Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr LOC_Os11g36390.1 component RFC1 of PCNA sliding clamp loader complex RFC1, AtRFC1, LOC_Os11g36390 0.9504125526156055 9 LOC_Os08g12680.1 Protein FORGETTER 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4if36|fgt1_arath : 746.0) EMB1135, LOC_Os08g12680 0.9499527770527828 2 LOC_Os02g46450.2 ATPase component PIE1 of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex SRCAP, PIE1, chr13, LOC_Os02g46450 0.9464368215225756 4 LOC_Os09g04890.1 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase TRX1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q6k431|trx1_orysj : 2038.0) SDG30, ATX2, LOC_Os09g04890 0.943204927791951 4 LOC_Os07g08050.1 assembly factor MMS19 of cytosolic CIA system transfer phase LOC_Os07g08050 0.9397620738237549 17 LOC_Os08g43060.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os08g43060 0.9391779020686141 17 LOC_Os02g49992.1 component MED23 of tail module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex LOC_Os02g49992 0.9383006280677813 25 LOC_Os01g61930.1 scaffold component GANP/SAC3 of TREX-2 mRNP trafficking complex LOC_Os01g61930 0.937892573754228 13 LOC_Os01g07490.1 regulatory cofactor (RST1) of exosome complex RST1, LOC_Os01g07490 0.9362946167351218 9 LOC_Os05g51480.1 component DDB1 of UV-damaged DNA-binding protein (UV-DDB) heterodimer. core adaptor component DDB1 of COP10-DET1 (CDD) subcomplex. core adapter component (DDB1) of CUL4-DDB1 ubiquitination complex DDB1A, LOC_Os05g51480 0.935138040201175 25 LOC_Os08g44510.1 O-fucosyltransferase (SPY) SPY, LOC_Os08g44510 0.9350306074395944 32 LOC_Os03g44900.1 component NOT3/5 of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex LOC_Os03g44900 0.934410646564915 14 LOC_Os02g10790.1 NUP205 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex LOC_Os02g10790 0.934407663937143 44 LOC_Os06g20090.1 NUP155 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex NUP155, LOC_Os06g20090 0.9341779735543234 49 LOC_Os04g41490.1 subunit 1 of Pol III RNA polymerase NRPC1, LOC_Os04g41490 0.9334398052786712 49 LOC_Os08g04280.1 component ARP4 of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex ARP4, ATARP4, LOC_Os08g04280 0.9315355653842997 54 LOC_Os02g01180.1 motor protein (Kinesin-6) LOC_Os02g01180 0.9297051212211513 39 LOC_Os06g40600.1 protein factor SNU114/U5-116kDa of U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) CLO, GFA1, MEE5, LOC_Os06g40600 0.9288938411158228 55 LOC_Os03g58640.1 no hits & (original description: none) emb1967, LOC_Os03g58640 0.928128585203142 42 LOC_Os12g07730.1 component BAF255/170 of chromatin remodeling complex CHB4, SWI3C, ATSWI3C, LOC_Os12g07730 0.926973056203611 38 LOC_Os02g07120.1 adaptor protein exchange factor (CAND1) HVE, TIP120, CAND1, ATCAND1, ETA2, LOC_Os02g07120 0.9267885377275716 41 LOC_Os02g05880.1 subunit 1 of Pol V RNA polymerase DRD3, ATNRPD1B, NRPD1B, NRPE1, DMS5, LOC_Os02g05880 0.9258133376549305 73 LOC_Os11g32900.1 cell cycle interphase key regulator RBR, ATRBR1, RBR1, RB1, RB, LOC_Os11g32900 0.9250355279000729 23 LOC_Os07g29360.1 component VIP6/CTR9 of PAF1C transcription initiation and elongation complex ELF8, VIP6, LOC_Os07g29360 0.9248436444876864 24 LOC_Os07g31400.1 transcription factor (FAR1) FRS4, LOC_Os07g31400 0.9246499290909989 55 LOC_Os11g46240.1 DEAD-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase 14 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8h136|rh14_arath : 603.0) ATDRH1, DRH1, LOC_Os11g46240 0.923519607152085 43 LOC_Os09g39590.1 component CPSF100/Ydh1 of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex EMB1265, ATCPSF100, CPSF100, ESP5, LOC_Os09g39590 0.9234121689217057 91 LOC_Os06g01320.1 Helicase protein MOM1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m658|mom1_arath : 314.0) MOM1, MOM, LOC_Os06g01320 0.9232313109271806 85 LOC_Os02g22370.1 component AUG6 of Augmin gamma-TuRC recruiting complex LOC_Os02g22370 0.9228521775558719 98 LOC_Os03g22690.1 NUP93 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex LOC_Os03g22690 0.9225551216977754 30 LOC_Os02g49090.1 scaffold component VCS of mRNA decapping complex VCS, LOC_Os02g49090 0.9223739493372093 56 LOC_Os07g49320.1 component Symplekin/Pta1 of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex ESP4, LOC_Os07g49320 0.9222245241391627 60 LOC_Os10g30100.1 exoribonuclease (RRP6L) LOC_Os10g30100 0.9221065322399442 70 LOC_Os08g25060.1 subunit TFB1 of multifunctional TFIIh complex. component TFB1 of TFIIh basal transcription factor complex. transcription factor (BSD) LOC_Os08g25060 0.9217445744587313 80 LOC_Os01g68120.1 endoribonuclease (DCL3) ATDCL3, DCL3, LOC_Os01g68120 0.9212865730674498 49 LOC_Os09g39320.1 protein kinase (CTR1). protein kinase (MAP3K-RAF) CTR1, AtCTR1, SIS1, LOC_Os09g39320 0.9210272165924406 37 LOC_Os08g41900.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os08g41900 0.9208670962046525 38 LOC_Os09g03600.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os09g03600 0.920860061815201 58 LOC_Os04g59460.1 DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor homolog 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m086|dcaf1_arath : 1240.0) DCAF1, LOC_Os04g59460 0.9208268982551812 53 LOC_Os12g44390.1 component SMC1/TTN8 of cohesin regulator complex TTN8, ATSMC1, SMC1, LOC_Os12g44390 0.9201173920498839 41 LOC_Os03g22570.1 component CBP80 of CBP80-CBP20 mRNA Cap-Binding complex (CBC) ATCBP80, ABH1, ENS, CBP80, LOC_Os03g22570 0.919655985789175 88 LOC_Os08g04170.1 C3H zinc finger transcription factor LOC_Os08g04170 0.9193995032074547 43 LOC_Os12g38380.1 component CstF77/Rna14 of Cleavage Stimulatory Factor (CstF) complex ATCSTF77, CSTF77, LOC_Os12g38380 0.9188524035395221 44 LOC_Os02g39920.1 cohesin cofactor (PDS5) LOC_Os02g39920 0.9172879947612871 48 LOC_Os01g70670.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g70670 0.9170177619871172 47 LOC_Os05g01690.1 component ADA3 of SAGA transcription co-activator complex LOC_Os05g01690 0.9168247233785093 48 LOC_Os02g06500.1 RNA helicase component SKI2 of SUPERKILLER (SKI) regulation complex LOC_Os02g06500 0.9167005895533253 96 LOC_Os06g23460.1 RNA-binding KH domain-containing protein RCF3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8w4b1|rcf3_arath : 483.0) LOC_Os06g23460 0.9165678362284877 50 LOC_Os02g04040.1 component SMC3/TTN7 of cohesin regulator complex TTN7, SMC3, LOC_Os02g04040 0.916345887003086 51 LOC_Os04g56630.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os04g56630 0.9162839343579358 52 LOC_Os06g22550.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os06g22550 0.9161649771997047 85 LOC_Os03g26960.1 component MAC7 of non-snRNP MOS4-associated complex EMB2765, LOC_Os03g26960 0.9160943269761468 84 LOC_Os03g07160.1 phenylpropanoid biosynthesis regulator (SAGL1) LOC_Os03g07160 0.9160667681418918 55 LOC_Os02g57780.1 component SMG8 of SMG1C protein kinase complex LOC_Os02g57780 0.9160142151087413 56 LOC_Os06g45800.1 no hits & (original description: none) MEE44, LOC_Os06g45800 0.9155756550050655 58 LOC_Os02g03590.1 ATR-kinase co-activator (ATRIP) LOC_Os02g03590 0.9144456939879839 60 LOC_Os12g34330.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os12g34330 0.9144190621709148 61 LOC_Os12g01922.1 regulatory component RAPTOR of TORC complex RAPTOR1, ATRAPTOR1B, RAPTOR1B, LOC_Os12g01922 0.9138888872038796 62 LOC_Os03g14980.1 transcriptional repressor (TPL). transcriptional co-repressor (TPL/TPR) TPR1, LOC_Os03g14980 0.9138684559320297 78 LOC_Os04g59510.1 PHD finger transcription factor LOC_Os04g59510 0.9132777692367926 66 LOC_Os11g08660.1 no hits & (original description: none) MEI1, LOC_Os11g08660 0.9127219814741961 71 LOC_Os01g13470.1 RNA-binding KH domain-containing protein RCF3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8w4b1|rcf3_arath : 175.0) LOC_Os01g13470 0.9124874881067835 69 LOC_Os03g03710.1 exoribonuclease (Dis3/RRP44) EMB2763, LOC_Os03g03710 0.9124443847251471 88 LOC_Os03g23935.1 protein factor PRPF4 of U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) EMB2776, LIS, LOC_Os03g23935 0.9124403289059991 99 LOC_Os04g52020.1 Protein FORGETTER 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4if36|fgt1_arath : 1189.0) EMB1135, LOC_Os04g52020 0.9119111093464105 73 LOC_Os05g41172.2 class V/Su(var) histone methyltransferase component of histone lysine methylation/demethylation. methylated DNA binding component SUVH1/3 of SUVH-DNAJ methylation reader complex SUVH1, LOC_Os05g41172 0.9118361785027166 74 LOC_Os11g38900.1 class V/Su(var) histone methyltransferase component of histone lysine methylation/demethylation. methylated DNA binding component SUVH1/3 of SUVH-DNAJ methylation reader complex SUVH3, SDG19, LOC_Os11g38900 0.9118353743934016 75 LOC_Os12g04750.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os12g04750 0.9117707780216365 76 LOC_Os04g52040.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os04g52040 0.911562605943563 77 LOC_Os02g33750.1 transcription factor (FAR1) FRS7, LOC_Os02g33750 0.9110515938326031 79 LOC_Os06g17840.1 cohesin cofactor (PDS5) LOC_Os06g17840 0.9108909170195938 81 LOC_Os12g25720.1 ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein FIGL1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jex5|figl1_arath : 152.0) LOC_Os12g25720 0.9108564895144757 82 LOC_Os02g14730.1 deubiquitinase (UBP15-21) UBP15, LOC_Os02g14730 0.9107231270973049 84 LOC_Os03g43800.1 transcription factor (MYB-related) ATALY3, ALY3, LOC_Os03g43800 0.9105259636842788 86 LOC_Os07g49260.1 KA120 nucleocytoplasmic import karyopherin LOC_Os07g49260 0.9103893043206208 88 LOC_Os06g19660.1 scaffold component VCS of mRNA decapping complex VCS, LOC_Os06g19660 0.9099742918535219 89 LOC_Os11g43934.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g14050, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o23266|pp308_arath : 647.0) LOC_Os11g43934 0.9096076000887287 91 LOC_Os01g74310.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g74310 0.9094443751955861 92 LOC_Os10g34380.1 pre-mRNA-processing protein (PRP40C) ATPRP40C, PRP40C, LOC_Os10g34380 0.9091128148779407 94 LOC_Os10g02650.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g62370 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lva2|pp443_arath : 408.0) LOC_Os10g02650 0.9086629714788387 96 LOC_Os07g05610.2 no hits & (original description: none) ATILP1, ILP1, LOC_Os07g05610 0.9079764757007348 99