Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Zm00001e001631_P001 ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein FIGL1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jex5|figl1_arath : 218.0) Zm00001e001631 0.7950995899679986 4 Zm00001e018563_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e018563 0.7856229871313235 4 Zm00001e013385_P003 monomeric E3 ubiquitin ligase (HECT) UPL3, KAK, Zm00001e013385 0.7748812655671103 72 Zm00001e001435_P001 Probable glutamyl endopeptidase, chloroplastic OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q10mj1|cgep_orysj : 1587.0) Zm00001e001435 0.7726171524049722 4 Zm00001e012877_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e012877 0.760506430155373 31 Zm00001e017082_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e017082 0.7575941967711637 28 Zm00001e016691_P001 component Tic236 of inner envelope TIC translocation system emb2410, Zm00001e016691 0.7450755238690618 25 Zm00001e040911_P002 component Tic40 of inner envelope TIC translocation system TIC40, ATTIC40, PDE120, Zm00001e040911 0.7432620257801095 17 Zm00001e006498_P002 proton:potassium cation antiporter (KEA) ATKEA2, KEA2, Zm00001e006498 0.7423929162533779 12 Zm00001e031009_P002 Proteasome activator subunit 4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jc97|psme4_arath : 2068.0) PA200, Zm00001e031009 0.7298507281045729 92 Zm00001e035301_P002 Nardilysin-like peptidase Zm00001e035301 0.7293247005598268 59 Zm00001e025635_P001 deoxyguanidine triphosphatase Zm00001e025635 0.7274406303634433 17 Zm00001e035756_P003 Rho GTPase-activating protein 7 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8rwq4|rgap7_arath : 777.0) Zm00001e035756 0.7224001414912131 83 Zm00001e022186_P001 phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 5-kinase (FAB1) FAB1B, Zm00001e022186 0.7216215140810501 29 Zm00001e034874_P001 transcription factor (mTERF) Zm00001e034874 0.7157646956730072 45 Zm00001e014431_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e014431 0.7125100622781269 35 Zm00001e014946_P001 multifunctional phylloquinone biosynthesis protein (PHYLLO) Zm00001e014946 0.7104562982492658 37 Zm00001e005286_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e005286 0.709928554288404 64 Zm00001e020710_P002 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g10910, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q0wvv0|ppr31_arath : 646.0) Zm00001e020710 0.7042420900150387 54 Zm00001e008486_P002 monomeric acetyl-CoA carboxylase EMB22, GK, AT-ACC1, ACC1, PAS3, Zm00001e008486 0.7025252338194768 47 Zm00001e033463_P002 ATPase component TGD3 of TGD lipid importer complex ATNAP11, NAP11, TGD3, Zm00001e033463 0.7019702281942809 50 Zm00001e004499_P001 component Tic110 of inner envelope TIC translocation system TIC110, ATTIC110, Zm00001e004499 0.6973577654092521 99 Zm00001e000440_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e000440 0.6947102006699281 58 Zm00001e038709_P001 Protein OBERON 4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q84ti3|obe4_arath : 368.0) Zm00001e038709 0.693844904423586 74 Zm00001e008967_P001 component SecA2 of inner envelope Sec2 post-import insertion system SECA2, Zm00001e008967 0.6901886613152218 88 Zm00001e000001_P001 transcription factor (mTERF) Zm00001e000001 0.686765934362757 74 Zm00001e041774_P003 Protein TSS OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jkh6|tss_arath : 1221.0) Zm00001e041774 0.6864985957968966 75 Zm00001e004956_P001 DUF21 domain-containing protein At1g55930, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q84r21|y1559_arath : 719.0) Zm00001e004956 0.683322254962345 94 Zm00001e037546_P001 stromal processing peptidase (SPP) Zm00001e037546 0.6757625443211036 97