Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Zm00001e027026_P001 transcription factor (NAC) anac103, NAC103, Zm00001e027026 0.8833903010531249 1 Zm00001e035051_P003 no description available(sp|q500v2|fly2_arath : 755.0) Zm00001e035051 0.7868005657693347 96 Zm00001e006772_P003 cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel (CNGC) CNGC5, ATCNGC5, Zm00001e006772 0.7791016669687809 98 Zm00001e031636_P001 component ATG18 of autophagosome ATG9-2-18 membrane shuttling complex ATG18H, ATATG18H, Zm00001e031636 0.7775722195846119 43 Zm00001e041360_P001 transcription factor (GATA) GATA26, Zm00001e041360 0.7708365929660247 9 Zm00001e012999_P001 Inactive poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase RCD1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8ry59|rcd1_arath : 186.0) AtRCD1, RCD1, ATP8, CEO1, CEO, Zm00001e012999 0.7679984465395261 95 Zm00001e021896_P001 phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 5-kinase (FAB1) FAB1D, Zm00001e021896 0.7649479597944776 49 Zm00001e038293_P004 transcription factor (bZIP). transcription factor (TGA). NPR1-interactive transcription factor (TGA) TGA2, AHBP-1B, Zm00001e038293 0.7606382483474623 70 Zm00001e009504_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e009504 0.7565414537153721 26 Zm00001e035438_P001 pepsin-type protease Zm00001e035438 0.7555121333410686 61 Zm00001e024469_P001 regulator protein (ETO) EOL1, Zm00001e024469 0.7543971415010836 21 Zm00001e001495_P001 transcription factor (bZIP). transcription factor (TGA). NPR1-interactive transcription factor (TGA) TGA2, AHBP-1B, Zm00001e001495 0.7503952948525895 93 Zm00001e001149_P001 Cold-responsive protein kinase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q93yn1|crpk1_arath : 347.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group(50.2.7 : 124.0) Zm00001e001149 0.7499532345060618 15 Zm00001e037974_P002 transcription factor (CAMTA) CAMTA3, SR1, Zm00001e037974 0.7497131353353552 23 Zm00001e027136_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e027136 0.7450215505958033 58 Zm00001e039551_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e039551 0.7447350898711823 18 Zm00001e025610_P002 sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase DPL1, ATDPL1, Zm00001e025610 0.7436963703323868 29 Zm00001e003135_P001 ubiquitin receptor regulatory protein (DA1) Zm00001e003135 0.741365192118816 22 Zm00001e030234_P001 RUB conjugation E2 protein (RCE1) RCE1, Zm00001e030234 0.7394525780270893 23 Zm00001e009415_P002 sulfate transporter (SULTR) SULTR4;1, Zm00001e009415 0.7365998701232771 57 Zm00001e010684_P001 pepsin-type protease Zm00001e010684 0.7365210610491663 72 Zm00001e025322_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e025322 0.7346260780853688 26 Zm00001e035848_P002 SNF1-related protein kinase (SnRK3) PKS2, CIPK10, SIP1, SNRK3.8, Zm00001e035848 0.7330845681626944 37 Zm00001e035907_P002 transcription factor (bZIP). transcription factor (TGA). NPR1-interactive transcription factor (TGA) TGA2, AHBP-1B, Zm00001e035907 0.7286017637888701 35 Zm00001e017139_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e017139 0.726661945067527 100 Zm00001e038634_P005 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e038634 0.7257442932412793 56 Zm00001e040703_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e040703 0.7193104570012947 40 Zm00001e039434_P001 No annotation Zm00001e039434 0.7190762098682748 87 Zm00001e020525_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e020525 0.7176407459847106 46 Zm00001e001785_P001 NPSN group Qb-type SNARE protein NPSN13, ATNPSN13, Zm00001e001785 0.715786294188085 72 Zm00001e015319_P002 cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) CAT9, Zm00001e015319 0.7157199925578691 60 Zm00001e025137_P001 P1B-type heavy metal cation-transporting ATPase (HMA) RAN1, HMA7, Zm00001e025137 0.7140868780382915 86 Zm00001e030550_P001 RING-HC-class E3 ligase. ligating E3 protein (RGLG) RGLG2, Zm00001e030550 0.7123456498759563 54 Zm00001e037860_P001 atypical dual-specificity phosphatase Zm00001e037860 0.7118061303116586 55 Zm00001e034563_P001 transcription factor (NAC) anac017, NAC017, Zm00001e034563 0.7074068437721708 66 Zm00001e009613_P002 SMG7 Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay protein SMG7, Zm00001e009613 0.707278758882878 77 Zm00001e004192_P001 fatty acid transporter (ABCA). subfamily ABCA transporter ATH1, ATATH1, ABCA2, Zm00001e004192 0.7055404891920606 65 Zm00001e001271_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e001271 0.7028683469019228 69 Zm00001e039082_P001 folyl-polyglutamate synthetase FPGS1, ATDFB, DFB, Zm00001e039082 0.7009262053709134 99 Zm00001e002533_P003 receptor-like protein kinase (RLCK-IV) CRCK3, Zm00001e002533 0.6991571860907676 93 Zm00001e039433_P001 Calcineurin B-like protein 6 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q3hrp1|cnbl6_orysj : 390.0) CBL2, ATCBL2, Zm00001e039433 0.6986475433836675 77 Zm00001e030701_P001 cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel (CNGC) ATCNGC1, CNGC1, Zm00001e030701 0.6954355235922971 83 Zm00001e013756_P002 regulatory component ALIS of ALA-ALIS flippase complex. regulatory component ALIS of phospholipid flippase complex Zm00001e013756 0.6944642461771308 86 Zm00001e023194_P001 U-box domain-containing protein 70 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q5wa76|pub70_orysj : 273.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group(50.2.7 : 70.2) Zm00001e023194 0.694426247089284 87 Zm00001e006106_P003 MFS-type solute transporter Zm00001e006106 0.693024279875911 97 Zm00001e027430_P001 protein kinase (MAP3K-RAF) Zm00001e027430 0.6921929839687048 91 Zm00001e015361_P001 protease (SBT6.2) TPP2, Zm00001e015361 0.6887734127176219 98