Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Dcu_g07546 not classified & original description: none 0.924604388463304 9 Dcu_g46609 TruD-type tRNA pseudouridine synthase & original description: none 0.9236063206806367 14 Dcu_g07504 component *(eEF1B-gamma) of eEF1B eEF1A-GDP-recycling complex & original description: none 0.9095257923426954 4 Dcu_g11391 component *(CstF50) of Cleavage Stimulatory Factor (CstF) complex & original description: none 0.9090349139879229 66 Dcu_g07620 not classified & original description: none AXR4, RGR, RGR1 0.9044666486855386 6 Dcu_g11397 large subunit *(ECR1) of E1 RUB ubiquitin-activating enzyme complex & original description: none ECR1 0.9009546696072359 56 Dcu_g17230 E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme *(UBC1) & original description: none ATUBC1, UBC1 0.892677257368299 52 Dcu_g41049 E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme *(UBC4) & original description: none UBC5 0.8882698745561926 14 Dcu_g12685 not classified & original description: none 0.8880853665180147 15 Dcu_g36578 Rab GTPase-activating protein & original description: none 0.8874029770819655 23 Dcu_g10275 not classified & original description: none 0.8854774866894861 74 Dcu_g11979 not classified & original description: none 0.884940702295732 56 Dcu_g10054 metal cation transporter *(ZTP) & original description: none ZTP29 0.8824343645422185 60 Dcu_g19627 component *(RFC3) of PCNA sliding clamp loader complex & original description: none EMB251, RFC3, EMB161, EMB2775 0.8810513020794247 96 Dcu_g03857 not classified & original description: none 0.8794413394745381 90 Dcu_g36172 not classified & original description: none 0.8763251031636675 53 Dcu_g47026 component *(mS22) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.8753889810560274 70 Dcu_g01102 EC_2.6 transferase transferring nitrogenous group & original description: none AGT2 0.8752455676542402 44 Dcu_g09692 EC_6.3 ligase forming carbon-nitrogen bond & original description: none 0.8732934404939828 67 Dcu_g01409 chromatin architectural modulator *(PNET) & original description: none 0.8716258255052822 58 Dcu_g05429 transcription factor *(DOF) & original description: none OBP4 0.8652368762277287 71 Dcu_g01272 not classified & original description: none 0.8620531375912003 82