Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Zm00001e041451_P001 aureusidin synthase Zm00001e041451 0.8901456542926361 4 Zm00001e033006_P001 H-type thioredoxin Zm00001e033006 0.8588434227068308 2 Zm00001e003690_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e003690 0.8581319143541304 3 Zm00001e008192_P003 acid beta-fructofuranosidase (CWIN) AtcwINV2, CWINV2, Zm00001e008192 0.8567372130117338 14 Zm00001e002774_P001 feruroyl-coenzyme A transferase Zm00001e002774 0.8376036484762263 8 Zm00001e003949_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e003949 0.8359409708960259 6 Zm00001e019210_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e019210 0.835555277849875 11 Zm00001e001638_P001 Desiccation-related protein PCC13-62 OS=Craterostigma plantagineum (sp|p22242|drpe_crapl : 255.0) Zm00001e001638 0.8328524247894595 11 Zm00001e016526_P001 Early nodulin-like protein 1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q5jnj5|enl1_orysj : 116.0) ENODL3, AtENODL3, Zm00001e016526 0.8267960042667519 14 Zm00001e034883_P001 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor ATZFP2, ZFP2, Zm00001e034883 0.824965248798658 12 Zm00001e030745_P001 Cytochrome P450 709B2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4ik45|c70b2_arath : 484.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 135.6) CYP709B2, Zm00001e030745 0.8201480200778392 28 Zm00001e034638_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e034638 0.8178056765561629 12 Zm00001e002644_P001 no hits & (original description: none) ATPRP4, PRP4, Zm00001e002644 0.8171725460347171 13 Zm00001e024595_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e024595 0.8118439005304992 20 Zm00001e011239_P001 obtusifoliol 14-alpha demethylase CYP51G1, CYP51, EMB1738, CYP51A2, Zm00001e011239 0.8077602525770674 26 Zm00001e008674_P001 3-hydroxyindolin-2-one monooxygenase OS=Zea mays (sp|q43250|c71c1_maize : 455.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 346.5) CYP71A26, Zm00001e008674 0.8050994755949102 16 Zm00001e010991_P001 Ricin B-like lectin R40C1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q10m12|40c1_orysj : 254.0) Zm00001e010991 0.8034346436245525 17 Zm00001e011083_P001 anion transporter (NRT1/PTR) Zm00001e011083 0.8015151890751869 20 Zm00001e024600_P001 NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase ATNTRB, NTRB, NTR1, Zm00001e024600 0.7975089876001115 19 Zm00001e022392_P001 Probable flavin-containing monooxygenase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lma1|fmo1_arath : 311.0) FMO1, Zm00001e022392 0.7884643374749934 42 Zm00001e010618_P001 Subtilisin-like protease SBT1.7 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o65351|sbt17_arath : 439.0) Zm00001e010618 0.7878423348803749 21 Zm00001e031326_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e031326 0.7824896914231809 54 Zm00001e013864_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e013864 0.7794263444471367 23 Zm00001e022203_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e022203 0.7783280638241402 58 Zm00001e003579_P001 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF015 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q6nld5|erf15_arath : 84.7) Zm00001e003579 0.7781510731408965 26 Zm00001e030747_P001 Cytochrome P450 709B2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4ik45|c70b2_arath : 468.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 128.4) CYP709B2, Zm00001e030747 0.7764428526667845 26 Zm00001e009706_P001 UDP-glycosyltransferase 82A1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lhj2|u82a1_arath : 357.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase(50.2.4 : 212.2) Zm00001e009706 0.7701012874962104 71 Zm00001e011211_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e011211 0.7699194099862657 33 Zm00001e016199_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e016199 0.7637495918445769 37 Zm00001e030373_P001 transcription factor (MADS/AGL) AGL10, CAL1, CAL, Zm00001e030373 0.7630103199576376 30 Zm00001e036848_P001 component NF-YB of NF-Y transcription factor complex EMB212, NF-YB9, LEC1, EMB 212, Zm00001e036848 0.7474464595975828 39 Zm00001e017469_P001 solute transporter (UmamiT) Zm00001e017469 0.7461809633763649 32 Zm00001e014125_P001 sugar efflux transporter (SWEET) SWEET7, AtSWEET7, Zm00001e014125 0.7369657101809586 33 Zm00001e040259_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e040259 0.7294423032982642 95 Zm00001e021718_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e021718 0.7225632780045412 62 Zm00001e004640_P002 GDSL esterase/lipase At4g28780 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9svu5|gdl67_arath : 116.0) Zm00001e004640 0.7084188030538683 36 Zm00001e035354_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e035354 0.7083528284425246 37 Zm00001e022888_P003 Cytochrome P450 86B1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fmy1|c86b1_arath : 396.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 70.0) CYP86C1, Zm00001e022888 0.7071782348421313 39 Zm00001e022498_P001 anion transporter (NRT1/PTR) Zm00001e022498 0.7064150894569382 99 Zm00001e001032_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e001032 0.7012162238354281 43 Zm00001e024232_P001 UPF0481 protein At3g47200 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sd53|y3720_arath : 97.4) Zm00001e024232 0.6959611595573159 44 Zm00001e011197_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e011197 0.6927991450106983 78 Zm00001e041594_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e041594 0.6920845018961541 46 Zm00001e016439_P001 No annotation Zm00001e016439 0.690005482254366 47 Zm00001e008168_P001 anion channel (QUAC/ALMT) Zm00001e008168 0.6859050423276253 48 Zm00001e020962_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e020962 0.6798942848437546 100 Zm00001e002111_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e002111 0.6773351818325707 53 Zm00001e016440_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e016440 0.674115200003965 54 Zm00001e040281_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e040281 0.6691039741800576 94 Zm00001e037517_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e037517 0.667788197365663 91 Zm00001e040536_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e040536 0.6674426440060086 58 Zm00001e017951_P002 transcription factor (YABBY) YAB5, Zm00001e017951 0.6669835503340829 59 Zm00001e037518_P001 no hits & (original description: none) ATERF12, ERF12, Zm00001e037518 0.6648327580967238 67 Zm00001e013924_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e013924 0.6642310324280605 62 Zm00001e020951_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e020951 0.6599100936435993 70 Zm00001e024961_P002 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e024961 0.6478496879606978 82 Zm00001e019597_P001 transcription factor (HD-ZIP IV) PDF2, Zm00001e019597 0.6411689199164208 86 Zm00001e014642_P001 sugar efflux transporter (SWEET) AtSWEET15, SAG29, SWEET15, Zm00001e014642 0.6375467293924696 71 Zm00001e040282_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e040282 0.636582870358954 72 Zm00001e033229_P001 M20 IAA-amino acid hydrolase ILR1, Zm00001e033229 0.6355693527201229 74 Zm00001e011024_P001 xylosyltransferase (IRX9) IRX9, Zm00001e011024 0.6348668119103782 75 Zm00001e015700_P001 component NF-YB of NF-Y transcription factor complex NF-YB6, L1L, Zm00001e015700 0.6328440431168038 76 Zm00001e038485_P001 Probable protein phosphatase 2C 31 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q10nb9|p2c31_orysj : 476.0) PLL5, Zm00001e038485 0.6318139842640005 77 Zm00001e031750_P001 transcription factor (DOF) Zm00001e031750 0.6292740645496315 79 Zm00001e000317_P001 transcription factor (BES/BZR). transcription factor (BZR) BEH3, Zm00001e000317 0.6272127904959333 95 Zm00001e014048_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e014048 0.6269719636141348 83 Zm00001e027611_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e027611 0.624248968131957 84 Zm00001e001031_P001 transcription factor (AS2/LOB) LBD18, Zm00001e001031 0.6222173626494951 85 Zm00001e021142_P001 Glycine-rich domain-containing protein 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9szj2|grdp2_arath : 467.0) Zm00001e021142 0.6198958904708294 86 Zm00001e038484_P001 no hits & (original description: none) Zm00001e038484 0.6189309135882548 88 Zm00001e011563_P001 Peroxidase 51 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sze7|per51_arath : 376.0) Zm00001e011563 0.6142453237690858 90 Zm00001e041309_P001 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor(50.1.1 : 319.4) & Salutaridine reductase OS=Papaver bracteatum (sp|a4uht7|salr_Papbr : 218.0) Zm00001e041309 0.6090974998316693 94 Zm00001e031163_P001 Acyl transferase 15 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q7xhc4|at15_orysj : 318.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.3 acyltransferase(50.2.3 : 32.5) Zm00001e031163 0.6085331634435599 96 Zm00001e017221_P001 alpha-class expansin ATEXPA1, EXP1, AT-EXP1, EXPA1, ATEXP1, ATHEXP ALPHA 1.2, Zm00001e017221 0.6069804676610693 98 Zm00001e028449_P001 Uncharacterized protein At4g15970 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|p0c042|y4597_arath : 215.0) Zm00001e028449 0.6063977307691137 99 Zm00001e001617_P001 No annotation Zm00001e001617 0.6038614261537829 100