Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Zm00001e035033_P002 mitochondrial NAD-dependent malic enzyme NAD-ME1, Zm00001e035033 0.8679375246882751 2 Zm00001e029506_P001 Protein IQ-DOMAIN 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sf32|iqd1_arath : 173.0) iqd2, Zm00001e029506 0.8305491297123285 6 Zm00001e016804_P001 nucleotide sugar transporter (URGT/UXT) Zm00001e016804 0.8290601720991823 3 Zm00001e014811_P001 co-chaperone (Hsp40) Zm00001e014811 0.8268341203676461 4 Zm00001e031864_P005 protein kinase (DYRK) Zm00001e031864 0.8262854192533123 6 Zm00001e011530_P001 RopGEF guanine nucleotide exchange factor (SWAP70) Zm00001e011530 0.8260219004140849 93 Zm00001e019826_P001 Probable sugar phosphate/phosphate translocator At1g06470 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8h184|pt106_arath : 395.0) Zm00001e019826 0.8231380793419579 18 Zm00001e018372_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e018372 0.82137982820438 58 Zm00001e041073_P002 PI-PLC X domain-containing protein At5g67130 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q93xx5|y5713_arath : 504.0) Zm00001e041073 0.8175849098551875 9 Zm00001e007534_P001 organic anion transporter (OATP) Zm00001e007534 0.8149278822778158 11 Zm00001e029167_P002 protein kinase (CDK9) Zm00001e029167 0.8144735307753531 12 Zm00001e010621_P003 5-formyl-THF cycloligase 5-FCL, Zm00001e010621 0.8140102907037773 13 Zm00001e040633_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e040633 0.813410450544435 56 Zm00001e025853_P001 nucleotide sugar transporter (URGT/UXT) Zm00001e025853 0.8085992902857325 24 Zm00001e009548_P005 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e009548 0.8067874066707043 22 Zm00001e005055_P001 actin-binding protein (NET1) Zm00001e005055 0.8061301003936109 19 Zm00001e028151_P004 protein kinase (CKL) CKL2, Zm00001e028151 0.8040386880585559 52 Zm00001e029050_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e029050 0.8031271755079673 21 Zm00001e020891_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e020891 0.8026742003980564 22 Zm00001e016911_P003 subunit beta of type-I protein prenyltransferase complex PGGT-I, ATGGT-IB, GGB, Zm00001e016911 0.7976334069036268 98 Zm00001e019060_P002 Probable magnesium transporter NIPA4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q94ah3|nipa4_arath : 417.0) Zm00001e019060 0.7974870609467027 46 Zm00001e006701_P002 cation antiporter (CAX) atcax2, CAX2, Zm00001e006701 0.7961185949245085 26 Zm00001e008273_P002 alpha amylase AMY2, ATAMY2, Zm00001e008273 0.7918009049255065 27 Zm00001e004350_P004 protein kinase (MAP4K) Zm00001e004350 0.7898384979220087 70 Zm00001e036103_P002 beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase GALT1, Zm00001e036103 0.7889501058818996 65 Zm00001e003521_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e003521 0.7887289798880596 33 Zm00001e022279_P005 RING-HC-class E3 ligase XBAT32, Zm00001e022279 0.7870973658563214 35 Zm00001e014349_P001 brassinosteroid signalling GSK3-type protein kinase (BIN2). protein kinase (GSK) SK21, DWF12, ATSK21, UCU1, BIN2, Zm00001e014349 0.7857596289551475 52 Zm00001e010369_P001 RING-H2-class E3 ligase RIN2, Zm00001e010369 0.7856133192449622 66 Zm00001e000825_P001 Heparanase-like protein 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9ff10|hpse1_arath : 652.0) AtGUS1, GUS1, Zm00001e000825 0.785530979091483 38 Zm00001e018136_P003 Heparanase-like protein 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9ff10|hpse1_arath : 660.0) AtGUS2, GUS2, Zm00001e018136 0.7844518247749642 39 Zm00001e016765_P001 alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase (ALG3) AtALG3, ALG3, Zm00001e016765 0.7836763887208211 61 Zm00001e038583_P001 Filament-like plant protein 4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q0wsy2|fpp4_arath : 524.0) Zm00001e038583 0.7824681152756001 42 Zm00001e034565_P002 co-chaperone (Hsp40) Zm00001e034565 0.7817551069339275 45 Zm00001e009351_P002 protein kinase (CDPK) CPK28, Zm00001e009351 0.781508372465393 46 Zm00001e011328_P001 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9c5d2|fbl4_arath : 527.0) Zm00001e011328 0.7813582304641984 47 Zm00001e040102_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e040102 0.7797825022267949 50 Zm00001e019373_P001 NADPH-oxidase (Rboh) Zm00001e019373 0.7786180303263122 51 Zm00001e019611_P001 protein kinase (SD-1) RK3, ARK3, Zm00001e019611 0.7775976866980543 52 Zm00001e025323_P002 Phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer protein SFH8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4ihj0|sfh8_arath : 785.0) Zm00001e025323 0.7759153886977872 55 Zm00001e023720_P001 RING-HC-class E3 ligase XBAT32, Zm00001e023720 0.7759063579274882 56 Zm00001e020541_P003 pepsin-type protease Zm00001e020541 0.7759015225295758 57 Zm00001e012316_P005 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e012316 0.775530100125713 58 Zm00001e038415_P001 SAC-group-II inositol-polyphosphate 3-/4-phosphatase SAC8, ATG5, Zm00001e038415 0.7748993696563045 80 Zm00001e019135_P001 cation channel (DMI1). calcium cation channel (DMI1/Pollux|Castor) Zm00001e019135 0.7738300257064042 62 Zm00001e021165_P001 cofactor component GIF of GRF-GIF transcriptional complex GIF3, Zm00001e021165 0.7735054680599475 63 Zm00001e041330_P003 motor protein (Kinesin-7) Zm00001e041330 0.7718188534126558 65 Zm00001e017622_P002 thiamine diphosphokinase TPK2, Zm00001e017622 0.7716777069839718 66 Zm00001e012039_P002 Binding partner of ACD11 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lfd5|bpa1_arath : 172.0) Zm00001e012039 0.7707204927639535 67 Zm00001e027583_P001 Protein IQ-DOMAIN 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sf32|iqd1_arath : 172.0) iqd2, Zm00001e027583 0.7702118214465251 69 Zm00001e001672_P001 transcription factor (TUB) AtTLP3, TLP3, Zm00001e001672 0.7678137911328667 72 Zm00001e004448_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e004448 0.7672884129234718 73 Zm00001e007599_P002 protein kinase (CKL) CKI1, CKL11, Zm00001e007599 0.767051306253649 77 Zm00001e020789_P002 callose synthase GSL7, ATGSL07, gsl07, atgsl7, Zm00001e020789 0.7665522043415731 75 Zm00001e026915_P002 Cytosolic endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jzc2|enas1_arath : 595.0) Zm00001e026915 0.7661414622063625 77 Zm00001e021209_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e021209 0.7644147503227758 82 Zm00001e028635_P002 Probable RNA-binding protein ARP1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m1s3|arp1_arath : 117.0) Zm00001e028635 0.7641574375336926 84 Zm00001e035930_P001 clade H phosphatase Zm00001e035930 0.7640298063397019 85 Zm00001e041968_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e041968 0.760927044037887 89 Zm00001e016083_P001 diacylglycerol kinase DGK7, ATDGK7, Zm00001e016083 0.7600692097134749 93 Zm00001e018857_P002 transcription factor (bHLH). transcriptional regulator (CIB) Zm00001e018857 0.759367370694069 95 Zm00001e011938_P001 component NQO9/TYKY of NADH dehydrogenase electron output (module Q) Zm00001e011938 0.7585474361981374 96 Zm00001e019519_P001 transcription factor (bZIP). transcription factor (TGA). NPR1-interactive transcription factor (TGA) TGA2, AHBP-1B, Zm00001e019519 0.7582576789406109 97 Zm00001e023017_P001 Glycolipid transfer protein 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o22797|gltp1_arath : 312.0) GLTP1, ATGLTP1, Zm00001e023017 0.7582155064925602 98 Zm00001e012022_P001 COB cellulose microfibrils and hemicellulose interaction protein COB, Zm00001e012022 0.7570552970752767 100