Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Smo109582 Vesicle trafficking.endomembrane trafficking.PI3-kinase vesicle nucleation complex I/II.VPS34/PI3K phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase component 0.8812696677225296 81 Smo415134 0.878563875016125 33 Smo448442 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor(50.1.3 : 541.7) & 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana ATOPR2, OPR2 0.8695071799641987 73 Smo4561 RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.HB (Homeobox) superfamily.WOX transcription factor ATWOX13, WOX13, HB-4 0.868184502130234 80 Smo59353 Lachrymatory-factor synthase OS=Allium cepa 0.8625554200326321 59 Smo441655 RNA biosynthesis.DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (Pol) complexes.Pol IV catalytic subunits.subunit 1 NRPD1A, POL IVA, NRPD1, SMD2, SDE4 0.8621377524101794 52 Smo94371 Protein biosynthesis.translation elongation.eEF1B eEF1A-GDP-recycling complex.eEF1B-beta/-delta component 0.859004630369292 85 Smo139554 Protein translocation.mitochondrion.outer mitochondrion membrane SAM insertion system.SAM/Tob55 component 0.8540282620145293 31 Smo415162 Endoglucanase 17 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana AtGH9B13, GH9B13 0.8468792557460761 93 Smo404685 Cellular respiration.glycolysis.cytosolic glycolysis.pyruvate kinase 0.844023243124425 65 Smo406144 0.8408854161356039 33 Smo13694 Enzyme classification.EC_4 lyases.EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase(50.4.2 : 209.9) & Pectate lyase OS=Lilium longiflorum 0.8389994656467618 71 Smo233236 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor(50.1.3 : 539.9) & 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana ATOPR2, OPR2 0.8385482098735839 82 Smo138663 Tubulin beta-1/beta-2 chain OS=Chlamydomonas reinhardtii TUB6 0.8376973012284009 32 Smo113356 Uncharacterized protein At2g39795, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.837092188491804 54 Smo442701 Vesicle trafficking.Coat protein I (COPI) coatomer machinery.coat protein complex.cargo adaptor F-subcomplex.zeta subunit 0.8360123063158729 35 Smo171093 Cytoskeleton.actin and tubulin folding.CCT chaperonin folding complex.CCT2 beta subunit 0.8357462714301349 79 Smo181796 Cellular respiration.oxidative phosphorylation.ATP synthase complex.membrane MF0 subcomplex.subunit g 0.8316082750882821 44 Smo403803 L-ascorbate oxidase homolog OS=Brassica napus sks5 0.8269208903995606 62 Smo145395 Protein biosynthesis.organelle translation machineries.mitochondrial ribosome.large subunit proteome.mtRPL3 component RPL3P 0.8261727187993595 53 Smo228163 Protein biosynthesis.cytosolic ribosome.small subunit (SSU).SSU proteome.RPS15a component RPS15A 0.8247917134250564 63 Smo143895 Protein biosynthesis.translation initiation.mRNA loading.eIF4A mRNA unwinding factor EIF4A-2 0.8241835382828722 88 Smo160008 Protein biosynthesis.cytosolic ribosome.small subunit (SSU).SSU proteome.RPS3a component 0.8239484159936715 62 Smo403695 0.8227567885284774 64 Smo428242 Chromatin organisation.histone modifications.histone deacetylation.HD2 histone deacetylase 0.808894188262807 83 Smo235084 Vesicle trafficking.SNARE target membrane recognition and fusion complexes.R-type SNARE longin components.VAMP7-type protein ATVAMP721, VAMP7B, VAMP721, AT VAMP7B 0.8085495587244818 85 Smo36139 RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.NAC transcription factor 0.8083401179565558 99 Smo403740 Protein degradation.peptidase families.aspartic-type peptidase activities.pepsin-type protease 0.8052688697970097 95 Smo34274 GDSL esterase/lipase At1g31550 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8044670197738724 98 Smo169883 0.8030024132510987 100