Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp3c9_12713V3.1 nuclear RNA polymerase A1 NRPC1, Pp3c9_12713 0.966213928933384 12 Pp3c2_2600V3.1 No annotation Pp3c2_2600 0.9662139284552275 12 Pp3c17_3030V3.1 No annotation Pp3c17_3030 0.9662139284552275 12 Pp3c18_12050V3.1 No annotation Pp3c18_12050 0.9662139284552275 12 Pp3c1_19800V3.1 No annotation Pp3c1_19800 0.9662139284552271 12 Pp3c7_1540V3.1 No annotation Pp3c7_1540 0.9662139284552271 12 Pp3c10_17410V3.1 No annotation Pp3c10_17410 0.9662139284552271 12 Pp3c19_250V3.1 No annotation Pp3c19_250 0.9662139284552271 12 Pp3c9_22440V3.1 No annotation Pp3c9_22440 0.9662139284552268 12 Pp3s124_90V3.1 transcription factor IIIA Pp3s124_90 0.9638503061418517 12 Pp3c5_6880V3.1 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein Pp3c5_6880 0.9511278641354213 11 Pp3c9_14860V3.1 VH1-interacting kinase Pp3c9_14860 0.9444643710162195 14 Pp3c23_13130V3.1 No annotation Pp3c23_13130 0.9416596268348293 13 Pp3c2_37410V3.1 Cytochrome P450 superfamily protein CYP75B1, D501, TT7, Pp3c2_37410 0.9294931632088161 14 Pp3c7_1030V3.1 Protein kinase family protein Pp3c7_1030 0.9257580453427293 15 Pp3c2_17770V3.1 No annotation Pp3c2_17770 0.9080296092559378 16 Pp3c14_810V3.1 Mechanosensitive ion channel protein Pp3c14_810 0.9032443121140503 17 Pp3c15_4100V3.1 No annotation Pp3c15_4100 0.8988706282534277 18 Pp3c7_7880V3.1 Polynucleotidyl transferase, ribonuclease H-like superfamily protein Pp3c7_7880 0.8957858397685595 19 Pp3c23_16490V3.1 No annotation Pp3c23_16490 0.890838174853357 20 Pp3c19_427V3.1 No annotation Pp3c19_427 0.8905285390450313 21 Pp3c6_9080V3.1 No annotation Pp3c6_9080 0.890097678106698 22 Pp3c26_9960V3.1 No annotation Pp3c26_9960 0.8884440126575963 23 Pp3c2_18690V3.1 No annotation Pp3c2_18690 0.8634356577001859 24 Pp3c3_370V3.1 No annotation Pp3c3_370 0.8627862633512181 25 Pp3c7_4561V3.1 No annotation Pp3c7_4561 0.8616914787650933 26 Pp3c27_7440V3.1 No annotation Pp3c27_7440 0.8291186084118972 27 Pp3c21_22390V3.1 No annotation Pp3c21_22390 0.828390249922265 28 Pp3c20_20820V3.1 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein Pp3c20_20820 0.8283892616014642 29 Pp3c27_2980V3.1 No annotation Pp3c27_2980 0.8276718663031543 30 Pp3c21_3230V3.1 No annotation Pp3c21_3230 0.8270518511748687 31 Pp3c7_13170V3.1 disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class) Pp3c7_13170 0.8260820412655866 32 Pp3c27_5590V3.1 No annotation Pp3c27_5590 0.8155675544228002 33 Pp3c25_10990V3.1 No annotation Pp3c25_10990 0.8057677304374316 34 Pp3c2_2620V3.1 Protein kinase family protein Pp3c2_2620 0.8039046963725991 35 Pp3c15_12100V3.1 aspartate aminotransferase 5 Pp3c15_12100 0.8027972565909507 36 Pp3c12_4760V3.1 No annotation Pp3c12_4760 0.8025014437821351 37 Pp3c4_21530V3.1 disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class) Pp3c4_21530 0.8008948223599197 38 Pp3c11_22150V3.1 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 11 Pp3c11_22150 0.8008945475365298 39 Pp3c23_270V3.1 No annotation Pp3c23_270 0.7967870740743584 40 Pp3c1_20830V3.1 No annotation Pp3c1_20830 0.7940462173495941 41 Pp3c9_13520V3.1 No annotation Pp3c9_13520 0.7861800919014561 42 Pp3c1_40460V3.1 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF828) YLS7, TBL17, Pp3c1_40460 0.778884953592167 43 Pp3c10_6350V3.1 Galactose oxidase/kelch repeat superfamily protein Pp3c10_6350 0.7729901143420681 44 Pp3c20_22139V3.1 No annotation Pp3c20_22139 0.7722908607692321 45 Pp3c20_15080V3.1 No annotation Pp3c20_15080 0.771428685613848 46 Pp3c5_630V3.1 NAC (No Apical Meristem) domain transcriptional regulator superfamily protein ANAC018, NAM, ATNAM, NARS2, Pp3c5_630 0.7582582878748134 47 Pp3c6_11910V3.1 F-box/RNI-like superfamily protein Pp3c6_11910 0.7538012041358704 48 Pp3c21_830V3.1 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family Pp3c21_830 0.7502670030504495 49 Pp3c23_12430V3.1 No annotation Pp3c23_12430 0.7492120094905562 50 Pp3c13_2080V3.1 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein ZOU, RGE1, Pp3c13_2080 0.7480142663233992 51 Pp3c12_14740V3.1 Plant self-incompatibility protein S1 family Pp3c12_14740 0.7479007752047847 52 Pp3c8_13760V3.1 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF641) Pp3c8_13760 0.7400542413939546 53 Pp3c23_8590V3.1 No annotation Pp3c23_8590 0.7355328264191815 54 Pp3c24_3070V3.1 No annotation Pp3c24_3070 0.7316394148926991 55 Pp3c11_26270V3.1 No annotation Pp3c11_26270 0.7228779318908587 56 Pp3c20_2990V3.1 No annotation Pp3c20_2990 0.7228778481775469 57 Pp3c8_3170V3.1 No annotation Pp3c8_3170 0.7228777300103162 58 Pp3c15_7980V3.1 No annotation Pp3c15_7980 0.7191483331222878 59 Pp3c23_12070V3.1 No annotation Pp3c23_12070 0.7188942045834248 60 Pp3c26_4660V3.1 NAC domain containing protein 80 ANAC100, ATNAC5, NAC100, Pp3c26_4660 0.7167419735559961 61 Pp3c5_7130V3.1 No annotation Pp3c5_7130 0.7146314345872581 62 Pp3c4_24950V3.1 nuclear RNA polymerase C2 Pp3c4_24950 0.7125295393181842 63 Pp3c26_2150V3.1 No annotation Pp3c26_2150 0.7095509178251348 64 Pp3c1_6310V3.1 No annotation Pp3c1_6310 0.707994857271725 65 Pp3c20_550V3.1 cysteine-rich RLK (RECEPTOR-like protein kinase) 8 Pp3c20_550 0.7072984825883345 66 Pp3c17_12480V3.1 No annotation Pp3c17_12480 0.7021201416438537 67 Pp3c3_20060V3.1 No annotation Pp3c3_20060 0.7000229331751212 68 Pp3c11_14230V3.1 No annotation Pp3c11_14230 0.6849535969207049 69 Pp3c9_21780V3.1 No annotation Pp3c9_21780 0.6848360290077811 70 Pp3c10_1530V3.1 No annotation Pp3c10_1530 0.683100979818704 71 Pp3c23_3520V3.1 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein Pp3c23_3520 0.6784860820340293 72 Pp3c4_19550V3.1 No annotation Pp3c4_19550 0.6768879574283861 73 Pp3c5_18719V3.1 No annotation Pp3c5_18719 0.6754792044115545 74 Pp3c8_430V3.1 No annotation Pp3c8_430 0.6743438483965052 75 Pp3c12_12090V3.1 No annotation Pp3c12_12090 0.67297373482535 76 Pp3c15_22430V3.1 cytochrome P450, family 86, subfamily B, polypeptide 1 CYP86B1, Pp3c15_22430 0.6725593376287226 77 Pp3c7_17910V3.1 No annotation Pp3c7_17910 0.6590215786896026 78 Pp3c25_12560V3.1 No annotation Pp3c25_12560 0.6554539947879362 79 Pp3c15_21370V3.1 disease resistance protein (TIR-NBS-LRR class) Pp3c15_21370 0.6517690293370374 82 Pp3c3_26830V3.1 No annotation Pp3c3_26830 0.6517436772527688 83 Pp3c7_20550V3.1 Coatomer, beta\ subunit Pp3c7_20550 0.6457142367685464 84 Pp3c16_23530V3.1 No annotation Pp3c16_23530 0.644213140498667 85 Pp3c24_6630V3.1 mitochondrial acyl carrier protein 2 mtACP2, Pp3c24_6630 0.6405314112203003 87 Pp3c20_16090V3.1 target of AVRB operation1 Pp3c20_16090 0.6401712627832703 88 Pp3c23_9170V3.1 PQ-loop repeat family protein / transmembrane family protein Pp3c23_9170 0.6326797639288433 89 Pp3c26_310V3.1 ureide permease 2 UPS5, ATUPS5, Pp3c26_310 0.6309586415001913 90 Pp3c3_24160V3.1 No annotation Pp3c3_24160 0.6284320941259415 92 Pp3c7_18500V3.1 No annotation Pp3c7_18500 0.6282804304779936 93 Pp3c27_1140V3.1 No annotation Pp3c27_1140 0.628066257205965 94 Pp3c19_445V3.1 No annotation Pp3c19_445 0.627711201380022 95 Pp3c6_10740V3.1 No annotation Pp3c6_10740 0.622777665613207 96 Pp3c17_9120V3.1 MUTS-homologue 5 MSH5, ATMSH5, Pp3c17_9120 0.6224147116299751 97 Pp3c14_8160V3.1 No annotation Pp3c14_8160 0.6159956261442627 98 Pp3c2_27470V3.1 No annotation Pp3c2_27470 0.6148108672440927 99 Pp3c18_9450V3.1 No annotation Pp3c18_9450 0.6136644264454031 100