Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Smo422873 0.9491486147486571 6 Smo78368 Protein modification.S-glutathionylation and deglutathionylation.glutathione S-transferase activities.class tau GSTU19, GST8, ATGSTU19 0.9288609295578403 16 Smo117229 0.9252421145573138 9 Smo78701 Protein modification.S-glutathionylation and deglutathionylation.glutathione S-transferase activities.class tau GSTU19, GST8, ATGSTU19 0.9241490968554466 26 Smo81931 Lipid metabolism.lipid degradation.phospholipase activities.phospholipase A2 activities.pPLA2-II-type phospholipase A2 PLA IIA, PLA2A, PLP2 0.922948994007098 23 Smo93442 Vesicle trafficking.SNARE target membrane recognition and fusion complexes.Qa-type SNARE components.SYP1-group protein ATSYP124, SYP124 0.9217969829811866 29 Smo78233 0.9207877193827224 23 Smo412047 0.9181113912599638 23 Smo442231 0.9176254075916436 25 Smo31754 Probably inactive leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase At2g25790 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.9086718831630198 21 Smo413160 Lysine histidine transporter-like 6 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana LHT2, AATL2, ATLHT2 0.9049069111213519 11 Smo402612 Receptor-like protein kinase BRI1-like 3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.9031046133659807 54 Smo77761 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 372.9) & Cytochrome P450 71A1 OS=Persea americana CYP75B1, D501, TT7 0.8960769666091306 33 Smo82448 Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.2 glycosylase(50.3.2 : 337.0) & Probable glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase At4g16260 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8933341832574855 44 Smo413603 Protein degradation.peptidase families.aspartic-type peptidase activities.pepsin-type protease 0.8921819426210583 55 Smo76987 Pathogenesis-related protein PR-1 type OS=Sambucus nigra 0.8915675639083388 55 Smo17395 Photosynthesis.calvin cycle.ribulose-1,5-bisphosphat carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCo) activity.RuBisCo dimer.small subunit RBCS1A 0.8805701421556723 64 Smo443112 Basic endochitinase B OS=Arabidopsis thaliana HCHIB, B-CHI, ATHCHIB, PR-3, PR3, CHI-B 0.8805515355821385 19 Smo439474 Cell number regulator 4 OS=Zea mays 0.8793772600985218 68 Smo230663 Coenzyme metabolism.tetrahydrofolate synthesis.p-aminobenzoate synthesis.aminodeoxychorismate lyase 0.8761275484522016 87 Smo428691 0.8732241226828948 23 Smo66275 Protein JINGUBANG OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.870193897916619 58 Smo73523 0.8700017415276019 85 Smo446995 Pirin-like protein OS=Solanum lycopersicum 0.8693877011192126 69 Smo80203 Hemoglobin-2 OS=Casuarina glauca HB1, AHB1, GLB1, ATGLB1, ARATH GLB1, NSHB1 0.8685659158332265 80 Smo410327 0.8678039403661508 39 Smo417266 Solute transport.primary active transport.ABC superfamily.ABC2 family.subfamily ABCG transporter ABCG40, PDR12, ATABCG40, ATPDR12 0.8673719557146787 41 Smo428536 0.8661608864763769 30 Smo93858 Protein modification.S-glutathionylation and deglutathionylation.glutathione S-transferase activities.class tau GST25, ATGSTU7, GSTU7 0.8642323105375201 100 Smo98841 Protein degradation.peptidase families.aspartic-type peptidase activities.pepsin-type protease 0.8632976122203858 79 Smo173572 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor(50.1.3 : 590.5) & 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana ATOPR2, OPR2 0.8612802393466484 34 Smo130247 Lipid metabolism.lipid degradation.triacylglycerol lipase activities.monoacylglycerol lipase 0.861016025975801 98 Smo6124 Dirigent protein 23 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8595207013821944 37 Smo228612 Beta-glucosidase 6 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica BGLU40 0.8573257741718198 83 Smo415635 0.8512205345345998 97 Smo431601 0.8495329370275381 50 Smo99539 Chloroplast envelope quinone oxidoreductase homolog OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8471641572068802 58 Smo412699 Solute transport.primary active transport.ABC superfamily.ABC2 family.subfamily ABCG transporter ABCG40, PDR12, ATABCG40, ATPDR12 0.8455605773057567 55 Smo410796 0.8435688141912063 58 Smo230382 Cell wall.hemicellulose.heteromannan.synthesis.mannan synthase activities.CSLD-type mannan synthase ATCSLD3, KJK, CSLD3 0.843473236783887 59 Smo85853 0.8423977391218692 77 Smo33326 Protein modification.dephosphorylation.serine/threonine protein phosphatase superfamily.PPM/PP2C Mn/Mg-dependent phosphatase families.clade H phosphatase 0.840687862039254 83 Smo439121 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.13 oxidoreductase acting on single donor with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenase)(50.1.12 : 1022.4) & Probable linoleate 9S-lipoxygenase 5 OS=Solanum tuberosum ATLOX1, LOX1 0.8358420294086226 94 Smo423923 Protein degradation.peptide tagging.Ubiquitin (UBQ)-anchor addition (ubiquitylation).UBQ-ligase E3 activities.Cullin-based ubiquitylation complexes.SKP1-CUL1-FBX (SCF) E3 ligase complexes.F-BOX substrate adaptor components.FBX component SLY1 0.8354479818256265 71 Smo410199 GLP5 0.8322634085190811 74 Smo414670 0.8303496067938806 78 Smo417772 ABC transporter C family member 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana MRP15, ABCC15, ATMRP15 0.8302280949704994 79 Smo12792 7-deoxyloganetic acid glucosyltransferase OS=Catharanthus roseus 0.8295130671312112 82 Smo98385 Solute transport.carrier-mediated transport.APC superfamily.AAAP family.amino acid transporter (LHT-type) LHT2, AATL2, ATLHT2 0.8282710690454129 84 Smo138855 Carboxylesterase 1 OS=Actinidia eriantha CXE20, AtCXE20 0.8239584554472107 89 Smo230086 0.8236824267329609 90 Smo229828 Peroxidase 49 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana 0.8233275923499876 95 Smo232048 Nicotinamidase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana ATNIC1, NIC1 0.8186808628103678 99