Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp3c15_20530V3.1 SNARE-like superfamily protein Pp3c15_20530 0.7896935020803902 61 Pp3c7_6570V3.1 No annotation Pp3c7_6570 0.7882649423969987 2 Pp3c23_18520V3.1 No annotation Pp3c23_18520 0.7862472591238507 13 Pp3c7_6680V3.1 Putative membrane lipoprotein Pp3c7_6680 0.7817285490665178 11 Pp3c18_13150V3.1 secE/sec61-gamma protein transport protein Pp3c18_13150 0.7794736647506803 18 Pp3c5_6000V3.1 Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold-like protein Pp3c5_6000 0.7778112404619572 54 Pp3c20_8820V3.1 No annotation Pp3c20_8820 0.7614974060772193 42 Pp3c17_8370V3.1 Protein of unknown function (DUF1138) Pp3c17_8370 0.7606789197682223 10 Pp3c10_18150V3.1 Expressed protein Pp3c10_18150 0.7601589386260379 58 Pp3c15_11080V3.1 Ubiquitin related modifier 1 Pp3c15_11080 0.7590675155799043 72 Pp3c20_1390V3.1 Surfeit locus protein 5 subunit 22 of Mediator complex Pp3c20_1390 0.7582927195286762 46 Pp3c3_33480V3.1 Cox19-like CHCH family protein Pp3c3_33480 0.754606991558464 34 Pp3c24_18560V3.1 mitochondrial acyl carrier protein 2 MTACP-1, MTACP1, Pp3c24_18560 0.7509798464232675 43 Pp3c3_26940V3.1 secE/sec61-gamma protein transport protein Pp3c3_26940 0.7464906267577223 49 Pp3c13_11630V3.1 ATPase, F1 complex, delta/epsilon subunit Pp3c13_11630 0.7452627579223889 22 Pp3c19_6510V3.1 Preprotein translocase Sec, Sec61-beta subunit protein Pp3c19_6510 0.7394541731332898 25 Pp3c17_18760V3.1 Mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex, subunit Tom7 Pp3c17_18760 0.7296210166676154 35 Pp3c19_17380V3.1 Ubiquitin-like superfamily protein Pp3c19_17380 0.7240644251660467 50 Pp3c16_16960V3.1 N-terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases (Ntn hydrolases) superfamily protein PBF1, Pp3c16_16960 0.7218911689595882 39 Pp3c20_7570V3.1 mitochondrial acyl carrier protein 2 mtACP2, Pp3c20_7570 0.7215148681028511 57 Pp3c6_9540V3.1 No annotation Pp3c6_9540 0.716020141961672 94 Pp3c1_1570V3.1 Cytochrome b-c1 complex, subunit 8 protein Pp3c1_1570 0.7137177436032994 46 Pp3c4_10030V3.1 Transport protein particle (TRAPP) component Pp3c4_10030 0.7085549929866023 49 Pp3c6_2640V3.1 SPT4 homolog 2 SPT42, Pp3c6_2640 0.7020363774578154 59 Pp3c12_8100V3.1 SNARE-like superfamily protein Pp3c12_8100 0.699402296781033 55 Pp3c16_16760V3.1 Rab5-interacting family protein Pp3c16_16760 0.6908981948212974 63 Pp3c7_20680V3.1 NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-related Pp3c7_20680 0.6880818136922058 67 Pp3c4_15580V3.1 BolA-like family protein Pp3c4_15580 0.6875588872529739 68 Pp3c21_18250V3.1 heat stable protein 1 HS1, ATHS1, Pp3c21_18250 0.682176072330618 75 Pp3c4_20623V3.1 ADP-ribosylation factor A1E ARFA1E, ATARFA1E, Pp3c4_20623 0.6815001303712569 78 Pp3c3_14030V3.1 HVA22-like protein F HVA22F, Pp3c3_14030 0.6766515051802408 87 Pp3c18_17930V3.1 profilin 3 PRF5, Pp3c18_17930 0.6756935082518947 88 Pp3c1_6120V3.1 Defender against death (DAD family) protein ATDAD1, Pp3c1_6120 0.6729203011351097 95 Pp3c4_13580V3.1 vesicle-associated membrane protein 726 ATVAMP725, VAMP725, Pp3c4_13580 0.6721619756684134 99