Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp3c3_13510V3.1 ethylene responsive element binding factor 2 ERF-1, ATERF-1, Pp3c3_13510 0.7373171082981399 2 Pp3c9_760V3.1 No annotation Pp3c9_760 0.7090114421930523 35 Pp3c11_19720V3.1 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 DSPTP1B, MKP2, ATMKP2, Pp3c11_19720 0.7013606643814805 26 Pp3c3_36610V3.1 No annotation Pp3c3_36610 0.6909625456144245 28 Pp3c22_21520V3.1 TRS120 TRS120, AtTRS120, Pp3c22_21520 0.686725399568026 54 Pp3c19_11400V3.1 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein Pp3c19_11400 0.6795525693102045 42 Pp3c4_30390V3.1 NRAMP metal ion transporter 2 ATNRAMP3, NRAMP3, Pp3c4_30390 0.6475196515323834 38 Pp3c24_1880V3.1 No annotation Pp3c24_1880 0.6334443687053128 65 Pp3c3_17920V3.1 Papain family cysteine protease Pp3c3_17920 0.6319530107847855 10 Pp3c19_19360V3.1 No annotation Pp3c19_19360 0.6314626899002006 49 Pp3c15_13960V3.1 Homeodomain-like superfamily protein LUX, PCL1, Pp3c15_13960 0.6295802519051745 53 Pp3c21_10380V3.1 Calcium-dependent lipid-binding (CaLB domain) family protein Pp3c21_10380 0.6266546838795912 59 Pp3c4_14040V3.1 No annotation Pp3c4_14040 0.624590372606795 88 Pp3c6_15020V3.1 CHASE domain containing histidine kinase protein ATCRE1, WOL, CRE1, AHK4, WOL1, Pp3c6_15020 0.6240519979352369 45 Pp3c10_5530V3.1 No annotation Pp3c10_5530 0.61886663670475 53 Pp3c23_6560V3.1 response regulator 5 ARR17, RR17, Pp3c23_6560 0.616979948919414 33 Pp3c6_15040V3.1 No annotation Pp3c6_15040 0.6166918232750954 65 Pp3c24_20410V3.1 No annotation Pp3c24_20410 0.6160287063016836 64 Pp3c14_23270V3.1 Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase Pp3c14_23270 0.6129315463173148 89 Pp3c9_3190V3.1 Early-responsive to dehydration stress protein (ERD4) ERD4, Pp3c9_3190 0.597697832043933 54 Pp3c21_4630V3.1 No annotation Pp3c21_4630 0.5958982174393085 72 Pp3c4_6640V3.1 Galactosyl transferase GMA12/MNN10 family protein XXT5, Pp3c4_6640 0.5899914535214825 37 Pp3c9_12920V3.1 phosphorylcholine cytidylyltransferase ATCCT1, CCT1, Pp3c9_12920 0.5829273544152539 59 Pp3c7_10630V3.1 hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein ELF3, PYK20, Pp3c7_10630 0.5808130703953023 67 Pp3c4_6540V3.1 RING/U-box superfamily protein Pp3c4_6540 0.5796883436076551 84 Pp3c2_34130V3.1 KAR-UP F-box 1 Pp3c2_34130 0.5752618784872863 74 Pp3c1_32850V3.1 CHASE domain containing histidine kinase protein ARR24, RR24, Pp3c1_32850 0.5683541100715963 60 Pp3c23_19750V3.1 phosphate 1 PHO1, ATPHO1, Pp3c23_19750 0.5670395760321192 88 Pp3c3_31490V3.1 C-repeat-binding factor 4 Pp3c3_31490 0.5640576920564795 81 Pp3c7_6560V3.1 cold, circadian rhythm, and RNA binding 1 CCR2, ATGRP7, GRP7, GR-RBP7, Pp3c7_6560 0.5625520820248785 61 Pp3c24_15420V3.1 FtsH extracellular protease family FTSH8, Pp3c24_15420 0.5608140422108335 99 Pp3c6_620V3.1 Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold-like protein Pp3c6_620 0.5602614618758948 64 Pp3c13_3320V3.1 amino acid permease 5 AAP3, ATAAP3, Pp3c13_3320 0.5537908041513248 79 Pp3c3_20310V3.1 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein Pp3c3_20310 0.5468986421471151 87 Pp3c1_24420V3.1 F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein Pp3c1_24420 0.5438808026090939 93 Pp3c23_20810V3.1 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase C2 GAPC-2, GAPC2, Pp3c23_20810 0.5421250736744203 96 Pp3c4_11460V3.1 No annotation Pp3c4_11460 0.540092981991962 99