Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Dcu_g19091 not classified & original description: none 0.9804116431024266 1 Dcu_g04031 component *(MCM3) of MCM replicative DNA helicase complex & original description: none MCM3 0.9739703958847433 50 Dcu_g42061 not classified & original description: none CHR5 0.9720177251925134 22 Dcu_g04956 Kinesin-7-type motor protein & original description: none ZCF125 0.9711046556759368 20 Dcu_g50408 not classified & original description: none 0.971082961852353 5 Dcu_g14679 component *(CAP-C/SMC4) of condensin I/II complex & original description: none ATCAP-C, ATSMC4, SMC3, ATSMC3 0.9685716607084033 11 Dcu_g08761 regulatory protein *(CYCB) of cell cycle & original description: none CYCB2;3 0.9673510783789026 33 Dcu_g10242 component *(BRCA1/BARD1) of BRCA1-BARD1 ubiquitination heterodimer & original description: none BRCA1, ATBRCA1 0.9664471507661623 79 Dcu_g33884 component *(DDR) of ISWI chromatin remodeling complex & original description: none 0.9645939625840015 38 Dcu_g09657 not classified & original description: none 0.9642640945289239 83 Dcu_g03065 not classified & original description: none 0.9640100164869004 71 Dcu_g50047 DNA chromomethylase *(CMT) & original description: none CMT2 0.9636628751568035 62 Dcu_g05907 not classified & original description: none 0.9628162905271354 23 Dcu_g01163 regulatory protein *(CYCB) of cell cycle & original description: none CYCB2;3 0.9627126018248788 90 Dcu_g04793 regulatory protein *(TAM) involved in metaphase to anaphase transition & original description: none CYC3B, CYCA2;2, CYC2BAT 0.9610073052388892 95 Dcu_g18924 not classified & original description: none 0.9607671251525384 82 Dcu_g12417 component *(SKA3) of outer kinetochore SKA complex & original description: none 0.9590061247876583 57 Dcu_g08150 not classified & original description: none 0.958871908509129 66 Dcu_g12416 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none FU 0.9588115200427405 76 Dcu_g05252 not classified & original description: none 0.9586645827964567 47 Dcu_g05716 Kinesin-14-type motor protein & original description: none ATK1, KATAP, KATA 0.9582348632542841 44 Dcu_g11388 component *(RPA1) of RPA presynaptic filament assembly factor complex & original description: none RPA70D, ATRPA70D 0.9575174658320247 64 Dcu_g48015 not classified & original description: none 0.9571526696062838 23 Dcu_g47632 not classified & original description: none 0.9570499430866325 31 Dcu_g09930 regulatory protein *(ASPM) of microtubule minus-end stability & original description: none 0.9565993883022509 97 Dcu_g13380 non-catalytic component *(Dpb2) of DNA polymerase epsilon complex & original description: none CYL2, ATDPB2, DPB2 0.9563979741970721 79 Dcu_g41553 not classified & original description: none 0.9563366431201906 31 Dcu_g06401 component *(MCM5) of MCM replicative DNA helicase complex & original description: none MCM5 0.9560741042438342 93 Dcu_g04066 component *(CAF1a/FAS1) of CAF1 histone chaperone complex & original description: none NFB2, FAS1 0.955580815739727 100 Dcu_g00561 not classified & original description: none 0.9553170115068347 45 Dcu_g07380 regulatory protein *(TET8/9) of extracellular vesicle trafficking & original description: none TET8 0.9543293801717708 34 Dcu_g43688 REM-type transcription factor & original description: none 0.9537433789457583 35 Dcu_g20439 not classified & original description: none UBC37 0.9529426024187564 70 Dcu_g07724 not classified & original description: none 0.9517725825329242 74 Dcu_g49521 not classified & original description: none 0.9513410305814296 99 Dcu_g14797 not classified & original description: none 0.9507688268081885 72 Dcu_g14231 Qa-type SYP1-group component of SNARE membrane fusion complex & original description: none ATSYP124, SYP124 0.950297472760061 81 Dcu_g14443 microtubule plus-end-tracking protein *(EB1) & original description: none EB1C, ATEB1C, ATEB1H1 0.9493656033951834 88 Dcu_g21582 not classified & original description: none 0.949221937027438 44 Dcu_g10017 component *(NDC80) of NDC80 outer kinetochore complex & original description: none 0.9482360705992988 99 Dcu_g26519 not classified & original description: none 0.9471400508035057 59 Dcu_g15920 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none 0.9457210279271985 98 Dcu_g19095 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & original description: none 0.945413577073352 54 Dcu_g31488 regulatory protein *(PS1) of sister chromatid separation & original description: none ATPS1, PS1 0.9443717101281502 88 Dcu_g04423 plasma membrane intrinsic protein *(PIP) & original description: none PIP2;1, PIP2, PIP2A 0.9441142457453123 59 Dcu_g06325 Ran-activating protein of nucleocytoplasmic transport & original description: none RANGAP2 0.9429250503390157 97 Dcu_g14805 not classified & original description: none 0.9424471102263634 79 Dcu_g02598 associated protein of ESCRT-III complex *(VPS46/CHMP1) & original description: none CHMP1A, VPS46.2 0.9414991710872203 97 Dcu_g46385 associated component *(ETG1) of MCM replicative DNA helicase complex & original description: none ETG1 0.93530174675432 90 Dcu_g37658 not classified & original description: none 0.9352154255471696 90 Dcu_g03073 not classified & original description: none 0.9350151191540541 85 Dcu_g13512 not classified & original description: none 0.9349070933120179 98 Dcu_g05327 not classified & original description: none 0.9333025728255372 96 Dcu_g00779 not classified & original description: none 0.9326565835695675 90 Dcu_g46826 DNA chromomethylase *(CMT) & original description: none CMT3 0.9324538733390709 100 Dcu_g43390 not classified & original description: none 0.9320832939011245 92 Dcu_g08278 regulatory E3 ubiquitin ligase (ORTH/VIM) of RNA-independent DNA methylation & original description: none VIM1, ORTH2 0.9307074097512361 94 Dcu_g48355 not classified & original description: none 0.9281502705284301 100