Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Zm00001e006797_P003 protein kinase (ABC1) Zm00001e006797 0.8835217279442641 26 Zm00001e036922_P004 carboxy-terminal processing peptidase (CtpA) Zm00001e036922 0.8833328277471642 12 Zm00001e000405_P004 solanesyl diphosphate synthase (SPS1/2) SPS2, Zm00001e000405 0.8824364563368627 49 Zm00001e021482_P001 UV-B-induced protein At3g17800, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lvj0|uvb31_arath : 173.0) Zm00001e021482 0.8725234441889183 79 Zm00001e037753_P001 component FtsH1|2|5|6|8 of FtsH plastidial protease complexes VAR2, FTSH2, Zm00001e037753 0.8669561403500455 41 Zm00001e034893_P001 phosphate transporter (PHT4) PHT4;5, Zm00001e034893 0.8664489390765323 32 Zm00001e014727_P002 Uncharacterized protein At5g03900, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8gw20|y5390_arath : 510.0) Zm00001e014727 0.8653423216337897 60 Zm00001e004261_P003 protein kinase (AGC-VIII). phototropin light receptor. phototropin photoreceptor NPL1, PHOT2, Zm00001e004261 0.864692396923568 28 Zm00001e011815_P001 RbcX assembly factor involved in RuBisCo assembly Zm00001e011815 0.8633807846580162 14 Zm00001e041960_P001 proton:potassium cation antiporter (KEA) ATKEA2, KEA2, Zm00001e041960 0.862752542250753 17 Zm00001e011374_P003 galactolipid galactosyltransferase (SFR2) ATSFR2, SFR2, Zm00001e011374 0.8607724979485868 27 Zm00001e023605_P001 protein kinase (ABC1) Zm00001e023605 0.8561416270897034 42 Zm00001e024853_P001 protease (RBL) Zm00001e024853 0.8559039294207685 45 Zm00001e019928_P005 protein kinase (PEK). regulator component SPA of COP1-SPA E3 ligase subcomplex SPA4, Zm00001e019928 0.8554471882625188 28 Zm00001e004856_P001 Shewanella-like phosphatase (SLP) Zm00001e004856 0.851305129195661 45 Zm00001e003387_P005 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e003387 0.8507975215885308 77 Zm00001e027087_P002 ER body formation factor (NAIP) Zm00001e027087 0.8505259757320929 77 Zm00001e037720_P003 Cryptochrome DASH, chloroplastic/mitochondrial OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q651u1|cryd_orysj : 919.0) CRY3, Zm00001e037720 0.848754112075547 19 Zm00001e016234_P001 carotenoid beta-ring hydroxylase (LUT5) LUT5, CYP97A3, Zm00001e016234 0.8439597558814954 45 Zm00001e000618_P002 phytoene desaturase (PDS) PDS3, PDS, PDE226, Zm00001e000618 0.8375527892449086 57 Zm00001e004491_P002 WAT1-related protein At3g02690, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q93v85|wtr16_arath : 329.0) Zm00001e004491 0.8368776487853109 56 Zm00001e041886_P001 Uncharacterized protein At5g50100, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8w485|y5010_arath : 216.0) Zm00001e041886 0.8362507527910309 74 Zm00001e037308_P004 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e037308 0.835084290715382 23 Zm00001e029452_P001 GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase (VTC2/5) VTC5, Zm00001e029452 0.831538543528638 38 Zm00001e017015_P003 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e017015 0.8307630648581446 75 Zm00001e022346_P003 component CPFS5/CFIm25 of Cleavage Factor I (CF-Im) complex CFIM-25, ATCFIM-25, Zm00001e022346 0.8293953420438817 44 Zm00001e032505_P001 motility factor (CHUP) CHUP1, Zm00001e032505 0.8292262607550963 84 Zm00001e007144_P001 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g13770, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q66gp4|pp379_arath : 418.0) Zm00001e007144 0.8291688828368907 61 Zm00001e013010_P001 protein kinase (ABC1) Zm00001e013010 0.8267909358404988 89 Zm00001e012205_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e012205 0.8261120333258424 31 Zm00001e024769_P003 Protein phosphatase 2C and cyclic nucleotide-binding/kinase domain-containing protein OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sl76|p2c19_arath : 1268.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group(50.2.7 : 177.7) Zm00001e024769 0.8254537779824966 32 Zm00001e021085_P001 proton:sodium cation antiporter (NHX) NHX2, ATNHX2, Zm00001e021085 0.8251537256340434 33 Zm00001e005139_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e005139 0.822907139672029 58 Zm00001e002041_P001 protease (LON) Zm00001e002041 0.8202828012183563 39 Zm00001e015983_P001 protein kinase (PEK). component COP1 of COP1-SPA E3 ligase subcomplex. component COP1 of COP1-SPA light signal transduction ubiquitin E3 ligase complex FUS1, EMB168, DET340, ATCOP1, COP1, Zm00001e015983 0.8188133149875113 42 Zm00001e002877_P003 iron-regulated metal cation transporter (FPN) MAR1, IREG3, ATIREG3, RTS3, Zm00001e002877 0.818592553105719 65 Zm00001e021048_P001 Senescence-associated protein OSA15, chloroplastic OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q65xf2|osa15_orysj : 565.0) Zm00001e021048 0.8173093057354959 80 Zm00001e028466_P001 sucrose-phosphate synthase SPS3F, ATSPS3F, Zm00001e028466 0.8138986334523995 48 Zm00001e027532_P001 solute transporter (MTCC) Zm00001e027532 0.8119196485648447 55 Zm00001e020022_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e020022 0.8117481036595848 68 Zm00001e035771_P001 solute transporter (MTCC) Zm00001e035771 0.8109153851732306 73 Zm00001e002231_P001 actin stability factor (PMI1/PMI15) PMI1, Zm00001e002231 0.8098300533661738 54 Zm00001e027522_P001 LEC14B homolog OS=Prunus armeniaca (sp|o24467|le14b_Pruar : 466.0) Zm00001e027522 0.8045959376311002 62 Zm00001e009973_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e009973 0.8044930284323103 63 Zm00001e007402_P001 EF-G translation elongation factor ATSCO1/CPEF-G, SCO1, ATSCO1, Zm00001e007402 0.8033550307498634 71 Zm00001e036161_P004 motor protein (Kinesin-14). accessory motility factor (KAC) KCA2, KAC2, Zm00001e036161 0.800581511935017 88 Zm00001e019430_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e019430 0.8002141816535707 72 Zm00001e006303_P001 transcription factor (mTERF) Zm00001e006303 0.7995000403185597 75 Zm00001e016244_P004 C85 Otubain cysteine protease Zm00001e016244 0.7991231241328713 76 Zm00001e026288_P002 subfamily ABCC transporter MRP10, ATMRP10, ABCC14, Zm00001e026288 0.7991090693594756 77 Zm00001e016898_P003 Putrescine hydroxycinnamoyltransferase 1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q5smm8|pht1_orysj : 259.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.3 acyltransferase(50.2.3 : 33.5) HCT, Zm00001e016898 0.79625458645625 81 Zm00001e000262_P003 LTO1 protein involved in PS-II assembly. thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase (LTO1) Zm00001e000262 0.7958035333819744 83 Zm00001e016415_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e016415 0.7953198305359206 85 Zm00001e017450_P002 Nuclear envelope-associated protein 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4k1b4|neap2_arath : 139.0) Zm00001e017450 0.7934854149804755 88 Zm00001e019656_P004 TZP circadian clock repression factor TZP, Zm00001e019656 0.7923910341556051 90 Zm00001e037284_P003 (S)-coclaurine N-methyltransferase OS=Thalictrum flavum subsp. glaucum (sp|q5c9l6|cnmt_thlfg : 353.0) Zm00001e037284 0.7916839828786087 92 Zm00001e033080_P001 no description available(sp|q8ry11|ampp2_arath : 891.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase)(50.3.4 : 672.9) Zm00001e033080 0.7915498603529904 93 Zm00001e022499_P002 metabolite transporter (DTX) Zm00001e022499 0.7913640966965172 94 Zm00001e038923_P001 catalytic component PP2A-phosphatase of TON1-TRM-PP2A (TTP) preprophase band formation complex. catalytic component C of PP2A phosphatase complexes PP2A-4, Zm00001e038923 0.7895444774677577 98 Zm00001e016071_P001 protein kinase (MAP3K-RAF) Zm00001e016071 0.7894446425057451 99