoreductase acting on iron-sulfur protein as donor & original description: none FNR1, ATLFNR1 0.9897487272879087 34 Len_g16078 thioredoxin *(TRX-M) & original description: none ATHM4, TRX-M4, ATM4 0.9896989985539763 35 Len_g11967 EC_1.10 oxidoreductase acting on diphenol or related substance as donor & original description: none PGR1, PETC 0.989689803735369 36 Len_g27961 EC_1.2 oxidoreductase acting on aldehyde or oxo group of donor & original description: none GAPA-2 0.989576704954335 37 Len_g59815 translation elongation factor *(EF-Ts) & original description: none emb2726 0.9894094933695989 38 Len_g38680 component *(PsaL) of PS-I complex & original description: none PSAL 0.9891113717469951 39 Len_g55646 not classified & original description: none 0.9888994829319012 40 Len_g31128 component *(LHCb4) of LHC-II complex & original description: none LHCB4.2 0.9887409462322385 41 Len_g03280 geranylgeranyl reductase *(CHLP) & original description: none 0.9887262190077651 42 Len_g17713 component *(LHCb5) of LHC-II complex & original description: none LHCB5 0.9883848918168829 43 Len_g01063 assembly factor CCB1 of CCB cytochrome b6 maturation system (system IV) & original description: none CCB1 0.9883666363072182 44 Len_g11400 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(HCF136) & original description: none HCF136 0.9883482230737859 45 Len_g12501 nascent polypeptide chaperone *(TIG) & original description: none 0.9881926192285877 46 Len_g48582 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none 0.987679832677215 47 Len_g18439 regulatory factor *(CURT) of thylakoid grana stacking & original description: none 0.9875929428744519 48 Len_g13765 ABC1 atypical protein kinase & original description: none 0.9875106347933265 49 Len_g41767 component *(NdhU) of NDH electron donor-binding subcomplex E & original description: none 0.9874095156546474 50 Len_g59698 EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor & original description: none 0.9874003963955447 51 Len_g01188 ATP synthase complex assembly factor *(BFA1) & original description: none 0.9872135431833765 52 Len_g05147 component *(uL24c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9869656616027336 53 Len_g21709 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none PRK 0.9867774597096886 54 Len_g15290 not classified & original description: none 0.9867106291012134 55 Len_g11522 thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase *(LTO1) & original description: none 0.9863002878226604 56 Len_g09839 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(HCF244) & original description: none 0.986250180744047 57 Len_g28491 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(CYP26-2) & original description: none 0.9862035907166267 58 Len_g15808 beta-barrel heme oxygenase *(HOZ) & original description: none 0.9858799711909099 59 Len_g10215 component *(cL38) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none PSRP6 0.9857969085899029 60 Len_g29641 component *(PetM/VII) of cytochrome b6/f complex & original description: none 0.9857388813128916 61 Len_g25183 lipoamide-containing component *(H-protein) of glycine cleavage system & original description: none 0.985671852273148 62 Len_g12792 glycerate:glycolate transporter *(PLGG1) & original description: none 0.9855468266562173 63 Len_g12276 proton:potassium cation antiporter *(KEA) & original description: none ATKEA3, KEA3 0.9854649021015983 64 Len_g22898 not classified & original description: none emb2726 0.9854494606963816 65 Len_g19748 not classified & original description: none 0.9854494305804208 66 Len_g15141 translation initiation factor *(IF-3) & original description: none 0.9853522095364717 67 Len_g39684 translation elongation factor *(EF-Tu) & original description: none ATRAB8D, ATRABE1B, RABE1b 0.9850596062461713 68 Len_g14628 component *(LHCb6) of LHC-II complex & original description: none CP24, LHCB6 0.9850084553611103 69 Len_g16055 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond & original description: none HCEF1 0.9849846906653542 70 Len_g15964 cofactor of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase *(TAC16) & original description: none PTAC16 0.984958806518185 71 Len_g00377 photosynthetic acclimation APE acclimation factor & original description: none APE1 0.9848340500111538 72 Len_g09241 not classified & original description: none 0.9848162986563058 73 Len_g27878 not classified & original description: none 0.9848138454855279 74 Len_g00294 not classified & original description: none 0.9847363717891966 75 Len_g30338 organellar tryptophan-tRNA ligase & original description: none OVA4 0.9846722761812529 76 Len_g09823 thioredoxin *(TRX-M) & original description: none ATHM1, THM1, TRX-M1, ATM1 0.984638745138595 77 Len_g12483 not classified & original description: none 0.9846347668995404 78 Len_g28021 not classified & original description: none 0.9845922418488893 79 Len_g15812 chaperone *(cpHsc70)) & original description: none cpHsc70-1 0.9845082988266571 80 Len_g02246 component *(bS1c) of small plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none RPS1, ARRPS1 0.9843997240225446 81 Len_g18179 component *(PsbP) of PS-II oxygen-evolving center & original description: none OE23, OEE2, PSBP-1, PSII-P 0.9842965605508557 82 Len_g48455 not classified & original description: none 0.9841170624730811 83 Len_g15324 not classified & original description: none 0.9840812805587992 84 Len_g05506 iron-sulfur-cluster assembly transfer factor *(NEET) & original description: none 0.9839910271540723 85 Len_g10502 not classified & original description: none 0.98398662319864 86 Len_g02637 not classified & original description: none 0.9839249085893791 87 Len_g12383 plastidial inner envelope protease *(AraSP) & original description: none ARASP 0.9838683567698975 88 Len_g45581 component *(Tic62) of inner envelope TIC translocation system & original description: none 0.9838588994941552 89 Len_g49214 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group & original description: none 0.9838129682289848 90 Len_g04546 component *(bS16m) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9836760523326145 91 Len_g29542 ferredoxin targeted to non-NADP reduction & original description: none 0.9835997436903363 92 Len_g21609 not classified & original description: none TIC55-IV, ACD1-LIKE, PTC52 0.983434313439222 93 Len_g00985 regulatory factor *(RIQ) of thylakoid grana stacking & original description: none 0.9834230415075474 94 Len_g17359 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond & original description: none EMB86, EMB1030, EMB263 0.9833140779665523 95 Len_g08903 thylakoid membrane-remodeling GTPase *(FZL) & original description: none FZL 0.9829837505203559 96 Len_g15740 component *(bS21c) of small plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9829294319290406 97 Len_g09399 Mg-protoporphyrin IX O-methyltransferase *(CHLM) & original description: none CHLM 0.98274238783394 98 Len_g08228 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(FKBP19) & original description: none 0.9826400187893796 99 Len_g13114 not classified & original description: none ATGCN5, GCN5 0.9823576674851364 100