Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Zm00001e009429_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e009429 0.8578500000805099 12 Zm00001e002360_P001 Nitrate regulatory gene2 protein OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q93yu8|nrg2_arath : 543.0) Zm00001e002360 0.8393956114002956 10 Zm00001e006081_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e006081 0.8381216684947677 13 Zm00001e033077_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e033077 0.8200796427872471 46 Zm00001e025648_P002 protein kinase (PERK) Zm00001e025648 0.8094541994868599 35 Zm00001e032885_P001 protein kinase (LRR-VI-1) Zm00001e032885 0.807855165231013 16 Zm00001e041407_P001 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein At1g63850 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9caj9|y1385_arath : 631.0) Zm00001e041407 0.805548781229646 42 Zm00001e016093_P001 no description available(sp|q9m2y3|rlp44_arath : 242.0) AtRLP44, RLP44, Zm00001e016093 0.8052525912023976 38 Zm00001e015355_P002 transcription factor (GRAS) ATHAM3, HAM3, LOM3, Zm00001e015355 0.8005508558354352 23 Zm00001e024362_P001 fasciclin-type arabinogalactan protein FLA7, Zm00001e024362 0.799651782036422 17 Zm00001e009410_P002 protein kinase (LRR-Xc) Zm00001e009410 0.7972913322682904 36 Zm00001e032579_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e032579 0.7966499240435155 41 Zm00001e001593_P001 potassium cation transporter (HAK/KUP/KT) TRK2, ATKT2, ATKUP2, SHY3, KT2, KUP2, Zm00001e001593 0.7912648941160032 69 Zm00001e011036_P001 protein kinase (LRR-XI) BAM1, Zm00001e011036 0.790506180769277 84 Zm00001e037852_P002 Nitrate regulatory gene2 protein OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q93yu8|nrg2_arath : 516.0) Zm00001e037852 0.7893414376938284 22 Zm00001e005951_P001 protein kinase (LRR-VI-1) Zm00001e005951 0.7875862609008311 28 Zm00001e009219_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e009219 0.7870101926457705 86 Zm00001e012510_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e012510 0.7857778818027532 60 Zm00001e015664_P002 guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (RopGDI) SCN1, Zm00001e015664 0.7850630412419003 22 Zm00001e023181_P003 transcription factor (GRAS) ATHAM3, HAM3, LOM3, Zm00001e023181 0.7826959777871381 65 Zm00001e025054_P003 mannan synthase (CSLA) CSLA02, ATCSLA2, ATCSLA02, CSLA2, Zm00001e025054 0.7820536493351573 42 Zm00001e018857_P002 transcription factor (bHLH). transcriptional regulator (CIB) Zm00001e018857 0.7813295508900453 31 Zm00001e035838_P001 pectin methylesterase Zm00001e035838 0.7807748622920311 52 Zm00001e019441_P001 protein kinase (LRR-VII) Zm00001e019441 0.7780632532208137 31 Zm00001e015320_P001 protein kinase (LRR-III) Zm00001e015320 0.7760359376302923 32 Zm00001e003866_P001 subfamily ABCB transporter PGP1, ABCB1, ATPGP1, Zm00001e003866 0.7741037531522148 42 Zm00001e031831_P001 fasciclin-type arabinogalactan protein. regulatory factor SOS5 of SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive) signalling pathway SOS5, Zm00001e031831 0.773144723493096 35 Zm00001e024380_P001 IRK-interacting protein OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lxu9|irki_arath : 414.0) Zm00001e024380 0.7714959971468089 36 Zm00001e026990_P001 receptor-like protein kinase (RLCK-V) Zm00001e026990 0.768494301828087 38 Zm00001e028560_P002 group-I formin actin filament elongation factor AHF1, FH1, AFH1, ATFH1, Zm00001e028560 0.7672675969241344 39 Zm00001e023463_P005 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e023463 0.765521702237705 63 Zm00001e035079_P005 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o65399|e131_arath : 481.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.2 glycosylase(50.3.2 : 220.8) Zm00001e035079 0.7644635296748574 43 Zm00001e039265_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e039265 0.763874840856587 44 Zm00001e023722_P001 no description available(sp|q9m2y3|rlp44_arath : 241.0) AtRLP44, RLP44, Zm00001e023722 0.7631517199298301 49 Zm00001e031784_P003 Protein S-acyltransferase 8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sb58|zdh19_arath : 506.0) Zm00001e031784 0.7576848224674012 51 Zm00001e021512_P002 RNA editing factor (MEF14) Zm00001e021512 0.7562114343685613 78 Zm00001e015035_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e015035 0.7544587605691031 58 Zm00001e020875_P001 obtusifoliol 14-alpha demethylase CYP51G1, CYP51, EMB1738, CYP51A2, Zm00001e020875 0.7543175658498985 72 Zm00001e035487_P001 PLASMODESMATA CALLOSE-BINDING PROTEIN 3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fz86|pdcb3_arath : 117.0) PDCB2, E13L3, Zm00001e035487 0.7526978897527854 62 Zm00001e031808_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e031808 0.752038931951563 64 Zm00001e020660_P002 protein kinase (LRR-III) Zm00001e020660 0.7516968226209589 94 Zm00001e026142_P001 IDA/IDL-peptide receptor (HAESA). protein kinase (LRR-XI) HSL1, Zm00001e026142 0.75151998159175 89 Zm00001e011959_P001 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein At5g66560 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q94a73|y5656_arath : 539.0) Zm00001e011959 0.7492715935497505 69 Zm00001e028489_P003 transcription factor (bHLH). transcriptional regulator (CIB) Zm00001e028489 0.7477562677014279 70 Zm00001e011826_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e011826 0.7445955098174685 73 Zm00001e034627_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e034627 0.7445918197323406 74 Zm00001e019799_P001 No annotation Zm00001e019799 0.7444555044104343 76 Zm00001e022248_P002 Reticulon-like protein B21 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q56x72|rtnls_arath : 136.0) Zm00001e022248 0.7442319518675518 77 Zm00001e025391_P001 regulatory protein (CMU) of microtubule-dependent CSC insertion Zm00001e025391 0.7433783820067346 78 Zm00001e023392_P004 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e023392 0.7433586773418233 99 Zm00001e036108_P001 Galacturonosyltransferase 8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lsg3|gaut8_arath : 401.0) GAUT9, Zm00001e036108 0.7420131484751927 82 Zm00001e001893_P001 transcription factor (bHLH) RSL4, Zm00001e001893 0.7413121720948986 84 Zm00001e000889_P001 Alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase [UDP-forming] 6 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q94ah8|tps6_arath : 1246.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase(50.2.4 : 538.5) TPS6, ATTPS6, Zm00001e000889 0.7410716934640236 86 Zm00001e002688_P001 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase 11 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8l868|e1311_arath : 339.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.2 glycosylase(50.3.2 : 321.9) Zm00001e002688 0.7391675562708531 89 Zm00001e008901_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e008901 0.7390488287019475 91 Zm00001e024509_P001 transcription factor (TCP) Zm00001e024509 0.7387381310075513 92 Zm00001e037407_P001 phospholipase D (PLD-alpha) PLDALPHA2, Zm00001e037407 0.7384604293223763 93 Zm00001e034533_P001 IRK-interacting protein OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lxu9|irki_arath : 384.0) Zm00001e034533 0.7382116001819521 95 Zm00001e034295_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e034295 0.7378481876625247 97