Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr LOC_Os01g25600.1 LPA1 protein involved in PS-II assembly LPA1, LOC_Os01g25600 0.8573965126248174 19 LOC_Os02g33500.1 threonine-tRNA ligase EMB2761, LOC_Os02g33500 0.856544043475448 15 LOC_Os01g13770.1 triose phosphate:phosphate translocator. phosphometabolite transporter (TPT|PPT|GPT|XPT) TPT, APE2, LOC_Os01g13770 0.8423675907640117 16 LOC_Os11g43600.1 PrfA-type translation peptide chain release factor APG3, LOC_Os11g43600 0.837800953457258 28 LOC_Os01g12220.1 manganese/calcium cation transporter (BICAT) LOC_Os01g12220 0.8341599633706188 12 LOC_Os10g39800.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os10g39800 0.8308976436321754 12 LOC_Os10g10170.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein MRL1, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q0wlc6|pp349_arath : 808.0) MRL1, LOC_Os10g10170 0.8293986678219841 13 LOC_Os04g50110.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os04g50110 0.814178038103305 24 LOC_Os12g35630.1 EF-Ts translation elongation factor emb2726, LOC_Os12g35630 0.80952927989735 37 LOC_Os03g29730.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os03g29730 0.8056675145031997 46 LOC_Os01g21820.1 component SecA2 of inner envelope Sec2 post-import insertion system. component SecA1 of thylakoid membrane Sec1 translocation system SECA1, AtcpSecA, AGY1, LOC_Os01g21820 0.801742114907948 43 LOC_Os10g39930.1 carotenoid epsilon ring hydroxylase CYP97C1, LUT1, LOC_Os10g39930 0.8016997144345771 28 LOC_Os02g50560.1 RNA helicase (ISE2) ISE2, PDE317, EMB25, LOC_Os02g50560 0.8013462814865114 74 LOC_Os10g42700.1 Probable inactive shikimate kinase like 2, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o82290|skl2_arath : 353.0) SKL2, LOC_Os10g42700 0.8007806565568578 45 LOC_Os02g57010.1 33 kDa ribonucleoprotein, chloroplastic OS=Nicotiana sylvestris (sp|p19684|roc5_nicsy : 154.0) LOC_Os02g57010 0.8002272501799809 15 LOC_Os04g34460.1 no description available(sp|q0jd85|pap7_orysj : 445.0) LOC_Os04g34460 0.7993577025635757 50 LOC_Os08g24390.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os08g24390 0.7966961051062694 73 LOC_Os02g15660.1 Protein TSS OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jkh6|tss_arath : 538.0) LOC_Os02g15660 0.7946230991437956 24 LOC_Os03g57220.2 glycolate oxidase LOC_Os03g57220 0.7896115804095543 97 LOC_Os01g66980.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g66980 0.7885327622939575 71 LOC_Os12g10640.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os12g10640 0.7879591789897047 31 LOC_Os04g46010.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g02150 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8lps6|ppr3_arath : 404.0) LOC_Os04g46010 0.786627580158461 34 LOC_Os07g18720.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os07g18720 0.7835522097476479 40 LOC_Os05g49970.1 IF-2 translation initiation factor FUG1, LOC_Os05g49970 0.7831567774042552 100 LOC_Os04g53490.1 LCNP non-photochemical quenching regulator lipocalin CHL, LOC_Os04g53490 0.7781866583445777 26 LOC_Os02g03670.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os02g03670 0.776418208999156 27 LOC_Os02g02550.1 protein folding catalyst (FKBP) LOC_Os02g02550 0.7749817283883537 28 LOC_Os03g31150.3 RAP domain-containing protein, chloroplastic OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q84mh1|rap_orysj : 1013.0) ATRAP, RAP, LOC_Os03g31150 0.7745105820174566 83 LOC_Os03g52130.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os03g52130 0.7689576980138852 33 LOC_Os08g14450.1 basal transcription factor (Sigma) SIGF, SIG6, SOLDAT8, ATSIG6, LOC_Os08g14450 0.768741559166016 81 LOC_Os01g44210.1 component psRPL31 of large ribosomal subunit proteome emb2184, LOC_Os01g44210 0.7632243904585502 37 LOC_Os07g38300.1 RRF translation ribosome recycling factor AtcpRRF, HFP108, cpRRF, RRF, LOC_Os07g38300 0.7600367427066423 87 LOC_Os07g04160.2 protein folding catalyst (FKBP) LOC_Os07g04160 0.7584586430896584 85 LOC_Os07g37830.1 protein folding catalyst LOC_Os07g37830 0.7509595946970037 79 LOC_Os02g55120.1 IF-3 translation initiation factor LOC_Os02g55120 0.7508973687146221 75 LOC_Os01g10810.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g10810 0.7474443953268396 48 LOC_Os09g35990.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os09g35990 0.7473189217021834 51 LOC_Os06g43860.1 transcription factor (KNOX) KNAT3, LOC_Os06g43860 0.7446993031346083 59 LOC_Os03g52460.1 ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase APL1, ADG2, LOC_Os03g52460 0.7438597040766513 96 LOC_Os01g42280.1 RNA editing factor (CRR21) CRR21, LOC_Os01g42280 0.7410895428123695 58 LOC_Os03g36540.1 component CHL-I of magnesium-chelatase complex CHL I2, CHLI2, CHLI-2, LOC_Os03g36540 0.7405673694758603 60 LOC_Os11g29230.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g11290, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q3e6q1|ppr32_arath : 483.0) CRR22, LOC_Os11g29230 0.7364168602045728 73 LOC_Os08g42850.4 protein folding catalyst (FKBP) LOC_Os08g42850 0.7361476079699002 68 LOC_Os09g24530.1 lysine N-methyltransferase involved in RuBisCo regulation LOC_Os09g24530 0.7356415958915113 84 LOC_Os09g36040.1 Rhodanese-like domain-containing protein 14, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q94a65|str14_arath : 262.0) LOC_Os09g36040 0.7308972976478213 73 LOC_Os11g05552.1 Signal recognition particle 54 kDa protein, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|p37107|sr54c_arath : 210.0) 54CP, SRP54CP, CPSRP54, FFC, LOC_Os11g05552 0.7307547508701243 74 LOC_Os06g01850.1 ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase FNR2, ATLFNR2, LOC_Os06g01850 0.7296717179846106 97 LOC_Os02g09150.1 proton-translocating pyrophosphatase (VHP1) AtVHP1;1, AVP1, ATAVP3, AVP-3, LOC_Os02g09150 0.7278453286347771 77 LOC_Os02g38820.1 HHL1 protein involved in PS-II assembly LOC_Os02g38820 0.7269819255599864 83 LOC_Os03g22780.1 divinyl chlorophyllide-a 8-vinyl-reductase PCB2, LOC_Os03g22780 0.7265678006278415 81 LOC_Os02g32780.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g13650 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9svp7|pp307_arath : 310.0) LOC_Os02g32780 0.7233106153826412 84 LOC_Os11g38030.1 CDK5RAP1-like protein OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q2r1u4|ck5p1_orysj : 1046.0) LOC_Os11g38030 0.7158301893144663 95 LOC_Os08g37720.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os08g37720 0.7139485122375802 98