Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Len_g09769 Kinesin-7-type motor protein & original description: none 0.9873020558797478 12 Len_g12101 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none 0.9855974168728007 42 Len_g02905 TCX/CPP-type transcription factor & original description: none TCX2, ATTCX2 0.9846633138840486 12 Len_g56690 not classified & original description: none 0.9842727885221688 19 Len_g09082 component *(DDR) of ISWI chromatin remodeling complex & original description: none 0.9818520836753575 30 Len_g37592 DNA methyltransferase *(MET) & original description: none DDM2, MET1, DMT01, MET2, DMT1, METI 0.9798379320954399 42 Len_g07783 not classified & original description: none 0.979707754963488 52 Len_g15475 Kinesin-12-type motor protein & original description: none 0.9795457422747116 14 Len_g08655 Kinesin-12-type motor protein & original description: none POK2 0.979538703474865 16 Len_g09758 regulatory protein *(ASPM) of microtubule minus-end stability & original description: none 0.97943773449557 79 Len_g27982 R1R2R3-MYB transcription factor & original description: none MYB3R-1, ATMYB3R1, PC-MYB1, MYB3R1, ATMYB3R-1 0.9779561605422543 78 Len_g03428 not classified & original description: none 0.9777945904491219 87 Len_g28799 ER luminal lectin chaperone *(CRT) & original description: none AtCRT1a, CRT1a, CRT1 0.976440216564238 15 Len_g22743 polysaccharide O-acetyltransferase *(TBR) & original description: none TBL5 0.975835000192062 23 Len_g02419 component *(CAP-G) of condensin I complex & original description: none EMB2656 0.9751383007810857 78 Len_g36054 component *(GRF) of GRF-GIF transcriptional complex & original description: none GRF2, AtGRF2 0.9751234171673343 59 Len_g29229 proton-translocating pyrophosphatase *(VHP1) & original description: none AtVHP1;1, AVP1, ATAVP3, AVP-3 0.9749076965102659 95 Len_g25081 not classified & original description: none 0.9744278382629761 24 Len_g14111 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase & original description: none IRX9-L, I9H 0.9744114139443816 92 Len_g23782 linker histone *(H1) & original description: none HIS1-3 0.9743062011044517 85 Len_g14335 Kinesin-8-type motor protein & original description: none 0.9741887973734957 27 Len_g32586 not classified & original description: none 0.9737319173170098 73 Len_g12083 not classified & original description: none 0.9736288674660729 30 Len_g51963 not classified & original description: none 0.9735304447472009 55 Len_g11156 Kleisin-like bridging component *(NSE4) of homologous recombination repair Smc5-Smc6 complex & original description: none 0.9725889704032524 69 Len_g23664 not classified & original description: none ATPAO5, PAO5 0.9711488346919509 41 Len_g20879 not classified & original description: none 0.9708653339422318 59 Len_g38479 not classified & original description: none 0.9706637127394946 47 Len_g56633 not classified & original description: none 0.9701341498045168 52 Len_g01189 Kinesin-10-type motor protein & original description: none 0.969871232781726 53 Len_g02536 not classified & original description: none 0.9697505618313266 87 Len_g55690 REM-type transcription factor & original description: none 0.9692278802526874 93 Len_g09288 catalytic component *(POL2/POLE1) of DNA polymerase epsilon complex & original description: none TIL1, POL2A, ABO4, EMB2284, ESD7, EMB142, EMB529 0.968988729184661 86 Len_g11468 component *(RAD51) of BRCC regulatory deubiquination complex & original description: none RAD51, ATRAD51 0.9689350191170488 62 Len_g15193 E3 ubiquitin ligase & original description: none ATPUB45, PUB45 0.9687270403826953 63 Len_g04290 not classified & original description: none IQD3 0.9684595208169219 67 Len_g50714 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none 0.9684216993381185 69 Len_g03076 not classified & original description: none 0.9681849764553232 79 Len_g04347 not classified & original description: none MAP70-1, ATMAP70-1 0.9666998088820086 82 Len_g55569 not classified & original description: none 0.9665694149988486 84 Len_g20557 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none ATMAPK3, ATMPK3, MPK3 0.9659580722345521 89