Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Dac_g00223 component *(SRP14) of SRP (signal recognition particle) complex & original description: none 0.8968822609762656 2 Dac_g03052 Prgrammed Cell Death regulatory factor *(PDCD5) & original description: none 0.8877132186028901 4 Dac_g32068 calcium sensor *(CML) & original description: none CAM3, acam-3 0.8819369187813471 5 Dac_g22935 component *(eIF3e) of eIF3 mRNA-to-PIC binding complex & original description: none TIF3E1, INT6, ATEIF3E-1, INT-6, ATINT6, EIF3E 0.8741268648126772 4 Dac_g32478 subunit gamma of co-translational insertion system Sec61 subcomplex & original description: none 0.8585056420683647 5 Dac_g24970 component *(Tim9) of inner mitochondrion membrane TIM22 insertion system & original description: none TIM9, emb2474 0.8584827369652223 9 Dac_g03510 component *(OST2) of oligosaccharyl transferase (OST) complex & original description: none ATDAD1 0.8547757219908724 14 Dac_g30257 rRNA guanosine methyltransferase *(RID2/Bud23/WBSCR22) & original description: none 0.8490873963121696 16 Dac_g13351 component *(PFD6) of Prefoldin co-chaperone complex & original description: none PFD6 0.8460769647404114 9 Dac_g44969 component *(uS14) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none 0.8396524279176542 67 Dac_g04101 component *(uS3) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none 0.8347815596628338 49 Dac_g03739 not classified & original description: none 0.8320695194562943 73 Dac_g40155 component *(Tim22) of inner mitochondrion membrane TIM22 insertion system & original description: none MEE67 0.8270126794590086 17 Dac_g18661 assembly factor (PET191) of cytochrome c oxidase assembly & original description: none 0.8253486156697585 100 Dac_g02506 component *(Snu13) of snoRNP rRNA methylation complex & original description: none 0.8219527320815818 21 Dac_g26921 component *(bL33m) of large mitoribosomal-subunit proteome & original description: none 0.8211822412138011 16 Dac_g19915 E2 MUB ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme & original description: none UBC9 0.8210220621366077 17 Dac_g24458 component *(Tim10) of inner mitochondrion membrane TIM22 insertion system & original description: none TIM10 0.8204471302717651 58 Dac_g08246 not classified & original description: none SC35, ATSC35, At-SC35 0.8193856264332733 59 Dac_g12856 not classified & original description: none 0.8146367220413047 20 Dac_g10840 component *(SF3A3) of splicing factor 3A complex & original description: none ATO 0.8141480522307234 41 Dac_g35209 SUMO ubiquitin-fold protein & original description: none SUMO1, SUMO 1, ATSUMO1, SUM1 0.8111382658928517 22 Dac_g40722 component *(uS3) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none 0.808030308745477 24 Dac_g15919 component *(HUS1) of 9-1-1 DNA damage sensor complex & original description: none 0.8050221638269107 35 Dac_g25799 regulatory component *(Tom7) of outer mitochondrion membrane TOM translocation system & original description: none 0.8013042972034534 48 Dac_g11965 not classified & original description: none 0.8006134902591824 56 Dac_g14601 not classified & original description: none 0.8004343673921027 29 Dac_g40716 Hsp90-co-chaperone *(P23) & original description: none 0.798715419849188 67 Dac_g04156 EC_6.2 ligase forming carbon-sulfur bond & original description: none 0.7984467404215849 31 Dac_g05730 modification writer component *(RING1) of modification writer protein components & original description: none ATRING1B, RING1B 0.7983897823158721 33 Dac_g32374 assembly chaperone (MZM1L) of cytochrome c reductase complex & original description: none 0.7982522316661951 40 Dac_g01189 component *(uS8) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none RPS15A 0.7972730675196503 66 Dac_g01366 component *(CSN7) of COP9 signalosome complex & original description: none FUS5, COP15, CSN7, ATCSN7 0.7959401517030925 44 Dac_g02513 EC_5.2 cis-trans-isomerase & original description: none 0.7847923218683638 48 Dac_g04154 not classified & original description: none 0.7839752620745073 40 Dac_g21926 subcluster J phosphatase & original description: none 0.7838898030815185 41 Dac_g27641 not classified & original description: none 0.7837317283870366 71 Dac_g38058 mRNA-binding adaptor ALY/Tho4 of TREX/THO mRNP trafficking complex & original description: none 0.7833161681906797 43 Dac_g31468 not classified & original description: none 0.7829213694273516 64 Dac_g26613 small GTPase *(Sar1) & original description: none 0.782710800871537 46 Dac_g24274 component *(U1C) of U1 snRNP complex & original description: none 0.7767275380434401 100 Dac_g32263 not classified & original description: none 0.7766766044559767 67 Dac_g00043 component *(eS27) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none 0.776414905783259 54 Dac_g08496 component *(eS31) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none UBQ6 0.7763459769898573 55 Dac_g22383 not classified & original description: none 0.774676790003194 61 Dac_g40966 component *(eS27) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome & original description: none ARS27A, RS27A 0.7740355009142621 61 Dac_g34826 not classified & original description: none 0.7740296940177337 59 Dac_g04564 RNA splicing factor *(SR30/34) & original description: none SR30, ATSRP30, At-SR30 0.7735553358381104 60 Dac_g05077 not classified & original description: none 0.7708576697552195 65 Dac_g30048 EC_5.3 intramolecular oxidoreductase & original description: none HYD1 0.7700470944630078 62 Dac_g11361 AHL clade-B transcription factor & original description: none 0.7634468559008005 84 Dac_g22368 not classified & original description: none CJD1 0.7609940932958399 69 Dac_g03698 histone methylase *(PRMT1) & original description: none ATPRMT11, ATPRMT1B, PRMT11, PRMT1B 0.7606714922156389 87 Dac_g12710 transcriptional co-activator *(KIWI/KELP) involved in intine formation & original description: none KELP 0.7606549748231718 71 Dac_g10133 subunit B of ribonuclease H2 complex & original description: none 0.7583379007596758 74 Dac_g00348 pre-60S ribosomal-subunit proteome nuclear export factor *(MRT4) & original description: none 0.7553825129774652 80 Dac_g34658 not classified & original description: none 0.7550813179159057 82 Dac_g04957 actin-depolymerizing factor & original description: none ADF11 0.7470189851704606 87 Dac_g03132 EC_1.11 oxidoreductase acting on peroxide as acceptor & original description: none APX2, APX1B 0.7441982008377791 90 Dac_g37179 component *(SHL/EBS) of PRC1 complex & original description: none EBS 0.7417452397137267 93 Dac_g16516 component *(PFD2) of Prefoldin co-chaperone complex & original description: none PDF2 0.739889153947501 95 Dac_g31109 component *(PIG-X) of mannosyltransferase-I complex & original description: none 0.7394883775173711 96 Dac_g05459 component *(PFD4) of Prefoldin co-chaperone complex & original description: none PFD4, AIP3 0.736442087727929 99