Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Smo271396 Desmethylxanthohumol 6-O-methyltransferase OS=Humulus lupulus ATOMT1, OMT1 0.707361573826509 90 Smo407595 0.6877366237773116 92 Smo427837 0.6545706552714546 96 Smo415462 0.6503483236179617 56 Smo123663 0.6442133930095486 43 Smo446506 0.639279777737731 60 Smo431528 Putative alpha-L-fucosidase 1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica FUC1, ATFUC1 0.6177603866773427 55 Smo418692 0.6085262724972764 57 Smo416274 Photosynthesis.photophosphorylation.pseudo-cyclic electron flow.flavodiiron protein HCT 0.6031214651806146 92 Smo267088 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 323.4) & Cytochrome P450 71A1 OS=Persea americana CYP71A22 0.5878993853480784 86 Smo410336 0.5752701104903704 59 Smo134942 Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group(50.2.1 : 149.2) & Caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase 3 OS=Populus kitakamiensis ATOMT1, OMT1 0.5742101726077873 86 Smo418110 0.5634765222900957 77