Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr LOC_Os04g59460.1 DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor homolog 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m086|dcaf1_arath : 1240.0) DCAF1, LOC_Os04g59460 0.9586408310529687 2 LOC_Os07g31400.1 transcription factor (FAR1) FRS4, LOC_Os07g31400 0.9520339855256302 7 LOC_Os06g01320.1 Helicase protein MOM1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m658|mom1_arath : 314.0) MOM1, MOM, LOC_Os06g01320 0.9519568098116277 8 LOC_Os02g04480.1 component SF3B3 of splicing factor 3B complex LOC_Os02g04480 0.9494515075739364 14 LOC_Os03g26960.1 component MAC7 of non-snRNP MOS4-associated complex EMB2765, LOC_Os03g26960 0.943597826013977 16 LOC_Os06g20090.1 NUP155 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex NUP155, LOC_Os06g20090 0.9407274469444953 22 LOC_Os08g37904.2 Methyl-CpG-binding domain-containing protein 8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lme6|mbd8_arath : 105.0) ATMBD8, MBD8, LOC_Os08g37904 0.9406438093690324 8 LOC_Os10g16640.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os10g16640 0.9399353209853749 8 LOC_Os09g29750.1 Methyl-CpG-binding domain-containing protein 8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lme6|mbd8_arath : 88.6) ATMBD8, MBD8, LOC_Os09g29750 0.9395825334177895 9 LOC_Os03g12450.1 NUP133 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex LOC_Os03g12450 0.9395708017887857 44 LOC_Os01g47800.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g47800 0.9383908182202494 25 LOC_Os07g37640.1 component ELP1 of ELONGATOR transcription elongation complex ABO1, ELO2, LOC_Os07g37640 0.9383503008951085 19 LOC_Os07g45064.1 component TRA1 of SAGA transcription co-activator complex. protein kinase (PIKK) LOC_Os07g45064 0.9373413814067562 20 LOC_Os02g37920.1 component PMS1 of MLH1-PMS1 heterodimer PMS1, LOC_Os02g37920 0.937079039492583 35 LOC_Os08g04170.1 C3H zinc finger transcription factor LOC_Os08g04170 0.9358644587518293 15 LOC_Os04g25550.1 component SPT16 of FACT histone chaperone complex SPT16, LOC_Os04g25550 0.9347584249685507 16 LOC_Os09g07360.1 FRIGIDA-like protein 3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q67zb3|frl3_arath : 449.0) LOC_Os09g07360 0.9344418666135655 17 LOC_Os02g43920.1 component APC8 of (APC/C)-dependent ubiquitination arc lamp subcomplex CDC23, APC8, LOC_Os02g43920 0.9332778304240117 18 LOC_Os11g08660.1 no hits & (original description: none) MEI1, LOC_Os11g08660 0.9316714045758601 19 LOC_Os04g06770.2 siRNA-integrating factor (AGO) AGO4, OCP11, LOC_Os04g06770 0.9313344237744442 65 LOC_Os11g36390.1 component RFC1 of PCNA sliding clamp loader complex RFC1, AtRFC1, LOC_Os11g36390 0.9308947228751783 50 LOC_Os02g58490.1 RIS-Complex miRNA recruiting factor (AGO1) AGO1, LOC_Os02g58490 0.930575437855755 56 LOC_Os06g37640.1 MINIYO RNA polymerase regulator protein LOC_Os06g37640 0.9304698002098106 23 LOC_Os03g62660.1 transcription factor (FAR1) FRS8, LOC_Os03g62660 0.9303976482243235 24 LOC_Os02g05880.1 subunit 1 of Pol V RNA polymerase DRD3, ATNRPD1B, NRPD1B, NRPE1, DMS5, LOC_Os02g05880 0.9299492087000906 55 LOC_Os04g51900.1 NUP88 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex MOS7, LOC_Os04g51900 0.9297009492796251 75 LOC_Os02g52820.1 component THOC5 of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex THO5, AtTHO5, LOC_Os02g52820 0.9292507470769317 27 LOC_Os02g15220.2 transcriptional co-activator (BET/GTE) GTE4, LOC_Os02g15220 0.9291367690722089 28 LOC_Os04g54840.1 subunit 2 of Pol IV RNA polymerase. subunit 2 of Pol V RNA polymerase DRD2, NRPE2, NRPD2A, NRPD2, DMS2, LOC_Os04g54840 0.9289873439345219 91 LOC_Os03g07580.1 NUP96 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex NUP96, PRE, SAR3, MOS3, LOC_Os03g07580 0.9286926790502827 30 LOC_Os01g49180.1 DNA ligase (LIG6) AtLIG6, LIG6, LOC_Os01g49180 0.928326441461709 31 LOC_Os06g19660.1 scaffold component VCS of mRNA decapping complex VCS, LOC_Os06g19660 0.9279867682804558 32 LOC_Os09g39270.1 component Pcf11 of Cleavage Factor II (CF-IIm) complex LOC_Os09g39270 0.926489960869891 33 LOC_Os08g44510.1 O-fucosyltransferase (SPY) SPY, LOC_Os08g44510 0.9257105858823783 74 LOC_Os01g42710.1 LSD/LOL programmed cell death regulator protein LOC_Os01g42710 0.925652553920517 48 LOC_Os03g06950.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os03g06950 0.925484229403554 37 LOC_Os03g28310.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os03g28310 0.9254542597736347 37 LOC_Os05g41172.2 class V/Su(var) histone methyltransferase component of histone lysine methylation/demethylation. methylated DNA binding component SUVH1/3 of SUVH-DNAJ methylation reader complex SUVH1, LOC_Os05g41172 0.9253697712134624 38 LOC_Os02g49090.1 scaffold component VCS of mRNA decapping complex VCS, LOC_Os02g49090 0.9249613994509149 42 LOC_Os07g41564.1 crosslink repair helicase (HRQ1) LOC_Os07g41564 0.9245695595398812 40 LOC_Os02g06500.1 RNA helicase component SKI2 of SUPERKILLER (SKI) regulation complex LOC_Os02g06500 0.9243814896631254 63 LOC_Os06g40600.1 protein factor SNU114/U5-116kDa of U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) CLO, GFA1, MEE5, LOC_Os06g40600 0.9239679946390108 79 LOC_Os02g32570.1 chromatin remodeling factor (Rad5) RAD5, LOC_Os02g32570 0.9237933045187295 55 LOC_Os10g36810.1 protein factor (NERD) of non-canonical RdDM pathway LOC_Os10g36810 0.9236377218847208 44 LOC_Os09g07120.1 nuclear-encoded organellar RNA polymerase (NEP) LOC_Os09g07120 0.923550180565335 84 LOC_Os03g58640.1 no hits & (original description: none) emb1967, LOC_Os03g58640 0.9235064507648838 56 LOC_Os07g48850.2 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sad9|ppr40_arath : 427.0) LOC_Os07g48850 0.9233137930345087 54 LOC_Os11g46240.1 DEAD-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase 14 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8h136|rh14_arath : 603.0) ATDRH1, DRH1, LOC_Os11g46240 0.9233007955963283 48 LOC_Os06g01680.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os06g01680 0.9230267022840599 49 LOC_Os08g02130.2 no hits & (original description: none) EMB140, LOC_Os08g02130 0.9227653106518242 50 LOC_Os04g53380.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os04g53380 0.9223805077765261 51 LOC_Os06g23460.1 RNA-binding KH domain-containing protein RCF3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8w4b1|rcf3_arath : 483.0) LOC_Os06g23460 0.9221469308928877 52 LOC_Os01g10050.2 pre-mRNA splicing regulator (DDX5) LOC_Os01g10050 0.9221194618541799 53 LOC_Os07g08050.1 assembly factor MMS19 of cytosolic CIA system transfer phase LOC_Os07g08050 0.9220820008820544 80 LOC_Os02g14730.1 deubiquitinase (UBP15-21) UBP15, LOC_Os02g14730 0.9220156945346539 55 LOC_Os02g39840.1 component eIF-iso4G of eIF-iso4F unwinding complex eIFiso4G1, LOC_Os02g39840 0.9209716010540234 57 LOC_Os01g72880.1 component MLH1 of MLH1-PMS1 heterodimer MLH1, ATMLH1, LOC_Os01g72880 0.9207434171975895 58 LOC_Os08g40830.1 Pumilio homolog 5 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9ljx4|pum5_arath : 615.0) LOC_Os08g40830 0.9199239187079185 59 LOC_Os05g24150.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At2g34400 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o64705|pp184_arath : 465.0) LOC_Os05g24150 0.9198821620962266 60 LOC_Os08g04780.1 lysine-specific demethylase (LDL/KDM1) LDL2, LOC_Os08g04780 0.919799888610308 61 LOC_Os08g16780.1 small subunit of TFIIIf transcription factor complex LOC_Os08g16780 0.9194294514348891 62 LOC_Os06g41750.1 component APC3 of (APC/C)-dependent ubiquitination arc lamp subcomplex HBT, CDC27b, LOC_Os06g41750 0.9191212474757218 63 LOC_Os02g01740.1 RNA helicase (Brr2) emb1507, LOC_Os02g01740 0.9190997947953617 64 LOC_Os01g74470.1 subfamily ABCB transporter PGP20, LOC_Os01g74470 0.919034505165322 66 LOC_Os04g41140.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g06710, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m9x9|ppr18_arath : 924.0) LOC_Os04g41140 0.9181851516827026 67 LOC_Os05g38190.2 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At2g27610 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9zuw3|pp172_arath : 897.0) LOC_Os05g38190 0.9179295380008132 68 LOC_Os11g42420.1 NUP107 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex LOC_Os11g42420 0.9177604747864433 86 LOC_Os05g41790.1 C3H zinc finger transcription factor LOC_Os05g41790 0.9175223542102805 71 LOC_Os05g37410.1 methylcytosine-specific DNA glycosylase (ROS1). bifunctional DNA glycosylase/lyase (ROS1) DML1, ROS1, LOC_Os05g37410 0.9174812896088018 72 LOC_Os01g70670.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g70670 0.9172326688295203 73 LOC_Os02g46450.2 ATPase component PIE1 of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex SRCAP, PIE1, chr13, LOC_Os02g46450 0.9171704071132208 96 LOC_Os09g07500.1 protein factor PRPF3 of U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP). protein factors (PRPF3) of U4/U6 U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) LOC_Os09g07500 0.9167992822908243 75 LOC_Os01g40250.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g40250 0.9164199707479361 76 LOC_Os09g03600.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os09g03600 0.9162635355283844 81 LOC_Os04g34720.2 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os04g34720 0.9160633792062535 79 LOC_Os10g41790.1 nMAT1/2 type-I mitochondrial RNA splicing factor LOC_Os10g41790 0.9152986010353464 80 LOC_Os12g25720.1 ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein FIGL1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jex5|figl1_arath : 152.0) LOC_Os12g25720 0.9149754583608385 81 LOC_Os10g27990.1 component SEC15 of Exocyst complex SEC15A, LOC_Os10g27990 0.9149410085912315 82 LOC_Os12g07730.1 component BAF255/170 of chromatin remodeling complex CHB4, SWI3C, ATSWI3C, LOC_Os12g07730 0.9148991335417374 99 LOC_Os09g04890.1 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase TRX1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q6k431|trx1_orysj : 2038.0) SDG30, ATX2, LOC_Os09g04890 0.914749067260675 84 LOC_Os06g47570.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g65560 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lsl9|pp445_arath : 515.0) LOC_Os06g47570 0.9144551717741394 85 LOC_Os01g11370.1 Probable pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DEAH9 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jrj6|deah9_arath : 999.0) LOC_Os01g11370 0.9144310316242424 86 LOC_Os04g47270.1 lysine-specific demethylase (LDL/KDM1) FLD, LOC_Os04g47270 0.913809671878178 88 LOC_Os07g44210.1 chromatin remodeling factor (SMARCAL1) CHA18, CHR18, LOC_Os07g44210 0.9137504571418053 97 LOC_Os08g41900.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os08g41900 0.9133094418314895 91 LOC_Os06g07080.1 protein factor PRPF8/SUS2 of U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) EMB33, SUS2, EMB177, EMB14, LOC_Os06g07080 0.9131229603981 92 LOC_Os04g46310.1 SSU processome assembly factor (UTP10) LOC_Os04g46310 0.9128381398954823 93 LOC_Os06g30440.1 Probable indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase GH3.7 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q654m1|gh37_orysj : 1191.0) GH3.17, LOC_Os06g30440 0.9126502540306037 94 LOC_Os02g37856.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os02g37856 0.9125435661070476 95 LOC_Os12g07880.1 ARC5 plastid division dynamin-like protein DRP5B, ARC5, LOC_Os12g07880 0.9124853751150527 96 LOC_Os03g44484.1 DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB2 OS=Solanum lycopersicum (sp|q42877|rpb2_sollc : 717.0) EMB1989, RPB2, NRPB2, LOC_Os03g44484 0.9115863767060112 100