Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Dcu_g06524 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none 0.9786883504243983 1 Dcu_g34300 regulatory component *(VIR) of adenosine N6-methyltransferase complex & original description: none EMB2016 0.9741351603791325 5 Dcu_g05000 not classified & original description: none 0.9740537670255994 3 Dcu_g12709 not classified & original description: none G2484-1, ATG2484-1 0.9727115911194443 4 Dcu_g09520 component *(SMC3/TTN7) of cohesin regulator complex & original description: none TTN7, SMC3 0.9722234448770052 5 Dcu_g20123 not classified & original description: none 0.9711980913155822 6 Dcu_g10166 not classified & original description: none 0.9709547139168985 9 Dcu_g05845 mitotic-specific Kleisin-type component *(SCC1) of cohesin regulator complex & original description: none ATRAD21.3, SYN4 0.9706386325025744 8 Dcu_g20260 not classified & original description: none NOV 0.9694015241906124 9 Dcu_g06528 component *(KIX) of PPD-KIX transcriptional repressor complex & original description: none ATHPCAT2, HAC1, ATHAC1, PCAT2 0.9679923837997267 10 Dcu_g02056 component *(THOC2/Tho2) of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex & original description: none THO2, AtTHO2 0.967847291462777 11 Dcu_g11589 not classified & original description: none 0.9669897084281853 12 Dcu_g11312 not classified & original description: none 0.96353529158323 13 Dcu_g25005 not classified & original description: none 0.9632922896757976 14 Dcu_g19030 not classified & original description: none 0.9623544768067513 15 Dcu_g10986 not classified & original description: none 0.9618800339510315 16 Dcu_g05846 susceptibility factor *(EXA1) & original description: none 0.9612771702007289 17 Dcu_g34306 component *(ILP1) of Intron-Lariat Spliceosome complex & original description: none ILP1 0.960451358380897 18 Dcu_g17316 regulatory component *(AIPP2) of chromatin silencing regulator complex & original description: none 0.9598583260070523 19 Dcu_g37274 not classified & original description: none 0.959255744654641 20 Dcu_g02066 scaffold component *(NOT1) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex & original description: none 0.9586819319696602 21 Dcu_g11704 RNA editing factor *(OZ) & original description: none 0.958285755395554 22 Dcu_g32031 component *(MED23) of tail module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex & original description: none 0.9581625634092904 23 Dcu_g14943 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP133) & original description: none 0.9569733736827258 24 Dcu_g10841 not classified & original description: none 0.9567041068449448 25 Dcu_g07669 component *(ARP5) of INO80 chromatin remodeling complex & original description: none ARP5, ATARP5 0.956641790976315 26 Dcu_g03099 not classified & original description: none 0.9566297908902467 27 Dcu_g01827 not classified & original description: none 0.9564136354632602 28 Dcu_g08986 component *(RAD50) of DNA resection MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex & original description: none RAD50, ATRAD50 0.9551111443250766 29 Dcu_g05840 class-III histone methyltransferase *(Trx) & original description: none ATX1, SDG27 0.9547563121149625 30 Dcu_g12897 not classified & original description: none 0.9542602797518523 31 Dcu_g15195 nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP62) & original description: none EMB2766 0.9532217228953622 32 Dcu_g04911 not classified & original description: none 0.9526929186394835 33 Dcu_g24061 not classified & original description: none 0.9524994579800719 34 Dcu_g02948 not classified & original description: none 0.9521758326447682 40 Dcu_g09218 not classified & original description: none 0.9517022539548546 36 Dcu_g07177 not classified & original description: none 0.9509817947127429 37 Dcu_g04158 helicase *(SEN1) & original description: none 0.9506485542429972 38 Dcu_g19260 RNA helicase *(Brr2) & original description: none emb1507 0.9502702354728013 39 Dcu_g23742 FLC-binding component *(SUF4) of FRI-C transcription effector complex & original description: none SUF4 0.9501768728784723 40 Dcu_g20400 pre-mRNA splicing factor *(RBM25) & original description: none 0.9498551819271682 41 Dcu_g16637 RNA splicing regulator *(NSR) & original description: none 0.9494365220200613 42 Dcu_g36294 exoribonuclease *(RRP6L) & original description: none 0.9489785023816083 43 Dcu_g04926 not classified & original description: none 0.948977627878531 44 Dcu_g05826 component *(SMC1/TTN8) of cohesin regulator complex & original description: none TTN8, ATSMC1, SMC1 0.9487278039717686 45 Dcu_g08293 not classified & original description: none 0.9483720342896165 46 Dcu_g03210 not classified & original description: none 0.9482193716424261 47 Dcu_g42629 not classified & original description: none 0.9478581900716947 48 Dcu_g09835 not classified & original description: none 0.9477380530955335 49 Dcu_g35373 not classified & original description: none 0.9475654370862768 50 Dcu_g04026 scaffold component *(Nop58) of snoRNP rRNA methylation complex & original description: none 0.9470427127507386 51 Dcu_g09125 MRM2-type rRNA methyltransferase & original description: none 0.9467913256440673 52 Dcu_g12987 component *(APC1) of (APC/C)-dependent ubiquitination platform subcomplex & original description: none EMB2771 0.9466707231543041 53 Dcu_g39401 adherin *(SCC2) & original description: none SCC2, ATSCC2, EMB2773 0.9456890490805391 54 Dcu_g26230 not classified & original description: none 0.9456658951170488 55 Dcu_g34355 not classified & original description: none 0.9448017980730027 56 Dcu_g37511 LSU ribosomal large subunit export factor *(MDN1) & original description: none 0.9444706200843204 57 Dcu_g05831 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group & original description: none EMB1691 0.9442989573363765 58 Dcu_g19973 component *(SPT6) of SPT6-IWS1 transcription elongation complex & original description: none GTB1 0.943522791754908 59 Dcu_g42083 not classified & original description: none 0.9434991235616003 60 Dcu_g04121 not classified & original description: none 0.9434402923249215 61 Dcu_g07747 plastidial RNA splicing factor *(OTP51) & original description: none OTP51 0.9432490175860049 62 Dcu_g46224 CAMTA-type transcription factor & original description: none CAMTA3, SR1 0.9427598988559588 63 Dcu_g16662 component *(DDR) of ISWI chromatin remodeling complex & original description: none 0.9426147322099494 64 Dcu_g06939 regulatory protein *(CYCL) of cell cycle & original description: none RCY1, ATRCY1 0.9425999224409217 65 Dcu_g48974 catalytic component *(REV3) of DNA polymerase zeta complex & original description: none ATREV3, REV3 0.9423137384310344 66 Dcu_g42746 not classified & original description: none 0.9419342384228658 67 Dcu_g08329 substrate adaptor *(DCAF1) of CUL4-DDB1 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex & original description: none DCAF1 0.9419026051581043 68 Dcu_g42108 component *(CDC5/MAC1) of MAC spliceosome-associated complex & original description: none ATCDC5, ATMYBCDC5, CDC5 0.9418334547561837 79 Dcu_g15931 transposon-derived factor HDP1 & original description: none 0.9417224403059753 70 Dcu_g03224 component *(TRA1) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex & original description: none 0.9413207620455528 71 Dcu_g08326 ATPase component *(PIE1) of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex & original description: none SRCAP, PIE1, chr13 0.9408857758376336 72 Dcu_g01745 RNA editing factor *(POCO) & original description: none PPR596 0.9407485487153505 73 Dcu_g41888 non-core component *(NAF1) of H/ACA snoRNP RNA pseudouridylation complex & original description: none NAF1, ATNAF1 0.9406589402775387 74 Dcu_g26237 not classified & original description: none 0.9404750947405467 75 Dcu_g13586 not classified & original description: none MOS1 0.9400582836990723 76 Dcu_g10966 histone demethylase *(KDM1d) & original description: none LDL3 0.9399963095186363 77 Dcu_g44993 component *(EAF1) of NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex & original description: none 0.9399552770309476 78 Dcu_g03193 endomembrane trafficking ATG6-stability regulator protein *(TRAF1) & original description: none 0.9398335645309525 79 Dcu_g24478 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none 0.9394452632161342 80 Dcu_g08328 not classified & original description: none LEP 0.9392729629755396 81 Dcu_g30363 not classified & original description: none MAP70-4, ATMAP70-4 0.9391783060453383 82 Dcu_g18967 RNA helicase component *(HEN2) of Nuclear Exosome Targeting (NEXT) activation complex & original description: none HEN2 0.938372849850327 84 Dcu_g31737 RNA editing factor *(OZ) & original description: none 0.9379849171263493 85 Dcu_g02748 GARP subgroup PHL transcription factor & original description: none 0.9377562341875821 86 Dcu_g13789 not classified & original description: none 0.9371177142972397 87 Dcu_g37410 not classified & original description: none 0.9369436109871304 88 Dcu_g07772 component *(RBM26) of PAXT nucleoplasmic activation complex & original description: none 0.9360332095175377 89 Dcu_g05849 not classified & original description: none 0.9360138945209489 90 Dcu_g12341 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP205) & original description: none 0.9356965293864806 91 Dcu_g07784 SSU processome assembly factor *(UTP10) & original description: none 0.9355208403007091 92 Dcu_g11913 EC_5.4 intramolecular transferase & original description: none 0.9343421520440933 95 Dcu_g39021 susceptibility factor *(EXA1) & original description: none 0.9339645939575293 96 Dcu_g08976 not classified & original description: none VAC1, ECB2, ATECB2 0.9339181089408453 97 Dcu_g14585 regulatory protein of RNA homeostasis & original description: none 0.9335803452891615 98 Dcu_g46147 component *(ADA3) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex & original description: none 0.9334569286970277 99 Dcu_g08984 component *(GCP6) of gamma-Tubulin ring complex & original description: none 0.9334422625662859 100