Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Zm00001e009687_P003 UDP-D-glucose 4-epimerase UGE5, Zm00001e009687 0.811749726595634 100 Zm00001e030937_P004 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e030937 0.7776327122114989 9 Zm00001e000054_P001 P3A-type proton-translocating ATPase (AHA) AHA9, HA9, Zm00001e000054 0.764942644180077 7 Zm00001e007043_P001 pectin acetylesterase Zm00001e007043 0.7573163047134442 79 Zm00001e023714_P005 protein kinase (MAP4K) Zm00001e023714 0.7235058791267636 40 Zm00001e024140_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e024140 0.7031904317586853 81 Zm00001e040420_P004 SCD2 component of post-Golgi trafficking SCD complex Zm00001e040420 0.6966365168812735 89 Zm00001e025059_P002 regulatory component B2 of PP2A phosphatase complexes Zm00001e025059 0.6927857917423997 95 Zm00001e025245_P001 small GTPase (ROP) ATRAC11, ARAC11, ROP1, ROP1AT, ATROP1, Zm00001e025245 0.6923483404183535 97