Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Len_g29091 purine transporter *(AZG) & original description: none AZG1, ATAZG1 0.9126432885489117 2 Len_g06124 HUB ubiquitin-fold protein & original description: none 0.9029927358753987 2 Len_g13598 vesicle tethering small GTPase *(RAB5) & original description: none RABF2B, ATRAB-F2B, RAB-F2B, ATRABF2B, ARA7, ARA-7, ATRAB5B 0.9008411694925776 13 Len_g14411 not classified & original description: none 0.890145218021532 5 Len_g21220 not classified & original description: none 0.8794154617543155 23 Len_g02322 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none CRCK2 0.8776338989600082 12 Len_g15996 not classified & original description: none 0.8772630140453097 13 Len_g16436 E3 ubiquitin ligase & original description: none ATPUB17, PUB17 0.8729201650827572 14 Len_g43956 autophagosome ubiquitin-fold protein *(ATG8) & original description: none 0.8714008220763484 9 Len_g09871 not classified & original description: none 0.868130503491062 10 Len_g02860 not classified & original description: none 0.8646562675645618 15 Len_g14624 ER-tubule curvature-inducing protein *(Reticulon) & original description: none RTNLB2, BTI2 0.8638590248431648 59 Len_g17272 cyt-b561 electron shuttle hemoprotein *(CYBASC) & original description: none CYB-1, ACYB-1 0.862703292064916 70 Len_g10785 phosphate transporter trafficking factor *(PHF1) & original description: none AtTRM82, TRM82 0.8616831402843056 14 Len_g11975 not classified & original description: none SAG18 0.858363945537823 17 Len_g04031 Parvulin-type protein folding catalyst *(PIN) & original description: none 0.8576191207191527 68 Len_g02726 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen & original description: none 0.8563333096115484 17 Len_g09051 class VIII myosin microfilament-based motor protein & original description: none ATVIIIA, VIIIA 0.855486666187314 18 Len_g15861 aromatic-amino-acid aminotransferase & original description: none 0.8519500734863931 26 Len_g07346 E3 ubiquitin ligase component *(GID2) of GID ubiquitination complex & original description: none 0.8513027946545468 20 Len_g09705 not classified & original description: none 0.850952420770029 46 Len_g27437 not classified & original description: none 0.8484399506722304 22 Len_g12799 not classified & original description: none 0.848348763450191 49 Len_g01727 component *(NOT11) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex & original description: none 0.8482301376991757 53 Len_g13362 EC_1.11 oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as acceptor & original description: none APX2, APX1B 0.8479995382887079 56 Len_g37051 phospholipase-C *(nPLC)) & original description: none NPC1 0.843296772230949 26 Len_g28208 not classified & original description: none 0.8391499531273767 27 Len_g13394 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond & original description: none 0.8388179453774112 28 Len_g02291 solute transporter *(NIPA) & original description: none 0.836585275702742 83 Len_g56137 component *(LIN37) of DREAM cell cycle regulatory complex & original description: none 0.8356527881118576 30 Len_g11029 not classified & original description: none 0.8354283550992967 37 Len_g30630 regulatory E3 ubiquitin ligase (APD) involved in gametogenesis & original description: none 0.8337565694250061 36 Len_g21875 peptide sulfotransferase *(SGN2) & original description: none TPST 0.8334034597189769 34 Len_g49959 not classified & original description: none 0.8332541782404606 35 Len_g02242 basal Sigma-type transcription factor & original description: none 0.831947932844797 36 Len_g01843 EC_3.2 glycosylase & original description: none MNS1, MANIB 0.8305651912629965 92 Len_g28013 anion transporter *(NRT1/PTR) & original description: none PTR1, ATPTR1 0.8300893495481515 39 Len_g35520 acyl-CoA-binding protein *(ACBP6) & original description: none ACBP6, ACBP 0.8300311652415991 86 Len_g05168 not classified & original description: none ATNUDT15, ATNUDX15, NUDX15 0.8286689491089212 41 Len_g56313 not classified & original description: none 0.828504099381103 46 Len_g28263 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) & original description: none XCP1 0.8251179632125244 43 Len_g22945 not classified & original description: none 0.8250327070976273 44 Len_g31664 not classified & original description: none 0.824396398931626 100 Len_g13235 EC_3.5 hydrolase acting on carbon-nitrogen bond, other than peptide bond & original description: none BETA-UP, PYD3 0.8242879441633983 46 Len_g09632 not classified & original description: none 0.8215721191038763 47 Len_g10142 EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor & original description: none NQR 0.8210758613205921 49 Len_g23705 splicing factor *(SR45a) & original description: none 0.8196444579049512 50 Len_g25427 not classified & original description: none 0.8171560073999788 51 Len_g05390 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none CERK1, LYSM RLK1 0.8163937216088332 65 Len_g17548 lytic vacuole protein sorting receptor *(VSR) & original description: none VSR4, VSR2;1, MTV4, BP80-2;1 0.814831421675745 68 Len_g54090 not classified & original description: none 0.8146760504579917 57 Len_g45440 not classified & original description: none 0.8142611968985718 59 Len_g27902 electron shuttle component *(Cyt-b5) of CER1-CER3 alkane-forming complex & original description: none B5 #4, ATCB5-B, CB5-B 0.806182212388312 69 Len_g20978 chaperone component *(PEX19) of PEX19 insertion system & original description: none PEX19-1, AtPEX19-1 0.8052468527261356 71 Len_g01739 not classified & original description: none 0.805097401007511 73 Len_g01822 substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex & original description: none 0.8001369516300754 81 Len_g00613 not classified & original description: none SYT5, NTMC2T2.1, SYTE, NTMC2TYPE2.1, ATSYTE 0.7986324956595797 100 Len_g19123 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(RFI2) & original description: none 0.7953432224027397 86 Len_g06429 RlmH-type rRNA methyltransferase & original description: none 0.7941940872784947 87 Len_g02670 membrane protein cargo receptor *(RER1) & original description: none ATRER1A 0.7936623652247163 88 Len_g15904 not classified & original description: none 0.7921083230829732 91 Len_g57610 not classified & original description: none 0.7917049880589625 92 Len_g33501 component *(UFD1) of ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) machinery & original description: none UFD1 0.7915880539629576 97 Len_g06271 regulatory protein *(MBS) of singlet oxygen-induced signalling & original description: none 0.7888439093059254 97