Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Dcu_g13909 rRNA methyltransferase *(NOP2) & original description: none 0.9531017934463007 28 Dcu_g15159 Hsp90/Hsp70-co-chaperone *(HOP) & original description: none Hop3 0.952964495160125 8 Dcu_g01981 substrate adaptor of CUL3-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complex & original description: none 0.9493184076556702 12 Dcu_g03206 regulatory protein *(MINIYO) of RNA polymerase & original description: none 0.9466285960211318 11 Dcu_g03165 component *(SMC5) of homologous recombination repair Smc5-Smc6 complex & original description: none SMC5 0.9466018132480313 5 Dcu_g14577 component *(CASC3) of RNA quality control Exon Junction complex & original description: none 0.9464757866355348 33 Dcu_g15344 endonuclease *(FAN1) & original description: none 0.9455382025338815 8 Dcu_g02270 not classified & original description: none 0.9449935353940815 8 Dcu_g15371 regulatory component *(PP4R3) of PP4 phosphatase complex & original description: none 0.9448907683382528 62 Dcu_g01630 telomeric dsDNA-binding protein & original description: none 0.9438189267990097 15 Dcu_g01228 pre-60S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(SMO4) & original description: none 0.9396202230431878 58 Dcu_g13304 component *(NOT3) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex & original description: none 0.9389980412765715 91 Dcu_g04113 O-fucosyltransferase *(SPY) & original description: none SPY 0.9378129737902424 33 Dcu_g20924 not classified & original description: none CHR11 0.9376814087336484 14 Dcu_g15083 not classified & original description: none 0.935435479915034 42 Dcu_g03116 phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate biosynthesis scaffold protein *(VAC14) & original description: none 0.9343744967993844 54 Dcu_g24521 chromatin remodeling factor *(Rad5) & original description: none RAD5 0.9337116833107951 64 Dcu_g05490 pre-mRNA-processing protein *(LUC7) & original description: none 0.9335931485859019 24 Dcu_g07730 regulatory component *(GCP-WD/NEDD1) of gamma-Tubulin ring complex & original description: none NEDD1 0.9332315033015119 72 Dcu_g01280 not classified & original description: none 0.9328843307640023 26 Dcu_g38298 not classified & original description: none 0.9316623639869159 94 Dcu_g22478 RNA helicase *(Prp16) & original description: none EMB3011 0.931377724525486 74 Dcu_g13056 regulatory nucleoporin of CPR5-CKI signalling pathway & original description: none CPR5, HYS1 0.9306401994973174 32 Dcu_g04819 not classified & original description: none ELF9 0.9294294156991963 93 Dcu_g02922 not classified & original description: none 0.9274639207753098 62 Dcu_g10601 platform ATPase CDC48 & original description: none emb1354, CDC48C 0.9253638804858667 92 Dcu_g34377 regulatory component *(FYVE4) of ESCRT-III complex & original description: none 0.9247237361010885 69 Dcu_g41815 not classified & original description: none 0.9244996026275666 49 Dcu_g01428 component *(GID9) of GID ubiquitination complex & original description: none 0.9229788467860532 99 Dcu_g06316 not classified & original description: none 0.9226589049243782 64 Dcu_g11299 component *(TRM734) of TRM7-TRM732/TRM734 tRNA cytidine/guanosine-methyltransferase complex & original description: none 0.9224034151426808 97 Dcu_g32485 chromatin remodeling factor *(ATRX) & original description: none CHR20, ATRX 0.9221775610093685 60 Dcu_g12455 not classified & original description: none 0.9208387991646138 66 Dcu_g07635 chaperone *(Hsp90) & original description: none EMB1956, Hsp88.1, HSP90.5, AtHsp90.5, CR88 0.9202686240347189 69 Dcu_g11951 splicing factor *(SMP) & original description: none SMP2 0.9196745411877896 72 Dcu_g04032 RAB5 canonical effector *(EREX) & original description: none 0.9183997429042531 76 Dcu_g05822 component *(NRPC1) of RNA polymerase III complex & original description: none NRPC1 0.9157530155623013 91 Dcu_g02928 not classified & original description: none 0.9156902252189258 88 Dcu_g10728 tRNA cytidine acetyltransferase & original description: none 0.9150627995291523 93 Dcu_g48570 HAP-type phytase *(PHY2) & original description: none 0.914768647518455 97 Dcu_g02827 not classified & original description: none ATSRL1 0.914704850851033 98 Dcu_g03192 not classified & original description: none 0.9145939448199294 99 Dcu_g02260 not classified & original description: none 0.9145574828190275 100