Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Solyc12g014260.1.1 Protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 10 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9s7r3|lsh10_arath : 221.0) LSH10, Solyc12g014260 0.8825178513786245 8 Solyc07g062460.4.1 Peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase A OS=Prunus dulcis (sp|p81898|pnaa_prudu : 526.0) Solyc07g062460 0.8673304608766526 6 Solyc03g031800.3.1 Probable xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase protein 8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8l9a9|xth8_arath : 444.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase(50.2.4 : 290.7) XTH8, Solyc03g031800 0.8654982550431543 6 Solyc06g065920.4.1 clade D phosphatase Solyc06g065920 0.8601486874890333 13 Solyc06g074000.1.1 pepsin-type protease Solyc06g074000 0.8428271621129558 19 Solyc07g062470.4.1 Protein LIGHT-DEPENDENT SHORT HYPOCOTYLS 10 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9s7r3|lsh10_arath : 202.0) LSH10, Solyc07g062470 0.8388352832133099 30 Solyc06g008590.3.1 Auxin-responsive protein IAA16 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o24407|iaa16_arath : 256.0) IAA16, Solyc06g008590 0.8235885751325057 7 Solyc05g054090.3.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc05g054090 0.8198112827401861 30 Solyc04g006970.4.1 PEP carboxylase ATPPC4, PPC4, Solyc04g006970 0.8179801362812724 28 Solyc06g050370.1.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc06g050370 0.8004184361498786 28 Solyc10g045490.2.1 Protein WHATS THIS FACTOR 1 OS=Zea mays (sp|b6ttv8|wtf1_maize : 141.0) emb1692, Solyc10g045490 0.7966622404392408 50 Solyc02g087830.4.1 receptor-like protein kinase (RLCK-VIIa) Solyc02g087830 0.794900782423711 26 Solyc02g088380.4.1 Lamin-like protein OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q39131|laml_arath : 113.0) ENODL20, AtENODL20, Solyc02g088380 0.7934529457442899 13 Solyc02g069670.4.1 Alpha-glucosidase OS=Spinacia oleracea (sp|o04893|aglu_spiol : 930.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.2 glycosylase(50.3.2 : 652.1) Solyc02g069670 0.7910992669633663 50 Solyc11g006670.1.1 transcription factor (OFP) ATOFP13, OFP13, Solyc11g006670 0.7849630979020789 32 Solyc07g062530.3.1 PEP carboxylase ATPPC3, PPC3, Solyc07g062530 0.7833565804669381 29 Solyc09g065670.3.1 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor MGP, Solyc09g065670 0.7797436086394188 50 Solyc07g056140.3.1 ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase ADG1, APS1, Solyc07g056140 0.779275833859485 53 Solyc11g070010.3.1 Dynamin-related protein 4C OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9zp55|drp4c_arath : 127.0) Solyc11g070010 0.7781802493934235 43 Solyc01g105350.3.1 7-deoxyloganetin glucosyltransferase OS=Gardenia jasminoides (sp|f8wkw1|ugt2_garja : 537.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase(50.2.4 : 255.5) AtUGT85A7, UGT85A7, Solyc01g105350 0.7759837914252599 21 Solyc01g010185.1.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc01g010185 0.7747340785061984 55 Solyc07g042390.3.1 Pectinesterase inhibitor 3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q84we4|pmei3_arath : 166.0) Solyc07g042390 0.7707283185536398 33 Solyc12g015850.1.1 Nucleotide-sugar uncharacterized transporter 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fg70|nstu2_arath : 514.0) Solyc12g015850 0.76794130580508 52 Solyc02g089630.3.1 proline dehydrogenase Solyc02g089630 0.7678744860187258 48 Solyc02g078620.1.1 transcription factor (DOF) ADOF2, DOF2, Solyc02g078620 0.7671220548797749 27 Solyc02g078570.3.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc02g078570 0.7659594034325118 60 Solyc03g065340.3.1 plastidial alpha-glucan phosphorylase Solyc03g065340 0.7640443922710982 40 Solyc02g083700.4.1 Alpha-mannosidase OS=Canavalia ensiformis (sp|c0hjb3|mana_canen : 1422.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.2 glycosylase(50.3.2 : 735.1) Solyc02g083700 0.7625241001179416 87 Solyc04g074163.1.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc04g074163 0.7616551269113018 36 Solyc09g082720.3.1 Perakine reductase OS=Rauvolfia serpentina (sp|q3l181|perr_rause : 478.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor(50.1.1 : 433.8) Solyc09g082720 0.7579705970561627 34 Solyc06g071240.3.1 Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9c723|nade_arath : 107.0) Solyc06g071240 0.7567194111603607 93 Solyc03g078440.3.1 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor(50.1.1 : 623.9) & Probable cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 9 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|p42734|cadh9_arath : 536.0) ATCAD9, CAD9, Solyc03g078440 0.7566509893475069 37 Solyc06g082460.1.1 transcription factor (OFP) OFP4, ATOFP4, Solyc06g082460 0.7520678897268507 90 Solyc10g074540.1.1 Protein EXORDIUM-like 5 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sii5|exol5_arath : 480.0) EXL5, Solyc10g074540 0.7503289180458131 72 Solyc03g083996.1.1 14 kDa proline-rich protein DC2.15 OS=Daucus carota (sp|p14009|14kd_dauca : 88.6) Solyc03g083996 0.7478371022040576 85 Solyc04g074110.4.1 Probable carbohydrate esterase At4g34215 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8l9j9|caes_arath : 261.0) Solyc04g074110 0.7441562516310515 46 Solyc10g011730.3.1 no hits & (original description: none) AtAGP20, AGP20, Solyc10g011730 0.7380916719093201 48 Solyc02g083930.1.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc02g083930 0.7374620663939886 49 Solyc02g087840.3.1 transcription factor (HD-ZIP I/II) ATHB3, HB-3, ATHB-3, HAT7, Solyc02g087840 0.7374515878845024 50 Solyc02g092770.3.1 Probable esterase KAI2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9szu7|kai2_arath : 458.0) Solyc02g092770 0.7350499328201846 90 Solyc01g098190.3.1 proton:sodium cation antiporter (NHX) NHX2, ATNHX2, Solyc01g098190 0.731681203662891 54 Solyc11g006970.2.1 ACT domain-containing protein ACR12 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lz23|acr12_arath : 317.0) Solyc11g006970 0.7311213613827204 55 Solyc11g012325.1.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc11g012325 0.7306496735693248 74 Solyc06g048410.4.1 iron superoxide dismutase. PAP4/FSD3 cofactor of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase. PAP9/FSD2 cofactor of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase ATFSD1, FSD1, Solyc06g048410 0.730088620883035 61 Solyc01g109790.3.1 ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase APL3, Solyc01g109790 0.7294523195521309 93 Solyc06g074710.1.1 Agmatine coumaroyltransferase-2 OS=Hordeum vulgare (sp|a9zpj7|agct2_horvu : 467.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.3 acyltransferase(50.2.3 : 35.2) HCT, Solyc06g074710 0.7286288022205899 60 Solyc02g150113.1.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc02g150113 0.7217312033179973 67 Solyc05g014000.4.1 pectate lyase Solyc05g014000 0.7205062367549587 68 Solyc10g007570.4.1 gibberellin 2-oxidase ATGA2OX1, GA2OX1, Solyc10g007570 0.7185325079600604 70 Solyc10g074790.2.1 auxin efflux transporter (PILS). auxin transporter (PILS) Solyc10g074790 0.7168230577537869 72 Solyc01g098650.2.1 GDSL esterase/lipase At1g54790 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q3ecp6|gdl22_arath : 575.0) Solyc01g098650 0.716588004880812 73 Solyc02g094860.3.1 Cytokinin hydroxylase OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9ff18|c7351_arath : 722.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 149.3) CYP735A1, Solyc02g094860 0.7153293041322042 74 Solyc01g108930.3.1 B3 domain-containing protein REM16 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8ryd1|rem16_arath : 89.4) Solyc01g108930 0.7132127744972202 75 Solyc07g063240.4.1 Putative nuclear RNA export factor SDE5 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9luq3|sde5_arath : 247.0) SDE5, Solyc07g063240 0.7131887172149205 76 Solyc01g058670.3.1 transcription factor (bHLH) Solyc01g058670 0.706429481825117 95 Solyc10g047900.2.1 no hits & (original description: none) Solyc10g047900 0.7053843722481558 92 Solyc06g035970.3.1 component beta-Tubulin of alpha-beta-Tubulin heterodimer TUB8, Solyc06g035970 0.7035839580307719 93 Solyc03g006880.3.1 gibberellin 20-oxidase GA5, GA20OX1, ATGA20OX1, AT2301, Solyc03g006880 0.7034850651394862 85 Solyc04g051420.3.1 RGF precursor polypeptide Solyc04g051420 0.7006197393981592 89 Solyc02g080370.3.1 TOM1 tobamovirus multiplication replication host factor TOM1, ATTOM1, Solyc02g080370 0.6986687567988686 94 Solyc01g103140.3.1 anion channel / anion:proton antiporter (CLC) ATCLC-C, CLC-C, Solyc01g103140 0.695372134422769 95 Solyc03g078150.3.1 solute transporter (AAAP) Solyc03g078150 0.6925049861888625 98 Solyc01g096040.4.1 pepsin-type protease Solyc01g096040 0.6921145773537036 99