Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Smo33326 Protein modification.dephosphorylation.serine/threonine protein phosphatase superfamily.PPM/PP2C Mn/Mg-dependent phosphatase families.clade H phosphatase 0.9225449951144421 2 Smo81328 Probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase At5g63930 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.908904477331019 8 Smo99539 Chloroplast envelope quinone oxidoreductase homolog OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8974860119258489 9 Smo266767 Tetraspanin-8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana TET8 0.8938648800235344 8 Smo271324 Solute transport.carrier-mediated transport.DMT superfamily.NST-TPT group.UTR1/5 nucleotide sugar transporter 0.8888220573275104 18 Smo104974 Multi-process regulation.programmed cell death.MCP1 metacaspase-like regulator ATMC1, LOL3, MCP1B, MC1, ATMCPB1 0.8811060925079882 6 Smo232063 Probable NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) FQR1-like 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.875029556610638 100 Smo80549 RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.GRAS transcription factor ATGRAS2, SCL14, GRAS2 0.8745026431452932 31 Smo446995 Pirin-like protein OS=Solanum lycopersicum 0.871124571564883 67 Smo407065 0.8690767071282683 11 Smo123993 Solute transport.carrier-mediated transport.APC superfamily.AAAP family.auxin transporter (AUX/LAX-type) LAX3 0.8684521277127075 66 Smo405873 Cystinosin homolog OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8682867982841473 91 Smo407499 0.864792263651116 98 Smo100942 0.8621475711185864 19 Smo93021 Bax inhibitor 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana ATBI-1, ATBI1, BI-1, BI1 0.8586997421400292 19 Smo438734 Vesicle-associated protein 1-2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana PVA12 0.8573737340273353 31 Smo74877 RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.bZIP superfamily.TGA transcription factor activity.BOP transcriptional co-activator BOP2 0.8572747909739026 79 Smo111811 LysM domain-containing GPI-anchored protein 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8562200894476208 58 Smo270987 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 15 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana UBC15, ATUBC2-1 0.8528567248511578 19 Smo82473 External stimuli response.biotic stress.symbiont-associated response.symbiosis signalling pathway.CCaMK-IPD3 kinase complex.CCaMK component CPK34 0.84995809630862 40 Smo76765 Protein degradation.peptidase families.aspartic-type peptidase activities.pepsin-type protease 0.8493065531823711 24 Smo88146 Solute transport.carrier-mediated transport.APC superfamily.APC family.amino acid transporter/GABA transporter (GABP-type) BAT1 0.8456196968656455 35 Smo232728 Peroxidase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8446900428433716 93 Smo403081 0.8436757831760444 27 Smo78408 Protein modification.S-glutathionylation and deglutathionylation.glutathione S-transferase activities.class tau GSTU19, GST8, ATGSTU19 0.8358941622305828 94 Smo440462 Vesicle trafficking.endomembrane trafficking.vacuolar sorting.VSR vacuolar sorting receptor VSR4, VSR2;1, MTV4, BP80-2;1 0.8347990560929728 51 Smo422957 0.8341050566180738 38 Smo233612 Cellular respiration.tricarboxylic acid cycle.isocitrate dehydrogenase dimer.catalytic component IDH-V 0.8340386148726586 88 Smo444096 Cell wall.lignin.monolignol synthesis.cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase CAD5, ATCAD5, CAD-5 0.8326014994636934 39 Smo164037 Vesicle trafficking.SNARE target membrane recognition and fusion complexes.R-type SNARE longin components.VAMP7-type protein ATVAMP721, VAMP7B, VAMP721, AT VAMP7B 0.8301333869873262 41 Smo229314 Uncharacterized protein At2g38710 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8286857742552135 98 Smo146394 0.825647416107475 49 Smo84536 Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond(50.3.1 : 357.8) & Endonuclease 4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana ENDO 2 0.8250300713454234 50 Smo424331 0.8234863598420907 64 Smo408831 0.8227326734489275 55 Smo168478 Carbohydrate metabolism.oxidative pentose phosphate pathway.oxidative phase.6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 0.8184507690439582 69 Smo438792 Phosphoglycerate kinase, chloroplastic (Fragment) OS=Spinacia oleracea PGK 0.8174606047764871 58 Smo447712 0.8152036095824704 61 Smo156908 Carbohydrate metabolism.oxidative pentose phosphate pathway.oxidative phase.glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase G6PD3 0.81467499834905 94 Smo270979 Solute transport.carrier-mediated transport.APC superfamily.AAAP family.amino acid transporter (LHT-type) LHT1 0.8136191856248811 86 Smo270312 Solute transport.primary active transport.P-type ATPase superfamily.P4 family.phospholipid flippase complex.ALIS regulatory component ALIS1 0.8131619673248008 67 Smo409223 Vesicle trafficking.Coat protein II (COPII) coatomer machinery.Sec12-type guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) STL2P, ATSEC12 0.8104327568667922 69 Smo150322 Carbohydrate metabolism.oxidative pentose phosphate pathway.oxidative phase.glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase G6PD6 0.8094852053802489 73 Smo413041 0.8085132057081594 75 Smo57757 Elongation of fatty acids protein 3-like OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8066166297791423 78 Smo439249 RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.TIFY transcription factor TIFY10B, JAZ2 0.8054608824251765 91 Smo412258 Multi-process regulation.circadian clock.morning element regulation.TZP repression factor TZP 0.803429368522495 89 Smo148346 Ricin B-like lectin R40G3 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica 0.8025762131136223 88 Smo146931 SEC12-like protein 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana PHF1 0.800994775012823 89 Smo61564 Coleoptile phototropism protein 1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica 0.7990400789552958 91 Smo89699 Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase A4, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana PMSR4 0.7986928662719256 92 Smo124022 Dirigent protein 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.7984696200630099 93 Smo443337 Lipid metabolism.sphingolipid metabolism.ceramidase activities.ACER alkaline ceramidase ATCES1 0.7976869574250356 96 Smo145472 0.796121031843784 98 Smo437746 Solute transport.primary active transport.P-type ATPase superfamily.P2 family.ACA P2B-type calcium cation-transporting ATPase 0.7957899451684497 99