Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Len_g05147 component *(uL24c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9925074584894362 1 Len_g15030 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none STN8 0.9896723499855213 6 Len_g00379 component *(uL3c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9876527650986345 18 Len_g11639 regulatory protein *(THF1) of thylakoid biogenesis & original description: none PSB29, THF1 0.9869440604582452 18 Len_g17260 component *(LHCa2) of LHC-I complex & original description: none LHCA2 0.9869089840165554 41 Len_g47851 translation ribosome recycling factor *(RRF) & original description: none AtcpRRF, HFP108, cpRRF, RRF 0.9865371360850026 37 Len_g59815 translation elongation factor *(EF-Ts) & original description: none emb2726 0.9863636379007282 32 Len_g12360 not classified & original description: none 0.9861495348666138 8 Len_g21232 subunit b_ of membrane CF0 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex & original description: none 0.9858740407299994 56 Len_g15808 beta-barrel heme oxygenase *(HOZ) & original description: none 0.9855507678603106 18 Len_g20683 component *(uS17c) of small plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9854387786113766 53 Len_g13161 abscisic acid perception modulator *(ABAR) & original description: none CCH1, GUN5, CHLH, CCH, ABAR 0.9851897251310838 33 Len_g03622 not classified & original description: none 0.9848556562001479 18 Len_g48478 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(FKBP16-4) & original description: none 0.9845082988266571 80 Len_g09839 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(HCF244) & original description: none 0.9842180146073992 46 Len_g11400 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(HCF136) & original description: none HCF136 0.983791229305536 54 Len_g16035 not classified & original description: none CP31B 0.983560820546551 17 Len_g13099 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(MET1) & original description: none ZKT 0.9835459241485536 62 Len_g03816 FSD2-interacting component of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase & original description: none 0.9832667966556649 19 Len_g02175 not classified & original description: none 0.9830161085927883 21 Len_g12127 EC_6.6 ligase forming nitrogen-metal bond & original description: none V157, PDE166, ALB1, CHLD, ALB-1V 0.9825613112425788 21 Len_g10893 not classified & original description: none 0.9824884457888553 59 Len_g15964 cofactor of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase *(TAC16) & original description: none PTAC16 0.982480849320687 42 Len_g13340 chaperone *(Hsp60) & original description: none CH-CPN60A, CPN60A, SLP 0.9824039444180033 24 Len_g09838 component *(LHCb5) of LHC-II complex & original description: none LHCB5 0.9820066067606855 34 Len_g19624 EC_1.11 oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as acceptor & original description: none APX6 0.9818361682272271 79 Len_g01005 component *(uL13c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none emb1473 0.9818277454977322 77 Len_g11967 EC_1.10 oxidoreductase acting on diphenol or related substance as donor & original description: none PGR1, PETC 0.9816849742928606 73 Len_g12117 not classified & original description: none 0.9816061768449046 53 Len_g10215 component *(cL38) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none PSRP6 0.981435470926705 61 Len_g18179 component *(PsbP) of PS-II oxygen-evolving center & original description: none OE23, OEE2, PSBP-1, PSII-P 0.9814116934177329 60 Len_g30006 EC_5.3 intramolecular oxidoreductase & original description: none 0.9812693536504029 71 Len_g07272 not classified & original description: none 0.9812190689053243 95 Len_g15716 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none ADG1, APS1 0.9811196862176093 51 Len_g17713 component *(LHCb5) of LHC-II complex & original description: none LHCB5 0.9809537170666013 38 Len_g08228 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(FKBP19) & original description: none 0.9808713112326037 37 Len_g11187 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(Psb27) & original description: none PSB27 0.98076916260996 45 Len_g21002 not classified & original description: none 0.9807553443450548 39 Len_g22898 not classified & original description: none emb2726 0.9806272702931772 75 Len_g11447 regulatory factor *(RIQ) of thylakoid grana stacking & original description: none 0.9803340821166099 88 Len_g20362 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(FKBP16-1) & original description: none 0.9802771173425318 43 Len_g09525 EC_1.18 oxidoreductase acting on iron-sulfur protein as donor & original description: none FNR1, ATLFNR1 0.980230159585926 99 Len_g03697 mTERF-type transcription factor & original description: none 0.9800458787785703 45 Len_g07700 not classified & original description: none 0.9798771261774866 46 Len_g12015 component *(LHCa4) of LHC-I complex & original description: none CAB4, LHCA4 0.979604671238109 68 Len_g00689 NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase *(NTRC) & original description: none NTRC 0.9791207476832706 89 Len_g13372 component *(uL10c) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.9790766689181489 49 Len_g10954 component *(cpFtsY) of thylakoid membrane SRP insertion system & original description: none FRD4, CPFTSY 0.9789843306394679 50 Len_g32209 not classified & original description: none 0.9788314170856809 51 Len_g01063 assembly factor CCB1 of CCB cytochrome b6 maturation system (system IV) & original description: none CCB1 0.9788211425414699 61 Len_g28307 proteolytic core component *(ClpP1/3-6) of chloroplast Clp-type protease complex & original description: none NCLPP1, CLPP5, NCLPP5 0.9787883203283904 53 Len_g48455 not classified & original description: none 0.9782237613897139 94 Len_g23494 not classified & original description: none 0.9780716168277322 56 Len_g16039 not classified & original description: none 0.9777301469245172 58 Len_g21090 not classified & original description: none 0.9775671342427075 60 Len_g11954 not classified & original description: none RPH1 0.9772271562998796 63 Len_g38680 component *(PsaL) of PS-I complex & original description: none PSAL 0.9771316174184717 81 Len_g01074 not classified & original description: none 0.9769068940154123 67 Len_g09399 Mg-protoporphyrin IX O-methyltransferase *(CHLM) & original description: none CHLM 0.9768366026481903 75 Len_g02240 not classified & original description: none 0.9768017177617819 69 Len_g14896 not classified & original description: none 0.9765052278317812 71 Len_g13610 component *(PsaE) of PS-I complex & original description: none PSAE-2 0.9764157826033645 74 Len_g45580 not classified & original description: none 0.9763849927904813 86 Len_g29542 ferredoxin targeted to non-NADP reduction & original description: none 0.9761943050225416 74 Len_g31128 component *(LHCb4) of LHC-II complex & original description: none LHCB4.2 0.9760971153608244 100 Len_g19924 not classified & original description: none 0.9759432012741268 77 Len_g23521 component *(PsaF) of PS-I complex & original description: none PSAF 0.9755053563105045 78 Len_g09563 catalytic component *(CRD1) of Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethylester cyclase complex & original description: none ACSF, CHL27, CRD1 0.9755042512376711 79 Len_g01235 calcium sensor *(CAS) & original description: none CaS 0.9753066004071613 80 Len_g14885 thiazole synthase *(Thi1) & original description: none TZ, THI4, THI1 0.975295008307657 81 Len_g15141 translation initiation factor *(IF-3) & original description: none 0.974808430101888 86 Len_g20948 protease *(Deg) & original description: none DEGP2 0.974611842668896 86 Len_g20363 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(FKBP16-1) & original description: none 0.9745875646130866 87 Len_g11628 component *(PetM/VII) of cytochrome b6/f complex & original description: none 0.9744031809671951 89 Len_g02486 component *(cL37) of large plastid ribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none PSRP5 0.97415692168875 94 Len_g15848 not classified & original description: none 0.9741364303481105 95 Len_g06237 component *(PsaD) of PS-I complex & original description: none PSAD-1 0.9741148397643143 96 Len_g22240 not classified & original description: none 0.974041333751935 97 Len_g13205 PTP phosphatase *(LMW) & original description: none 0.9739031145027608 99 Len_g03280 geranylgeranyl reductase *(CHLP) & original description: none 0.9738778642823174 100